Thank you John
The other 3 are correct.
I'm not sure I follow... Whatever my locale is, if I type in 3/11/1913 why should it swap it to 11/3/1913 ?
I could understand it thinking I'm putting in MM/DD/YYYY when I'm intending DD/MM/YYYY, but even then it would still show as 3/11/1913 -- but it would just think it was the 11th of March and not the 3rd of November
I'm a little confused. Either it's thinking I'm inputting the date into the MM/DD/YYYY format and trying to correct it to my locale (DD/MM/YYYY)
...or it's doing the reverse: it's turning it from DD/MM/YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY for some reason
Whatever it's doing, it is definitely
swapping the format
Digital photos with timestamps and previously tagged photos still show the correct date in the DD/DD/YYY format (what I want), so this is a problem simply with inputting the date not displaying it.
What does "November, 1913" mean? Does it mean November 1st, 1913? November 1-30, 1913? Some random day in November?
November 1913 means I know the photo was taken in November of 1913 but I have no way of knowing the exact date. So I guess your last option. If I don't know it's November 1st, I'd rather not enter a "1"
I'm not sure what the correct behaviour should be... with digital photos we always know the day and usually the time...
With older scanned photos we may only know the month/year or only the year
If I enter a year only... should MC just assign it as 1st of January [That Year] ... or should it leave the month and day alone, because we don't know them
If I enter a month & year... should it assign it as 1st of [That Month] ... or should it leave the day empty because we don't know it
I don't know enough about how MC handles dates now to know how it can/should behave...
Only the standard date fields have this conversion logic. Internally MC uses always this "seconds since January 1st, 1970" system.
Is this still the case? If so, I understand the need to have the day and month filled in (usually as "1") as you need to generate a single number in seconds since 1/1/1970
If not, ideally I'd like to be able to just enter the information I actually know (ie JUST the year or JUST the year & month)
Ideally I would like to be able to leave a day empty or a month empty if I don't know them. This would allow dates of February 2004 as opposed to 1st February 2004
Currently, if a photo is listed as 1/12/1995, I don't know if it is actually the 1st of December or just a photo labeled December that MC has automatically assigned a day of "1" for
If a date is listed as 1/1/1976 ... it gets more complicated
Is it New Year's Day 1976
...or is it some random day in January of 1976 (don't know day)
...or is it some random day in 1976 (don't know day or month, just year)
Whatever the changes have been internally... the old system used to work for me, and this one doesn't at the moment
I hope I'm explaining myself okay

Thanks again