Here's what the iPod directory or index would show after I sync a 100 song playlist with 37 artists drawn from 20 albums:
Artists: 37
Songs: 100
Albms: 20
Playlists: 0
If I add another, different playlist, say one with 10 classical selections from 5 artists and 3 albums:
Artists: 42 (as in the prior 37 + the 5 new)
Songs: 110 (prior 100 + the 10 new)
Albums: 23 (prior 20 + 3 new)
Playlists: 0
So instead of maintaining the arrangements as "playlists," each with their own integrity and unique selections, it just adds the pieces to the overall list. I can play everything, and if I set the pod to shuffle, it will shuffle throughout the directory. But then I get R.E.M. back to back with Rachmaninoff, even though they were uploaded in the form of two different playlists and I didn't intend them to ever appear in the same playlist.
I've tried "sending" the playlist to the iPod and also dragging and dropping in the iPod window on the left side. It adds the components (songs, etc.) but not the actual ordered and structured playlist AS A PLAYLIST.
I hope that makes sense.
I'm still fuzzy about a few things you're describing, so please forgive me if I say things here that you already understand. I feel like one of us just isn't understanding the other -- I'm just not clear exactly where the confusion is taking place. It "seems" like you're either 1) not syncing the actual "Playlists" themselves, but simply syncing all the files from the playlists, or 2) that you're not accessing the files via the "Playlist" category on the iPod.
My main questions, therefore, are:
1) Are you actually selecting the playlists when you sync the iPod? In other words, do you go to the sync options and specifically put a check next to the playlists you want to sync over to the iPod? You need to do this if you want to actually access these playlists on the iPod.
2) When you access the songs on the iPod, are you doing so via Music > Playlists? When you sync playlists to the iPod, you can STILL access all the songs via the normal Genre/Artist/Album approach, in which case you'll see ALL the songs from ALL the playlists grouped together. In order to just access a SINGLE PLAYLIST'S group of songs, you need to do so via the iPod's "Playlist" category. This is simply the way the iPod works, and has nothing to do with MC. It "sounds" like you are still accessing the songs via the OTHER categories (Genre, Artist, Album), which will display ALL the files on the iPod.
When I sync playlists to the iPod, these lists show up under the same playlist name I used in MC, and if I select one of these lists, I see the songs in the same order that they were displayed in when I created the list in MC.
Does this explain what you're seeing, or am I just completely misunderstanding the problem?