I use an old smallish laptop connected to my home stereo, running MC client and pulling from MC server across my home LAN.
This works great, and lets me take advantage of MC's playback controls, which aren't always available with streaming devices that have their own playback modes. For instance, MC provides sophisticated playlist formulas, consistent volume control, and flexible transition between songs. Plus the playback computer can display cover art or other fun/colorful images synchronized with the music.
I like MC to give me "radio station" sound (my field for many years), so I use "cross-fade (aggressive)" with 2 second overlap, which approximates a "segue" (as broadcasters call the transition between songs). I'm not aware that this playback effect, which is not the same as "gapless", can be achieved using a separate media streaming device.
(BTW, the term "cross-fade (aggressive)" is a misnomer, fortunately. Cross-fading is a technique disco DJs use to keep the dance beat going, but it is not how radio stations segue songs.)