Again, appreciate the help. I wanted to clarify- J River DOES show the cover art for all albums, but when I add the "Image File" column into the Smartlist view, all tracks show "Inside File" as the image location. Now, if I "remove cover art" from some tracks (removing the embedded images) and select NO to the "Remove from hard drive" question, leaving the images in the external directory, then the Quick Find will find and use the external image file. The problem with this is that it deletes the embedded cover art, which is required for my mp3 players and my Upnp Server / Clients.
If I simply use the "Quick Find in File / Cover Art Directory" then J River just finds and references the embedded cover art and doesn't even seem to search the external image directory.
Unfortunately, Cinemar requires that J River explicitly reference the external cover art to show the album images. Granted, I could fix this by removing embedded cover art from all mp3s, but I think that would put me in a worse situation. Ideally, I'd like to be able to "override" the J River setting of preferring embedded cover art so that all cover art would link to the external files, and do so without removing the embedded images.
Greg Hadlock