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Author Topic: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here  (Read 5697 times)


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Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« on: January 29, 2009, 09:26:55 am »

This is the latest version of MC 13.0.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

This latest build (usually safe) of MC13.0 is here:

13.0.114 (01/28/2009)

1. Changed: The file info panel in Theater View shows a no art image when there is no art for a file.
2. Changed: Grouping in lists will draw a no art image for the group when there is no art for the files in the group.
3. Fixed: Using an overscan setting in Theater View could lead to drawing artifacts.
4. Fixed: Doing Update Library (from tags) could switch named imported DVDs to the name "VIDEO_TS".
5. Fixed: Importing a ripped DVD would not properly fill the name using the naming scheme provided in Options > File Location.
6. NEW: Added new configuration interface for Theater View views -- allows adding, renaming, and removing library roots; allows full control over included files; etc.
7. Changed: Theater View list style is stored per view in library views instead of being the same for _all_ views in that media type.
8. Fixed: Showing a custom webpage in Theater View could cause a crash.
9. Changed: Tuned the list of words that will not get capitalized when using "Title Case" in the tag cleaner tool.
10. Changed: Some television playback internal changes.
11. Changed: Television recording via Right-click menu -> TV Recording is removed.
12. Changed: Revised the stock Theater View views (will require views to be reconfigured).

13.0.113 (01/26/2009)

1. Fixed: Some comboboxes would not properly support corner transparency, which is used by some skins.
2. NEW: Program description is filled in Description field when TV recording is imported.
3. Changed: Revised internal storage format of television programs (requires reload of program guide).
4. Changed: When a television program has no artwork, a nicer television-specific image is shown.
5. NEW: Television program guide can be automatically reloaded each day.
  • To enable, check the option "Automatically load the program guide this way once a day in the background" on the last page of the Load Program Guide wizard.
  • To disable, pick "Reset" in the Load Program Guide wizard.
  • It will run once a day.
  • It will not run if there are recordings or watchings currently running.
  • External applications will run hidden.
  • If an external application does not finish in 10 minutes, it will be stopped.
  • If there is an error loading data, it will not retry for 8 hours.

6. NEW: For digital television a new OSD command item (using up or down arrow key) called "Signal" that displays video resolution and signal strength, as "Resolution: 1080i, Strength: 89%".
7. Changed: For digital television, video resolution and signal strength are no longer displayed each time the user switches channel.
8. Fixed: Pressing pause during track transitions could cause strange display issues if the next file was short.
9. Fixed: Pressing 'Previous' at the very end of a track to seek back to the beginning would not always work as expected.
10. Changed: Made meaningless code changes to avoid false-positive from Kaspersky for PackageInstaller.exe.

13.0.112 (01/23/2009)

1. Fixed: "Group By" menu would be incorrectly available when viewing Panes + Album Thumbnails.
2. Fixed: Pane tagging was not placing a checkbox next to "Unassigned".
3. Changed: Revised user interface of Remote Control options page.
4. Fixed: TV recording imported jts file when only jtv file needed to be imported.
5. Fixed: When ending a time-shifting session, if the user chose not to save time-shifting data, the TV recording that had finished during that session was also deleted.  Now the data related to the TV recording is saved, and only unwanted data is deleted.
6. Changed: Revised the user interface shown when adding or modifying a remote control command.
7. NEW: Added a "Delete All Channels" button to the manage television channels dialog.
8. NEW: Television view better steps a user with no channels or no program guide through setup.
9. NEW: Scanning for television channels no longer blocks the main user interface of the program.
10. Fixed: Some popups weren't correctly remembering their last size.
11. Fixed: Deleting TV Recording/time-shifting files from hard disk only deleted a single file, instead of all files related to a recording.
12. Optimized: Library views that show thumbnails with files below no longer build / update the bottom file list when it's set to zero height.
13. Fixed: If a tree item was auto-expanded, then the tree was refreshed, it would not properly auto-collapse.
14. Fixed: On a fresh XP install, the player could download Windows Media Format files that it didn't need to. (nothing got installed)
15. Changed: When TV recording is imported, the Date field is filled with the time the recording was started, instead of the time when importing occurred.
16. Fixed: The bookmark field was not filled when a jtv file was imported.
17. Optimized: A few core library optimizations that help program performance.

13.0.111 (01/22/2009)

1. Optimized: Removed dependence on wmdmproghelp.dll during WMDM handheld transfers.
2. Changed: Switched from bundled help to online help using the wiki. (the wiki contains the full manual)
3. Fixed: During install, the progress bar would not always go all the way to the right on the copying files stage.
4. Fixed: TV recording (jtv files) was extended beyond scheduled stop time if user was watching the channel at the scheduled stop-recording time.

