While not a solution for the OP, I reckon we could make more mention of the "3D Visualization Images" playlist mentioned by Ross and still remain on topic, namely, playing images with music.
The feature that Ross is referring to does not get much mention on the forums and might be of interest to others reading:
Ross suggests making a playlist and adding image files to it, but I prefer to use a smartlist, that way, I get fresh pictures every time, and also, I prefer to use the "slideshow" preset, rather than the "picture cube".
It doesn't matter where you place the play list or smart list within the playlists node so long as it's named 3D Visualization Images
If you use a play list, then you'll need to add pictures to the list manually.
If you use a smart list, then you can get really neat results, and never really need to visit the smart list ever again!!
Once the list has been set up, start playing some music, then right click in the display window and choose "3D visualizations > Slideshow"
One drawback here is that it does not deal with portrait shots at all, showing them all on their sides. If that bothers you as much as it did me, it's possible to just exclude all portait shots from the list using the rule: [=isequal([width],[height],5)]=1
Once created, the 3D viz presets "Picture Terrain", "Image Cube" and "Slideshow" will all draw images from this list.
Picture Terrain is a bit mad, I don't use it!!