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Author Topic: Issues with iTunes Videos and unable to use gforce for Itunes music  (Read 2070 times)


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Hello There,

I have a couple of niggling problems with Media Centre.

In summary:

1) I cannot get iTunes videos to import into MC
2) When I use jriver media center to play my itunes music, geforce doesn't work. However, when I use iTunes to play the music purchased from itunes, it works with no problem. Geforce works with no problem for non itunes music.

In more depth:

1) I cannot get iTunes videos to import into MC

I saw a post about the same problem here:;topicseen 

I can confirm that I can indeed play these videos with Quick Time / iTunes with no problem. The file types is m4v.

Please find my system details below:

Windows XP
Home Edition
Version 2002
Service Pack 2

AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3200
2.20 GHz. 1.00GB of RAM

I am on MC 12.0.318.

2) When I use jriver media center to play my itunes music, geforce doesn't work. However, when I use iTunes to play the music purchased from itunes, it works with no problem. Geforce works with no problem for non itunes music.

Music I purchased from the itunes music store does not display visualisations in jriver media centre.

There isn't even the option to turn it on.

However, when I use iTunes, the visualisations work with no problem.

I contacted Sound Spectrum about this, and their response was as follows:
"The problem that you described sounds like an issue with J River and their ability to pass along sound data for DRM music files and you may want to check with them on this issue."

So - in summary:

* I cannot get iTunes DRM'd videos to import into MC
* When I use jriver media center to play my itunes music, geforce doesn't work. However, when I use iTunes to play the music purchased from itunes, it works with no problem.

I'd dearly love help with these issues - if you need any more information please let me know.

And thanks for building a great product! :-)


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Re: Issues with iTunes Videos and unable to use gforce for Itunes music
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2007, 08:40:02 am »

Update to the build at the top of this forum.

MC uses QT to play apple formats if there's no other way and that's why GEForce won't work when playing them.

Please report back after trying the latest.

Apple has made a lot of changes lately.


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Re: Issues with iTunes Videos and unable to use gforce for Itunes music
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2007, 05:55:19 am »

Hi Jim,

Thank you for your speedy response.

As suggested, I have tried the latest build of MC (12.0.395) and both problems are still occuring  :'(

- Geforce still does not work when playing iTunes music through MC
- I am still unable to import videos purchased through iTunes.

Is this something that J River will be looking into further, or is there nothing you can do?

If you would like any assistance with troubleshooting the above, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

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Re: Issues with iTunes Videos and unable to use gforce for Itunes music
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2007, 08:58:13 am »

As suggested, I have tried the latest build of MC (12.0.395) and both problems are still occuring  :'(

- Geforce still does not work when playing iTunes music through MC

The movie files should work, but I don't have any to test it with so I can't help there.  For the music files and G-Force problem... Unfortunately, this is just the way it is.  The Quicktime Engine that MC uses to decode the encrypted iTunes store files can't use Visualizations at all.  MC can use visualizations on non-DRM encrypted iTunes files (as long as you enable DirectShow Playback of M4A files), but it can't for the M4P format, because they have to use Apple's software to decode them.

That is just one of the many reasons why I won't buy any music intentionally "broken" with DRM.  No thanks!!

It might be possible for you to decrypt the files you already own and remove the Apple FairPlay DRM.  Google is your friend.

So you know, Amazon is now selling music downloads in non-broken MP3 format (and they are much higher quality than the iTunes store versions too, to boot).  You can access this store directly through MC under Services & Plugins --> Amazon MP3 Store in MC's tree.  The MP3 files are just regular MP3s and would work on any player or program that supports them, and you are free to move them around to your different computers or devices however you want.
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Re: Issues with iTunes Videos and unable to use gforce for Itunes music
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2007, 09:01:25 am »

Are you sure the Movie files aren't just importing as Documents?  Do you have a Documents item in the tree in MC?  Are they in there?  If so, then MC is just not properly detecting that they are videos.  Make sure that the videos will play on your computer using Quicktime Player.  If so, then they should play fine in MC.  Simply select the files and change the Media Type tag to Video (you can do this in the Tag Action Window just like you would any other tag).
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Re: Issues with iTunes Videos and unable to use gforce for Itunes music
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2007, 11:40:27 am »

Hi there,

Thanks for your response :-)

Regarding the videos - no, unfortunately they're just not there at all - and now I come to think about it, I suppose MC does give me an error message of sorts - as when I do try to import them, MC acknowledges in a dialogue box that the import failed....I've got a screen shot of the message if any one is interested.

The files are DRM'd - probably another example of the evils of DRM?

It would be great if this could be fixed...but if not, well, I can always manually import them onto my ipod using iTunes....*spits on the ground* :-)

Regarding the Gforce issue - ah well. I'll have a look to see if I can remove the DRM. If not, I may resort to burning the music on to CDs then re-ripping as mp3s....should have that little job finished by next Christmas! ;-)

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Re: Issues with iTunes Videos and unable to use gforce for Itunes music
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2007, 12:36:35 pm »

ah well. I'll have a look to see if I can remove the DRM. If not, I may resort to burning the music on to CDs then re-ripping as mp3s....should have that little job finished by next Christmas! ;-)

Oh, there's a way without resorting to that.  You just have to look a little.
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Re: Issues with iTunes Videos and unable to use gforce for Itunes music
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2007, 04:46:55 pm »

Hi Jim et al,

Any update on the issue I reported regarding being unable to import videos purchased through itunes?

Warm Regards,

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Re: Issues with iTunes Videos and unable to use gforce for Itunes music
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2007, 11:45:55 am »

FWIW, I see the same issue. These are the m4v files. Play fine in QuickTime.

Upon looking at the logs the m4v files aren't 'analyzed' or imported...



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Re: Issues with iTunes Videos and unable to use gforce for Itunes music
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2007, 02:53:18 pm »

I have the same problem with m4v files. I don't think MC12 imports m4v files.

My fix is I rename them to mp4 files.  They work perfectly after that.
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