I'm at a loss....I've been able to build some thumbs but very slowly.
1. I've started at the beginning, and removed my thumbnail folder to start over.
2. I try to build thumbs in Options and when copmplete I still have thumbs start building when I switch into Video.
3. I just observed a crash while MC was building video thumbs (first time during this 3 day process).
4. I can play back all the various Xvid & Divx files via ffdshow, but it seems that until I deleted the thumbnail cache, certain files wouldn't have thumbs built for them. For example, I have mjpeg .avi files made by my canon camera. Many of the old movies had thumbs, made in the past, and newer movies simply won’t have thumbs built, yet I can play them with or without FFDshow installed.
5. One instance of JRworker is running annd my system becomes unusable (this with a stress testesed & statable quad-core). Cpu usage ranges bobs up & down between 10-40%.
6. I have removed Quicktiime and tried a few different builds of FFDSHOW. I have the newest CCCP installed as well.
7. I noticed that quartz.dll seems to be what ffdshow usesto complete the filter chain, so I manually set the filters in MC for avi and divx, but I can't be sure if this or deleting the old thumbnail cache is what helped; eother why I'm pretty sure I have a serious problem here.
Here is the log from the crash ((looks like the play/stop/thumbgrab is working but something USB related caused the crash?):
0000296: 6080: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetDeviceUSBStrings: Start
0000296: 6080: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetDeviceUSBStrings: USBSTOR: USBSTOR\DISK&VEN_GENERIC&PROD_2.0_READER-SD&REV_1.00\050314014271000008&2
0000296: 6080: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetDeviceUSBStrings: USBRoot: USB\VID_0BDA&PID_0103\050314014271000008
0000296: 6080: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetDeviceUSBStrings: Finish (0 ms)
0000296: 6080: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetMSCDevices: Data: VID_0BDA, PID_0103, REV_1.00
0000312: 6080: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetMSCDevices: Getting device name...
0000312: 6080: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetMSCDevices: Getting drive letter from DevicePath...
0000312: 6080: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetMSCDevices: CreateFile returned: 616
0000312: 6080: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetMSCDevices: Getting drive letter from SBP2 info...
0000312: 6080: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetMSCDevices: ParentIdPrefix: 7&14602d1&0
0000312: 6080: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetMSCDevices: Getting drive letter by searching for mathcing sysinfo...
0000312: 6080: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetMSCDevices: Found device (vendor: 0BDA, product: 0103, device id: 050314014271000008, drive letter: , add new: 1)
0000312: 6080: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetMSCDevices: Analyzing device 5
0000312: 6080: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetMSCDevices: Device interface invalid
0000312: 6080: Handheld: CMSCDeviceEnumerator::GetMSCDevices: Finish (47 ms)
0000312: 6080: Handheld: CAnalyzeDevices::EnumerateUSBDevices: Finish (47 ms)
0000312: 6080: Handheld: CWMDMInterface::~CWMDMInterface: Start
0000312: 6080: Handheld: CWMDMInterface::~CWMDMInterface: Finish (0 ms)
0000312: 6080: Handheld: CAnalyzeDevices::EnumerateDevices: Finish (281 ms)
63325766: 5020: General: RunProgram: Finished
63325766: 5020: General: RunProgram: Done waiting
63325766: 5020: General: RunProgram: Finish (375 ms)
63325766: 5020: Handheld: CWMDMThread::Thread: Worker finished (return: 0)
63325766: 5020: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\J River\Media Center 12\Temp\Devices (output) - 5020.xml
63325766: 5020: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\J River\Media Center 12\Temp\Devices (output) - 5020.xml
63325766: 5020: Handheld: CWMDMThread::Thread: Enumeration succeeded -- processing results
0011172: 4596: Playback: DriectShowScreenGrab: pbmpInfo: 0x55b0020
63325860: 2168: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Message: 0, wParam: 0, lParam: 0, Window class:
0011187: 4596: Playback: DriectShowScreenGrab: Created image? rspImage = 0x5a256b8
0011187: 4596: Playback: DriectShowScreenGrab: Was it pure black? rspImage = 0x5a256b8
0011187: 4596: Playback: DriectShowScreenGrab: Finish (250 ms)
0011187: 4596: Import: 0x11f4 CThumbnailGrabberWnd::GetThumbnailFromGraph: Image pointer: 94525112
0011187: 4596: Import: 0x11f4 CThumbnailGrabberWnd::GetThumbnailFromGraph: Finish (250 ms)
0011187: 4596: Import: 0x11f4 CThumbnailGrabberWnd::SeekPauseAndGrab: Finish (750 ms)
0011187: 4596: Import: 0x11f4 CThumbnailGrabberWnd::GetThumbnail: Stopping graph
63326016: 5020: Handheld: CWMDMThread::Thread: Finish (10625 ms)