13.0.110 (01/20/2009)

1. Fixed: A couple of messaging issues due to optimizations in build 109.
2. Fixed: The player could unnecessarily hit the internet to get store URLs instead of getting them on demand.
3. Changed: Officially removed Win9x support.
4. Optimized: Removed Win9x unicode layer -- produces smaller binaries and a slightly smaller download.
5. Fixed: The new jtv TV recording files would not play or import.
6. Changed: File types jts and jtv are better registered with DirectShow so that they can be loaded by other DirectShow applications.
7. Optimized: Revised some core library functionality to provide smaller binaries.

13.0.109 (01/19/2009)

1. NEW: A new file type *.jtv is created for TV recording. This is not a stand alone file type. It is a stub file that references to time-shifting files so we can manage TV recording and time-shifting better.
2. Fixed: In rare cases, a television channel with missing information could be shown, but recording of that channel would fail.
3. Optimized: More improvements to core libraries to reduce size of components.
4. Changed: Updated French translation (thanks Benoit de Corn!).
5. Fixed: DSP Effects user interface was not working properly (only applies to last few builds).

13.0.108 (01/16/2009)

1. Optimized: Some system update components that are only needed once and only needed on certain machines are downloaded at install time instead of included with the build.
2. Changed: The Media Center installer will no longer update the Windows Media format runtimes to v11.0 on XP machines.  Use Windows Update to update your machine.
3. Fixed: When the core JRTools.dll version changed, shell extensions could lock JRTools, requiring a reboot to install. (could still happen with this build, but won't again)
4. Optimized: Changes to core components to reduce the size of included DLLs and EXEs.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2009, 09:43:51 am »

4. Fixed: Doing Update Library (from tags) could switch named imported DVDs to the name "VIDEO_TS".

PERFECT.  Thank you.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2009, 11:27:20 am »

6. NEW: Added new configuration interface for Theater View views -- allows adding, renaming, and removing library roots; allows full control over included files; etc.
7. Changed: Theater View list style is stored per view in library views instead of being the same for _all_ views in that media type.

THANKS! I really appreciate it. Finally I can start using MC13 :D
It's still not allowed to show data files under Default Video view right?
- I may not always believe what I'm saying


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Re: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2009, 11:42:40 am »

THANKS! I really appreciate it. Finally I can start using MC13 :D
It's still not allowed to show data files under Default Video view right?
it is allowed. see the views the same as with standard view with use parent scheme rule for file display. change the rule for the video root. it will ofcource then be for all the views in the root, but you can add rules for them.



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Re: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2009, 12:09:19 pm »

Many thanks for 6. and 7. and with the option Add Library View from Standard View I had the move from mc12 to mc13 up and running with the hierarchy I wanted in just a few minutes  8)



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Re: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2009, 06:04:30 pm »

8. Fixed: Showing a custom webpage in Theater View could cause a crash.

Appears fixed.  Verified on XP laptop and Vista desktop.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2009, 06:10:48 pm »

1.  "Custom web pages" lost when installing .114  (major)
1.a  Add custom web pages to theater view in .113
1.b  Download and run installer for .114
1.c  Previously added web pages appear to be missing

2.  "Add items to theater mode" lacks standard feedback mechanism (minor)
2.a  When installing a new item into theater mode (Tools | Options | Theater mode), there's no visual cue that the item has been added and that editing is complete.  Typically, in Windows, one clicks a button to "submit" a change, or when one tabs out, the editing fields clear and some visual cue is given to indicate that editing is complete. 


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Re: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2009, 06:27:21 pm »

1.  "Custom web pages" lost when installing .114  (major)
1.a  Add custom web pages to theater view in .113
1.b  Download and run installer for .114
1.c  Previously added web pages appear to be missing

Sorry, but a reset of the previous configuration was required to support the new system.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2009, 06:30:17 pm »

The price of progress.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2009, 07:40:35 pm »

Sorry, but a reset of the previous configuration was required to support the new system.

As I'm sure you're aware, user data is one of those things that you don't silently delete. :)


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Re: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2009, 10:07:31 pm »

Would you please consider a tweak to the Theater View advanced option "File caption".
For some media types I want to use [Name] and for others I want [Album].
For example, for music albums and multi-file audio books I populate [Artist], [Album] and [Name] and therefore for these I want the caption to be [Name].
For other types, like single file audiobooks, documentaries, movies rips, and dvds, I populate [Artist] and [Album] and leave [Name] empty. In this case I want the caption to be [Album].

Could we have a new option "[Name_or_Album]" that uses [Name] if it exists, otherwise it uses [Album]?


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Re: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2009, 02:52:00 am »

Would you please consider a tweak to the Theater View advanced option "File caption".

