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Author Topic: Media Center 13.0.93 -- Available here  (Read 3860 times)


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Media Center 13.0.93 -- Available here
« on: December 18, 2008, 10:57:24 am »

This is the latest version of MC 13.0.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

This latest build (usually safe) of MC13.0 is here:

13.0.93 (12/17/2008)

1. Changed: Pressing up while on the top roller of Theater View will jump to the bottom of the list. (like list rolling, implements a timer so that accidental or repeated presses won't do this)
3. Changed: Pressing down on the root roller in Theater View will enter.
4. Changed: Pressing up on the root roller in Theater View will jump between the first and last item.
5. Changed: Left / right accepts or declines a Theater View message box when a button is selected.  This is not done in a message box that shows a keyboard since up, down, left, and right are used to navigate the keyboard and could lead to accidental results.
6. Changed: When exiting Theater View with escape, pressing escape a second time will exit instead of cancel the exit.
7. Fixed: Theater View rollers that tried to select an out-of-bounds element (like after view nesting) could cause a crash.
8. Optimized: Improved performance of rollers in Theater View.
9. Fixed: The display name of "Filename (path)" was wrong (only applies to build 92).
10. Changed: The root Audio, Image, and Video views in Theater View show the view type at the top instead of "Audio", "Image", or "Video".
11. Changed: Cleaned up the look of the home view in the Obisidian Theater View skin.
12. Changed: Added a new Theater View top roller item "More" that's independent from the play commands.
13. Changed: The play roller in Theater View remembers the last used playback command (resets on program restart).
14. Fixed: When returning to Theater View from fullscreen playback, the remote focus would not always return to the correct location.
15. Changed: Theater View's Playing Now selects the playing track each track change.
16. Fixed: In a 3D library view, the view header didn't allow switching view types.
17. NEW: The tags available at the root of the "Tag" menu in Theater View can be set for audio, images, and video. (Options > Theater View > Advanced)
18. Fixed: The search suggestion system could fail when working with values that had multiple spaces between words.
19. Changed: Reduced chances of TV recording manager loading and unloading TV devices unnecessarily.
20. Fixed: Some programs/sites could fail to load a jpg that had tags changed in MC.  Please see this thread for details.
21. Fixed: Browsing nested keywords in Theater View could cause display problems due to the backslashes in the names.
22. Fixed: A corrupt APE tag could cause a crash.

13.0.92 (12/12/2008)

1. Changed: Theater View keyboard roller no longer appears larger than keyboard.
2. NEW: Database fields contain a plural display name. (upgrades library version so older versions won't be able to share a library)
3. Changed: Plurals are used when displaying the all items in the tree, Theater View, etc. (i.e. All Genres (32))
4. NEW: Each level in the panes, tree, or Theater View views can be sorted in sophisticated ways like Plays, Date Imported, etc. instead of just simple A-Z and Z-A sorting.
5. Fixed: When adding a new library view, the new view could get added as a locked view so it would warn with each edit. (unlock views in Customize View > Advanced > Lock view)
6. NEW: When adding a library view, "Empty View" is presented as a choice at the end of the list.  Choosing it will open the Customize View dialog straight away.
7. Changed: The "Add Library View" view picker supports double-click and enter to add the view without pressing "OK".
8. Fixed: Flickr call to get sets required the auth token to get all sets.
9. Fixed: EPG program info for analog channels obtained from mc2xml could be associated with wrong channels (Cable vs. Antenna).
10. Changed: For digital TV, whenever viewing is not needed (i.e. scheduled recording, channel scanning, EPG scanning), audio and video streams are rendered to Null renderers.
11. Fixed: In the Customize View dialog, editing the thumbnail caption then pressing OK while the caption was being edited would discard changes.
12. Fixed: The dividing line in list controls to show drop position was not drawing correctly.
13. Fixed: Picking dates and times in the EPG window could work incorrectly.
14. Fixed (hopefully): Audio, video quality problem with Hauppauge WinTV HVR 1950 USB device.
15. Fixed: DVD playback on Vista sometimes did not use EVR as default video renderer.
16. Fixed: Video inputs were left out of TV channels.
17. Fixed: "Choose DirectShow Filters" dialog used VMR9 for default video renderer instead of EVR on Vista.
18. NEW: Theater View view configuration allows unlimited nesting of views.

