I originally posted these instructions in
this thread on the MC12 board.
I realized that the same info might be useful for MJ12 users too. Especially if they don't have previous experience of recent JRiver programs. The screenshots are from MC12, but MJ12 works exactly the same way.
You can easily configure MJ12 to show the view items as thumbnail images on the top split and the files included in the selection as a detailed list on the bottom.
In the following screenshot I have selected the [Album Artists (auto)] field in the top dropdown menu. I have clicked the "Björk" thumbnail stack to select it. The bottom list has changed to show only the "Björk" files.

Click to enlarge.This the same view scheme after I have double-clicked the "Björk" item. It shows all "Björk" albums. I have selected the "Post" album and the bottom list shows only the tracks from this album. I can easily go back to the Album Artist display by pressing the back button. (= the small left arrow on the top left corner of the content pane. In addition, I have added the back and forward buttons on the top toolbar. Right-click the toolbar to edit.)

Click to enlarge.Here is a special view that I like very much. It shows my albums in the date imported order. Just like a physical CD shelf would contain them if you always just add the new CDs without reordering them.

Click to enlarge.The following screenshots give some hints about how I created this "CD shelf" view scheme.
I have created a new calculated library field using
[Album Artist (auto)] - [Album] as the templete:
(custom fields can be created in Options > Library & Folders > User Library Fields)

-- and added that library field to the view items:

The view scheme is set to display this Album/Artist field as thumbnails and the "Always Show Files" option is enabled:

The sort order is set to "Date Imported":

The thumbnail text is customized in "Customize Current View":
(The slider on the top right corner can adjust the thumbnail size directly in the content pane so it is unnecessary to change the thumbnail size values in the Customize Current View window.)

The bottom list has separate options:

You can adjust the size of the bottom list simply by dragging the horizontal divider. A double-click on the divider will quickly open or close the bottom list.