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Author Topic: Adding New Database Fields [FEEDBACK WANTED]  (Read 16201 times)

Two Wire

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Re: Adding New Database Fields [FEEDBACK WANTED]
« Reply #50 on: October 28, 2008, 06:58:23 pm »

I'm not sure if this thread is audio only, but I would like to suggest a field that would allow me to display a full description of the video in theater view.


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Re: Adding New Database Fields [FEEDBACK WANTED]
« Reply #51 on: October 28, 2008, 10:08:19 pm »

Some people have mentioned that having multi-artist list capability is not a big deal since most albums have onle one main artist.

This is very much NOT true of asian music, particularly Indian, which is almost always 2 or more equally important artists.

I have been waiting for a multi-artist list field that can be delimited by semicolon or &.

In fact a MULTI-GENRE list field would be useful.  for example a song should be able to tagged as genre "soundtrack" and "rock" so that it shows up in the Genre panel under soundtrack OR rock. Again the '&' symbol or semicolon would be good delimiters.

Preferably the delimeter of your choice would be best.

The MAIN failure of Itunes and Ipod devices is this lack of functionality.

Media Center would be very much more useful if it could accomplish within the native artist and genre fields.  Currently I accomplish it in a secondary field called 'Artists' and 'Genres' and it is a lot of extra work to create these fields.

Thanks and I hope you can work this in...   massively important for my library!


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Re: Adding New Database Fields [FEEDBACK WANTED]
« Reply #52 on: October 29, 2008, 06:54:11 am »

maybe later! today i'll start one against all those designers who think the on/of switch belongs at the back of equipment.

we are two on this one
we may start a boycott campaign ;)


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Re: [Off Topic] Re: Adding New Database Fields [FEEDBACK WANTED]
« Reply #53 on: October 29, 2008, 06:56:19 am »

Could you include the designers who do not add a main on/off switch? I just got a new electricity bill and after reading it I roughly calculated how much all the connected power adapters and other stuff without a main power switch around the house use electricity without doing nothing. The total amount wasn't insignificant.

Here , in France , they say than around 20% of electricity bill is generated by on stand-by gear


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Re: Adding New Database Fields [FEEDBACK WANTED]
« Reply #54 on: October 29, 2008, 07:14:41 am »

I assume this post is about TXXX format , not the Comment a la Music Match from before.

In this case i would like very much a Country field [ asking is free , don't it ? :)

I have serious problems with classic

Most of the time the track name only is longer than the Windows allowed x characters

So i put a trunked track name in Name and full track name in Comment or custom tag
I would like to be able to see it in full in library.
On a second line

First line Artist -Album -trunked Name
And below the full track name

Not sure I'm making myself clear


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Re: Adding New Database Fields [FEEDBACK WANTED]
« Reply #55 on: October 29, 2008, 11:36:27 am »

Multiple artists are separated by list separator so no need for "Artist A & Artist B = Artist B & Artist A" (unless I misunderstood smth here).

Ahh but the default [Artist] field is not a list type field, so that's one of the workarounds i use for multiple artists.

So i would say Artist A & Artist B but some time later the same artists crop up but the names get reversed, technically its the same artists and should both be incld as the same [Artist]  but its difficult to find when this happens.

Sorted fields can be updated on request from their corresponding fields (so no need for calculation on-the-fly of sorted fields) and excessive CPU usage is avoided. I think the idea to keep centrally the link between Normal value and Sorted value is still a good idea.

Not sure i follow what you mean.

Some people have mentioned that having multi-artist list capability is not a big deal since most albums have onle one main artist.

This is very much NOT true of asian music, particularly Indian, which is almost always 2 or more equally important artists.

I have been waiting for a multi-artist list field that can be delimited by semicolon or &.

You can already do this with custom list fields, the default [Artist] field is not of list type as it would be breaking the standard, i don't think there is a single player out there that could recognise MC's list type fields and vice versa with other players that support this functionality. It's all home made cos user's demand it.

Maybe they might include this functionality in an upcoming tag standard but i would not hold my breath for that to happen as there is a considerable lag between de jure standards and the defacto ones.