13.0.91 (12/12/2008)

1. Fixed: Launching the program with the "/Library" switch could cause a crash.
2. Changed: Removed "Clear" from Theater View keyboard.
3. Fixed: When recording a TV program from the EPG, the program name was not used in recorded file's filename and database entry.
4. Fixed: When viewing images with full-resolution view-sized thumbnails, scrolling through a list of subsequent images could keep too many decoded images in memory.
5. Changed: Theater View message boxes draw their buttons using list skin art instead of button skin art.
6. Changed: Beta Theater View skin "Obsidian Beta" is removed during install.
7. NEW: Introducing new Obsidian Theater View skin (will automatically become default).
8. Optimized: Many enhancements to performance in Theater View.
9. Changed: Theater View rollers work with the mouse wheel.

13.0.90 (12/11/2008)

1. NEW: It is possible to change more view settings like the "View By" in the view header menu.
2. NEW: When saving changes to a locked library view, a confirmation will be shown that offers to save the changes to a new view. (views can be unlocked in Customize View > Advanced)
3. Changed: Additional tuning of TV recording/time-shifting filename and database name.
4. NEW: The main "View" menu in the program lists related library views at the top.
5. Changed: Theater View root roller doesn't wrap tail items to the left for a cleaner look.
6. Fixed: Theater View rollers could draw incorrectly in some cases.
7. Changed: Pressing right on the "Play All" roller item in Theater View will not execute a Play All.
8. Changed: Renamed "Edit" to "Edit Commands" in the right-click menu.
9. Changed: Theater View "More" play menu changed to "More Play Options" to match Standard View.
10. NEW: The playback menu for images in Theater View is simplified.
11. Fixed: Playing from a grouped list could clear the list selection.
12. Fixed: MP3 ID3v2 tagger would not correctly parse tag fields that contained a data length in the frame. (Foobar v2.4 APIC frame)


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Re: Media Center 13.0.93 -- Available here
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2008, 04:12:49 am »

Importing m4a files is still broken. MC indicates in the recently imported playlist that the file has been imported, however, if I look for the file in the library, the file is not there. (same as previous version)

When dragging files to playing now, the line indicator to show where you're dropping the file(s) seems to be working now.

In Drives & Devices=>My Computer=>[folder] a MC takes WAY to long to read a folder with 16 .rm files. I have file association set to MC and file association turned on and set to automatic. MC shows "working..." for about 4 minutes before displaying them. I don't know what version this delay happened in.

Going back to 13.0.54 from ftp (shows v61 in 'about;). I think this is the last version that works for importing m4a's. MC13.0.61 from ftp (also shows v61 in 'about') does not work for importing m4a's. 61 and newer displays a different thumb when m4a's are imported....a white page with a small round MC logo instead of image or blue 'note' in 'recently imported'.

[edit] I double checked 13.0.54 to see how it handled .rm files. Although still slower to read a .rm folder than most other file types, it was still much faster than 13.0.93 to read the same folder.
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Re: Media Center 13.0.93 -- Available here
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2008, 09:26:12 am »

Importing m4a files is still broken. MC indicates in the recently imported playlist that the file has been imported, however, if I look for the file in the library, the file is not there. (same as previous version)

They may have gotten imported once as data.  Maybe you could use a smartlist with ~d=a in it to search for the files.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 13.0.93 -- Available here
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2008, 09:35:23 am »

I've split a single MP3 into several using pCutMP3, MC13 identifies the original file correctly as LAME 3.97 MP3 320 CBR, but the splitted files are identified as "LAME" MP3 320 "VBR"

I doublechecked with foobar2000, which identifies all files are correctly as CBR


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Re: Media Center 13.0.93 -- Available here
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2008, 09:36:26 am »

I splitted a single MP3 into several using pCutMP3, MC13 identifies the original file correctly as LAME 3.97 MP3 320 CBR, but the splitted files are identified as LAME MP3 320 VBR

I double checked with foobar2000 and all files are correctly identified as CBR

It's possible the cutter did something bad.

