2. A polished Theater View is a must in my opinion.
You need to be more specific than that.
Ok, I will. I belive this is something that will sell more copies of MC.
When I speak of an Theater View overhaul I'm thinking mostly of the main menu. It looks rather old compared to Apple and Microsofts Media Centers.
When the main menu is fixed, the rest of the buttons and other textures in the underlaying pages would also need some work. A more shiny and glasslike buttons and textures would go a long way I think.
Much of this could probably be done with just another great looking skin. It would also help having a new super skin to emphazise that this really is a new version, and it brings something new to the table.
Not just for TV, but also for standard view, to make it complete. This makes me think of how it is today with the very good Noire in standard View, and then Obsidian in TV (as default!). What's up with that?
I'll just copy a previous idea I had, from another thread:
Tiles would look nice, but I think it's important to have it in one line as it is to day, to preserve the left and right browsing. That's prefferable imo.
Something like this just vertical maybe:
This could also work:
x x
x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
x Tile Art Tile Text x
x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
x x x x
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x
x Tile Text Tile Art x
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x
x x x
x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
x Tile Art Tile Text x
x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
x x x x
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x
x Tile Text Tile Art x
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx x
x x
More tiles on less space. Almost as todays menu, just with alternate tiles left and right. Squint if my illustration makes no sence.
The best look would be to have this, or the straight vertical tiles, expanding as you mark the tile. Zoom function if you like. Much like the picture above.
Theater View is one of the most important things of a Media Center in my opinion. If it's good looking as well, it will draw more attention from people visiting.
The first impression is something that will stick and probably make people try it out, or at least ask some more questions. IF they are impressed...