Most of the time the track name only is longer than the Windows allowed x characters

So i put a trunked track name in Name and full track name in Comment or custom tag
I would like to be able to see it in full in library.
On a second line

First line Artist -Album -trunked Name
And below the full track name

Not sure I'm making myself clear

Ooh la-la, now  that's a revolutionary thought :D


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Re: Adding New Database Fields [FEEDBACK WANTED]
« Reply #56 on: November 25, 2008, 01:38:47 pm »

First Sorry for my poor english.

I think the [Media Sub Type] field is very good. I have tried others fields in MC11 (and <) but sometimes i was blocked. I agree with all posts about this [Media Sub Type]. This field must be customized. Each person have some differents types of files like :

- Kids Films
- Kids TV Shows
- Live Entertainment
- Video Clip
- Live
- Shorts Films
- Series
- family videos
- Advertising

For each item the view (pane or not) can (or must) be different, for example series needs "saison", films needs genre, personal video need "people/events/place" ...

Two Ideas :

1 - Why not a pre-configured view for Known [Media sub type] ?
2 - Why not import informations from web Site for Known [Media sub type] like film (dvd picture, name, genre, actors, productors ...), video clip (year, name, genre, info artists ...), series, dvd ...

If those features exist, for each user value in this field you can attach a [Known type], for example "dvd film" or "kid film" or "Old film" will be attach with "Film" to have the same default view and use the same web site for importing informations.

This second point is THE missing feature in your software, I use j.river media center & jukebox for a long time, it's always the best for all his features and performances.
I talk about videos but it's the same for audio with :
- Kids music
- Kids audio book
- Radio talk
- fun

For Photos is certainly the same thing.

Best Regards and congratulations for this MediaCenter


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Re: Adding New Database Fields [FEEDBACK WANTED]
« Reply #57 on: November 26, 2008, 02:52:29 pm »

Check out - there are some fields I'd like to see leveraged in Media Center.  Here's a Mingus album for reference:
- Performance Date
- Recording Date: allow for multiple dates, span of time (*could* Performance Date for live performances, but I would want that field to be a single date.  Perhaps this could even be a date select using a mini-calendar)
- Multi-select Genre, instead of free form combinations
- Credits: There was some discussion on this topic, ie other artists.  I like "Credits" as it covers multiple ways of including other musicians, etc...  But I'd like it to include what they are credited for - Drums, Alto Sax, etc...
- Album Time: ideally calculated from total track time, rather than manually input
- Label: seems obvious since you could get that album from multiple labels and is a staple insignia of the LP
- Styles, Moods and Themes: would be nice to have - also as multi-select
- Notes seems like an appropriate location for Reviews and Liner Notes, but maybe they could be separate

All of this is based on actually using the fields, but I've yet to see a way to customize any playback view so that i can add standard and custom database fields.  When is there going to be a way to be able to specify the fields to display on playback visualizations included with this tool?  G-Force could do it too, and I've posted the request there as well, but narry a response.


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Re: Adding New Database Fields [FEEDBACK WANTED]
« Reply #58 on: November 26, 2008, 08:32:57 pm »

What I would like more than anything is an easier way to determine which field gets written to the file.  I know that it is possible right now, but going to each field and editing is tedious.  I would also like to see the fields divided by media type and a setting whether or not the write the field according to the related media type.  For example, I would like for MC to tag my mp3's with standard tags only (no MC custom fields), but under no circumstances do I ever want it tagging my photos.  As it is in MC12 (haven't tried 13 yet), I have to go to each separate field and edit this.  I hate to see application specific tags in the files themselves, as I think that really deserves to be only written to the database and not the file.

One more thing I would like to have is control over the tag format.  Currently I don't let MC write tags to the files, because for device compatibility I need all my tags in ID3 v2.3 ANSI only (no unicode support in my car) and MP3Tag and dbpoweramp let me use this option.  I think this should be a user choice in MC as well.

If I am missing obvious options, please feel free to point me in the right direction.


