I asked the following questions in another thread before I noticed this one. Sorry if some of these questions seem a bit basic, but I've just started investigating this feature, and I'm still unclear about some of the details of using stacks for the handheld cache. .
First, how does/will MC treat these files when tagging? If I change the tags of the "top" file in the stack (say a FLAC file) and have an mp3 stacked underneath it, will the tag changes apply to the other file/s in the stack? What if I make changes to the "top" file's actual filename and/or path, or if I "Move" the file from within MC? Will the matching mp3 automatically get these changes as well? Are there any circumstances where I'll have to deal with the FLAC and it's corresponding mp3 files separately?
In other words, can I work with the file as if it's a single file and not ever worry about having to mess with the stacked mp3?
If I want to view the properties of the "hidden," stacked mp3s, do I have to do this for one file at a time, or is there a way to tell MC to display all the stacked mp3 files at once? I'd like to be able to view and search the "hidden" mp3 files in order to check things like bitrate, etc. Is there a simple way to do this without messing with the stack structure?
On a related note, will there be some way to utilize my existing mp3s if I decide to re-rip as FLAC files so that I won't have to re-convert all the FLAC files? If so, how will MC deal with files that are named slightly differently, or have slightly different tags? I often make various corrections when I re-rip albums, and some of my "older" rips used different file naming rules. When I re-rip, some files will not have the same tags, filenames, or even paths as the older mp3 files. Will MC offer a way to deal with this situation -- i.e. to say "this is the mp3 that goes with this FLAC -- make the mp3 match the FLAC file's tags and naming structure"? This might also come into play if a file is accidentally edited while unstacked, resulting in a mismatch of some fields, or even the file's name or path.
Also, will there be a way of creating the coverted files without going through the "handheld" window? In other words, will there be a simple way to tell MC to take a group of my FLAC files, covert them to mp3s, and stack them with the corresponding FLAC files WITHOUT having to actually do a sync? I'd like to be able to do this process in chunks given that the process will take a LOT of hours.
Similarly, will there be a way to have MC create the "conversion cache files" during the ripping process? This seems like an ideal time to create the stacked mp3 files.
Finally, can I tell MC to "re-convert" the FLAC files and replace a current, lower bitrate mp3 with a newer, higher bitrate one, or do I have to manually delete the older mp3 files?
Thanks for helping me more fully understand the process,