Yes, something should be done here. I've seen many users here wondering why only "Name" is shown. Even though we can change it, many of the normal users would not know where to change it, or they would preffer to have something better as default so they don't have to fiddle with this them self. What we need is something like this (very bad code/pseudo language, but you might get the idea):

If (Media Type = Audio, 'Name' by 'Artist' from album 'Album'), If (Video Type = Series, If exists 'Name' = 'Name' - 'Series' - S'Season'E'Episode', else = 'Series' - S'Season'E'Episode'), else = 'Name', If (Media Type = Images, (something wich I have not used. Would not know wich tags to use yet)
- I may not always believe what I'm saying


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Re: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2009, 05:10:39 am »

Man, I'm impressed. I've only been here 5 minutes. I've made one design suggestion and reported one bug, and they've both been fixed in this release. I'm not quite ready to switch the family over from MCE to MC Theater View, but I'll be buying a license anyway. Many thanks.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2009, 08:17:52 am »



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Re: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2009, 05:44:21 pm »

I can't seek certain audio files in flac. Instead it says 'Live' in the [Total Time] and [Remaining Time] in the Display.
I've tried other programs and they can seek correctly so it doesn't seem to be any problem with the files.

I recently re-ripped albums that I previously had in a single mp3 file with respective cue sheets to multiple files in flac (followed the "how to re-rip your music collection' wiki so I wouldn't lose my tags), and I think something may have happened then because it seems strange that only the first track of a cd is now seekable.

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Re: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« Reply #15 on: January 30, 2009, 07:06:35 pm »

>>> BUG : Pane editing crashing when browsing out with arrow keys

Description : When editing a pane field and doing a modification  if you try to browse out with arrow key MC Crash

Step to reproduce :
Go into Audio > Panes
Select an Artist in artist pane
Click again to switch in edit mode
Add a space at the end of the string
Press down arrow key

Note that browsing while in edit mode without doing modification works.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« Reply #16 on: January 31, 2009, 09:48:37 am »


I use girder to control MC, the previous version i had  13.0.104 when you used the enum /MCC 22001,3 this brought up theater view artist view which was great, now on this version it shows folders named artists/album etc. which you then have to select.

Is this a bug or by design?

If you select audio from the main menu it does go staright to artist view as it used to.




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Re: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« Reply #17 on: January 31, 2009, 09:56:47 am »

You need to reconfigure your theater view schemes.  They changed how they work and had to reset them.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« Reply #18 on: January 31, 2009, 10:32:34 am »


I use girder to control MC, the previous version i had  13.0.104 when you used the enum /MCC 22001,3 this brought up theater view artist view which was great, now on this version it shows folders named artists/album etc. which you then have to select.

Is this a bug or by design?

If you select audio from the main menu it does go staright to artist view as it used to.


i can confirm this. just made a bat file to test it. it does bring you to audio, but the items that should be in the second roller are shown as folders. nested...  ;)

so i guess it is not by design.



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Re: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2009, 07:14:17 am »

Bug: There is a bit strange behaviour when clicking "Nest" at top item "Audio" if "Playing Now" is above it. "Nest" should have been unavailable I guess.
Note to myself: Read, think, write - Read, think, write - think, read, write - think, write, read - think, write, read... Aahhw, i always mess that up...


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Re: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2009, 08:01:47 pm »

I've been complaining about this for a few builds now. Displaying freezing and app becoming non responsive for a few seconds every 10 or 20 seconds whilst listening to internet radio...


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Re: Media Center 13.0.114 -- available here
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2009, 09:54:15 pm »

Possible bug:  crashing on DVD playback in theater or standard view

Had this happen four times in a row tonight.  My girlfriend played a certain DVD (TV series) using this build several times this week, but today, after booting the PC and playing SomaFM for a couple of hours, MC kept crashing when we attempted to play the DVD.  Finally had to log out and back in again to get the DVD to play.

Dell Studio Slim, Vista 64, nothing else running at the time.