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Re: Adding New Database Fields [FEEDBACK WANTED]
« Reply #59 on: November 29, 2008, 02:44:24 am »

Does the IPTC core "creator" field have a mapped version in MC? If not I would like to see that added to the default list.

"Rights usage terms" would also be good. Even better if it had some default values such as the creative commons licenses and a default "all rights reserved". Even even better if this were read and utilized when uploading files to flickr.

I think it's time that MC started allowing metadata templates, so that we could have certain fields filled in by default when files get imported, and so that we could apply premade templates to files for quick tagging. I may start a thread on this.


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Re: Adding New Database Fields [FEEDBACK WANTED]
« Reply #60 on: December 01, 2008, 09:59:54 am »

How about a Last Synched field? Could be very useful for those players for which MC can't get play stats. I can't on my new Zen. Combining a Last Synched with a Last Played (on MC at home) could be great to always have fresh playlists.


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Re: Adding New Database Fields [FEEDBACK WANTED]
« Reply #61 on: December 03, 2008, 06:11:17 am »

MC 13 desperately needs an easily workable field for classical music. I custom made a field with three parts: "Composer, Work, Performing Artist(s)" eg Beethoven, Symphony no 9, Bernstein/NY Philharmonic" It works like album in that it refers to a groug of tracks, ie movements in a classical work. Could you improve on this by having a default field like this, but one that has standard grammar or spacing so the result will be uniform. You want all the the Beethoven Symphony no 9's to line up together.


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Re: Adding New Database Fields [FEEDBACK WANTED]
« Reply #62 on: December 03, 2008, 06:41:27 am »

MC 13 desperately needs an easily workable field for classical music. I custom made a field with three parts: "Composer, Work, Performing Artist(s)" eg Beethoven, Symphony no 9, Bernstein/NY Philharmonic" It works like album in that it refers to a groug of tracks, ie movements in a classical work. Could you improve on this by having a default field like this, but one that has standard grammar or spacing so the result will be uniform. You want all the the Beethoven Symphony no 9's to line up together.
There is a good thread going on Classical somewhere here.  It's recent.  You can find a link to it in our Wiki on the Main Index page.  See above for the Wiki link.


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Re: Adding New Database Fields [FEEDBACK WANTED]
« Reply #63 on: January 05, 2009, 05:15:39 pm »

I have custom MC12 db field "Style" - semicolon delimited list, like and from discogs. Now this incompatible with MC13.
request - customized Data Type for style tag.. and search by "contains" in semicolon delimited list fields in smartlists if this possible )



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Re: Adding New Database Fields [FEEDBACK WANTED]
« Reply #64 on: January 05, 2009, 05:33:02 pm »

I have custom MC12 db field "Style" - semicolon delimited list, like and from discogs. Now this incompatible with MC13.
request - customized Data Type for style tag.. and search by "contains" in semicolon delimited list fields in smartlists if this possible )

Could you start a new thread about the problem and describe it a bit more?

List style fields should be fully supported in MC 12 and MC 13.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Adding New Database Fields [FEEDBACK WANTED]
« Reply #65 on: January 10, 2009, 11:45:36 am »

Label would be a useful default field for me, but I could see what it would just be in the way for many people. (It doesn't add much function for most, but for me it would)

I think what I'd really like to see is a way to map a custom user field to its associated data in an ID3 tag. I'm auto-importing from MusicBrainz, and my custom Label field does not import the data saved by my auto-tagger (which also calls the field "Label" in its GUI).

+1 for unlocked [Media Sub Type].
Actually unlocking any fields that won't break the program seems useful too.


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Re: Adding New Database Fields [FEEDBACK WANTED]
« Reply #66 on: January 10, 2009, 02:06:52 pm »

Didn't notice this thread until now. Mapping of MC db fields to arbitrary tag fields would be my preferred, and in my opinion the most efficient solution.


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Re: Adding New Database Fields [FEEDBACK WANTED]
« Reply #67 on: March 19, 2009, 06:03:38 am »

i really would like to see the field timestamp in MC, so you know what file you changed last.. especially important for files that you can NOT write tags to. Also the internal (File Key ID) would be nice (for exporting data)
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