Send me a copy of the file that gets identified wrong, and we can see what's happening.  (matt at jriver dot com)

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 13.0.93 -- Available here
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2008, 10:04:21 am »

e-mail sent.

As far as I know, pcutMP3 is one of the few cutters that actually cuts properly


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Re: Media Center 13.0.93 -- Available here
« Reply #6 on: December 19, 2008, 10:58:53 am »

e-mail sent.

As far as I know, pcutMP3 is one of the few cutters that actually cuts properly

Thanks for the file.

It contains 67148 bytes of tag at the front.
Then there are 36 mystery bytes I've never seen before: FF FB E0 04 followed by 0's
Then it contains a XING / LAME info block.
Then it contains a bunch of junk -- nulls, the word PCUT, xxxx, etc.
Then it contains real data

About 888 bytes into the "junk" there's a valid MP3 frame that says it's 160 kbit.

MC detects this to mean the file _is_ VBR, but also gets the correct exact bitrate (which averages out to 320).

I'm not aware of any nuances we should be checking for, but let us know if you've got any inside information (from the PCUT developers for example).

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 13.0.93 -- Available here
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2008, 01:13:01 pm »

Importing m4a files is still broken. MC indicates in the recently imported playlist that the file has been imported, however, if I look for the file in the library, the file is not there. (same as previous version)

Going back to 13.0.54 from ftp (shows v61 in 'about;). I think this is the last version that works for importing m4a's. MC13.0.61 from ftp (also shows v61 in 'about') does not work for importing m4a's. 61 and newer displays a different thumb when m4a's are imported....a white page with a small round MC logo instead of image or blue 'note' in 'recently imported'.

I just tried importing an m4a file. It works. As Matt suggested, maybe your files have been once imported as data. Check under Documents and see if you can find them there.

Did you select a playback type for m4a? Did you install Quicktime or DirectShow filters to play them in DirectShow?
Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 13.0.93 -- Available here
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2008, 06:36:42 pm »

Matt & Yaobing,...thanks for the response.

I just reinstalled v93 to try your suggestions. I first deleted an existing m4a from my library and then re-imported it. That worked fine.

I then did a conversion (using dbPoweramp with latest updates) of a file from flac to m4a. MC imported the new m4a file but it was indeed imported as data when I checked the tags in MC. If I change the data type to Audio, it then shows up in my audio library, however, tags are missing some information. i.e. no bit depth, no bitrate, no channels, no compression, no duration, incomplete format ("Unknown Bitrate - Unknown Compression 153 bpm - 3 intensity - -8.97 dB - 100%) and no sample rate. I was able to analyze the file. I used a track that I had never imported to be sure that it hadn't been previously imported.

I then uninstalled and reinstalled v54(61) and did the same thing with another track from the same album. In MCv54 it imported fine with all associated tags.

Any other suggestions. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I'll be darned if I know what it is.
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Re: Media Center 13.0.93 -- Available here
« Reply #9 on: December 19, 2008, 08:32:22 pm »

This command shortcut (.lnk) works in MC12 to set 5 star rating but fails in MC13:

C:\WINDOWS\system32\MC12.exe /MCC 10023, 5


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Insert line fixed
« Reply #10 on: December 19, 2008, 11:10:56 pm »

It appears the insert line has been fixed.  So far it has always appeared in this version, 093, when I drag and drop.  Thanks.
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