I got a good deal on a sansa e250, and syncing it with MC12 is very buggy.
So I'm considering new MP3 players, and I think that the 16 Gb Zen is at the top of my list.
I was looking at the Itouch, but have read about problems with it as well, with MC12, and would prefer to stay away from apple, because of the proprietary nature of the beast.... I would even use Itunes, but I also need to sync to my Garmin Zumo, which is not supported by apple... (ugh)
So most of the issues I've heard of with the Zen seem cosmetic duplicates shown in MC after sync.... are there any major issues or obscure things I would need to work around with the Zen? Also, do the duplicates disappear when you reopen the player in MC12 (just a database refresh issue)? Or would I eventually end up with a huge database.mpl file on my card (with duplicates) if I Sync'd daily?
My other question is if you can access the SD card through the player in MC12? Does it show up as another drive in MC? My zumo shows up this way, with the Zumo showing up as one physical drive and the SD as another (SD still in the GPS). I know that I cannot overflow a 17 Gb sync onto my SD card, but can if I set up a sync of podcasts that would be < 2 Gb to the SD, without removing the card from the player, this would be acceptable?
Many Thanks