0026707: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::OnDVDPlayEvent: Event: 263 (0x107), 0, 0
0026707: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::OnDVDPlayEvent: Event: 264 (0x108), 33554431, 0
0026707: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::OnDVDPlayEvent: Event: 257 (0x101), 1, 0
0026707: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::OnDVDPlayEvent: Event: 14 (0xe), 0, 0
0026707: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::OnDVDPlayEvent: Event: 257 (0x101), 2, 0
0026707: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::OnDVDPlayEvent: Event: 267 (0x10b), 0, 2
0026707: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::OnDVDPlayEvent: Event: 267 (0x10b), 0, 2
0026707: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::OnDVDPlayEvent: Event: 264 (0x108), 33554415, 0
0026707: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::OnDVDPlayEvent: Event: 35861 (0x8c15), 0, 0
0026723: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::GetDVDSourceResolution: Start
0026723: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::GetDVDSourceResolution: Compression 2, IsFilmMode 0, PanScan permitted 1, letterbox permitted 0, Is source letterboxed 0
0026723: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::GetDVDSourceResolution: AspsctX 16, AspectY 9, frame rate 60, frame height 525
0026723: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::GetDVDSourceResolution: fLine21Field1InGOP 0, fLine21Field2InGOP 0, ulSourceResolutionX 720, ulSourceResolutionY 480
0026723: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::GetDVDSourceResolution: Source Res (720, 480)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::GetDVDSourceResolution: Finish (0 ms)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Start
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Native video size (720, 480)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Window client rect (l=0, t=0, r=1280, b=720)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Original target rect (l=0, t=0, r=1280, b=720)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Deflate 0.000000
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Target rect after zooming (l=0, t=0, r=1280, b=720)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Target rect after shifting (l=0, t=0, r=1280, b=720)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Source rect after cropping (l=0, t=0, r=720, b=480)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Finish (0 ms)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::GetDVDSourceResolution: Start
0026723: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::GetDVDSourceResolution: Compression 2, IsFilmMode 0, PanScan permitted 1, letterbox permitted 0, Is source letterboxed 0
0026723: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::GetDVDSourceResolution: AspsctX 16, AspectY 9, frame rate 60, frame height 525
0026723: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::GetDVDSourceResolution: fLine21Field1InGOP 0, fLine21Field2InGOP 0, ulSourceResolutionX 720, ulSourceResolutionY 480
0026723: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::GetDVDSourceResolution: Source Res (720, 480)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::GetDVDSourceResolution: Finish (0 ms)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Start
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Native video size (720, 480)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Window client rect (l=0, t=0, r=1280, b=720)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Original target rect (l=0, t=0, r=1280, b=720)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Deflate 0.000000
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Target rect after zooming (l=0, t=0, r=1280, b=720)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Target rect after shifting (l=0, t=0, r=1280, b=720)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Source rect after cropping (l=0, t=0, r=720, b=480)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Finish (0 ms)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::GetDVDSourceResolution: Start
0026723: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::GetDVDSourceResolution: Compression 2, IsFilmMode 0, PanScan permitted 1, letterbox permitted 0, Is source letterboxed 0
0026723: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::GetDVDSourceResolution: AspsctX 16, AspectY 9, frame rate 60, frame height 525
0026723: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::GetDVDSourceResolution: fLine21Field1InGOP 0, fLine21Field2InGOP 0, ulSourceResolutionX 720, ulSourceResolutionY 480
0026723: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::GetDVDSourceResolution: Source Res (720, 480)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::GetDVDSourceResolution: Finish (0 ms)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Start
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Native video size (720, 480)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Window client rect (l=0, t=0, r=1280, b=720)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Original target rect (l=0, t=0, r=1280, b=720)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Deflate 0.000000
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Target rect after zooming (l=0, t=0, r=1280, b=720)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Target rect after shifting (l=0, t=0, r=1280, b=720)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Source rect after cropping (l=0, t=0, r=720, b=480)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CVideoZoomControl::GetVideoRectangles: Finish (0 ms)
0026723: 6008: Playback: CDVDInterface::LoadBookmark: Start
0026754: 6008: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Unhandled exception -- program crashing
0026754: 6008: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Message: 275, wParam: 2, lParam: 0, Window class: JRiver DVD Player Window



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Re: Visualizations "sticking" every few seconds in Display mode
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2009, 10:06:19 pm »

Not sure if this is a bug or something that needs to be tweaked, but in .114, for each type of 3D or non-3D visualization, the visualization sticks for about 5 seconds every 10 seconds.  This is on a Vista64 box with a Core 2 Quad CPU, 6GB of RAM, playing the "Drone Zone" channel using the SomaFM plugin, and no other applications (including virus scanners) running at the time.  Haven't tested this on previous versions, but I can say that I don't see this behavior in other MC/MP applications on this machine.

Not sure how much of the logs to post, but I do see quite bit of looping WRT this block even in a 30 second sample:

19640884: 3056: Import: CPlaylistExpander::ProcessASXParams: Start
19640884: 3056: Import: CPlaylistExpander::ProcessASXParams: Finish (0 ms)
19640884: 3056: Reader: CInternetReader::Open: Start
19640884: 3056: Reader: CInternetReader::Open: Opening
19640884: 4328: Reader: CInternetReader::Thread: Start
19640884: 4328: Reader: CInternetReader::DownloadFromHTTPURL: Start
19641165: 4328: Reader: CInternetReader::DownloadFromHTTPURL: Success
19641165: 4328: Reader: CInternetReader::DownloadFromHTTPURL: Finish (281 ms)
19641165: 4328: Reader: CInternetReader::Thread: Finish (281 ms)
19641165: 3056: Reader: CInternetReader::Open: Finish (281 ms)
19641165: 3056: Reader: CInternetReader::Close: Start
19641165: 3056: Reader: CInternetReader::Close: Finish (0 ms)
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