It should be simple and straight forward. I have the latest .531 build and on first opening, I go to 'Audio', then 'Artist', then scroll down to any particular artist name and have the 'All' highlighed under 'Album' and 'Genre' of course and I should see all enties for any artist I pick...right?
NO...I don't. I pick an artist say, 'Patti Page', MC12 states I have 2 songs(enties) and I know that couldn't be, so I use Windows own search and find all 27 Patti Page song I have. All the song are on the same drive within sub-directories within the folder that MC12 is suppose to be using.
If I just click open 'Audio' and stay right there, then click the heading 'Artist' I then see all enties for 'Patti Page'. But if I go looking for her I simply have the same 2 songs as above.
Any idea why this is happening?