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Author Topic: Media Center 13.0.123 -- Available Here  (Read 4330 times)


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Media Center 13.0.123 -- Available Here
« on: February 14, 2009, 07:55:47 am »

This is the latest version of MC 13.0.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

This latest build (usually safe) of MC13.0 is here:

13.0.123 (02/13/2009)

1. Fixed: After saving a custom equalizer profile, sliders could become unmovable.
2. Fixed: In rare cases (only one case witnessed to date), thumbnailing a large image could switch a large swatch of black to white.
3. NEW: MC will try to record a television program retrospectively from the beginning if the user schedules its recording after the program has already been running for a while and the user already has been watching it in time-shifting mode.
4. Fixed: When configuring a television subscription based on time, the default start time and duration could be shifted a little.
5. NEW: Norway DVT-T frequency table included.
6. Changed: When entering supported file types for a handheld, if comma or pipe are used for a delimiter, they will be automatically be changed to a semi-colon.
7. Fixed: The "Locate" menu shown when clicking on the information about the playing track would not always work correctly.
8. Fixed: Scheduled television subscriptions based on time could include days that were not selected by the user.
9. Fixed: In certain cases, a playing file would not show up in My Computer views.
10. Optimized: Loading the tree for My Computer views is faster. (for example, locating a file inside the program is about twice as fast)
11. Changed: It is possible to use expressions and edit multiple, varied files, when in-place editing list style fields.
12. Fixed: In-place edit of list-style fields could scroll the list in unexpected ways.
13. NEW: A new "TV Recording" context menu to start or stop recording on currently playing channel.

13.0.122 (02/12/2009)

1. Fixed: The view change roller in Theater View could cause a crash (only applies to build 121).
2. Changed: When loading an empty / invalid library using Library Manager, it no longer asks about using a library from a previous version (if it exists).
3. Fixed: Import of WPL (Windows Media Player playlist) files wasn't working properly.

13.0.121 (02/11/2009)

1. NEW: Top Theater View roller in audio and video library views has a Playing Now link.  Select or press right on the top roller to enter Playing Now, press left to return.
2. NEW: Top Theater View roller in Playing Now contains Big Screen link that works like the Playing Now link in library views.
3. Optimized: Theater View rollers draw faster and look smoother.
4. Changed: Revised the rules for if Playing Now's selection tracks with track changes so that if the list is hidden the selection will always track.
    (also tracks when played or next track is visible; but does not track when manually scrolled away from playback position)
5. Changed: MC uses the more sensible total data size for "File Size" of television recordings (jtv, jts files), instead of just the size of the stub files.
6. Fixed: The search suggestion system was not ignoring accents.
7. Changed: Search engine no longer ignores accents when doing an exact match type search like [Artist]=[Maná] (this makes panes, etc. work more logically in cases where you have, for example, both Mana and Maná).
8. Changed: Right-click the column header for an expression column shows a menu item to allow editing the expression and name.
9. NEW: Made audio engine prebuffering configurable in Options > Playback (possibly helpful with uneven network connections, etc.).
10. Changed: Slight organization change in Options > Playback.
11. Optimized: Parsing XMLTV files is over 10x faster.

13.0.120 (02/10/2009)

1. NEW: Improved Television view so that the buttons shown at the top are more logical. (i.e. "Cancel Recording" to stop a recording instead of "Record")
2. NEW: Added a "Delete" button to the television view for deleting recorded programs from disk.
3. Changed: The tooltip for a televion program appears when mousing over any column instead of just the status column.
4. Changed: The tooltip for a television program includes information about what a double-click will do.
5. Changed: Changing the television view filter resets the selected channel.
6. Fixed: The search suggestions in the television view didn't properly show televion program names.
7. NEW: Added option to reset mc2xml settings when loading television program guide.
8. Fixed: The cover art lookup dialog could fail to load images after the first page of results.
9. NEW: Removed the summary page from the television recording wizard.
10. Fixed: Playing streaming content from some sites could cause occasional pauses in the main user interface.
11. Fixed: Playback range sanity check added in build 118 could cause problems with CUE playback.
12. NEW: MC allows recording television shows without EPG.
13. Fixed: Visualization was not available when Playback Method "JRiver audio engine (using DirectShow)" was used.
14. Fixed: MC would crash when playing some audio streams from the internet (such as AAC+ streams from SHOUTcast) in "JRiver audio engine (using DirectShow)".

13.0.119 (02/06/2009)

1. Fixed: A corrupted PNG file could cause a crash.
2. Fixed: Parsing of JPEG files that contained restart markers would not always work properly.
3. Fixed: Analyze audio (or possibly other multi-threaded file operations) could crash in rare cases.

13.0.118 (02/05/2009)

1. Fixed: After converting from a 'cue' type file to another format, playback wouldn't work because of an invalid playback range value in the database.
2. Fixed: Playback ranges are sanity checked against the duration to avoid apparent playback failures.
3. Fixed: Album thumbnail views could crash (only applies to build 117).
4. Fixed: In views, using a grouping (i.e. A-C, D-F, etc.) in front of values with a path like keywords would not work properly.
5. Fixed: When user chose to save television time-shifting files, the jts file was imported without adding reference-counting.

13.0.117 (02/04/2009)

1. Optimized: Video thumbnailing runs around 30% faster.
2. Optimized: Video import around 35% faster.
3. Changed: Videos played in Directshow get dimensions during thumbnailing instead of during import.
4. Changed: Tweaked scheduling of television recordings so consecutive recordings on the same channel are done on the same tuner.
5. Fixed: Some non-editable fields like width and height would allow in-place editing that had no effect.
6. Fixed: User configured sorting would not be properly applied to library views of album groupings.
7. Changed: Improved television view handling of subscription programs not being recorded because they're the second showing on the same day.
8. Fixed: When manually disabling recording for the first showing of a subscription on a day, the second showing wouldn't automatically enable for recording.
9. Changed: Television recording could say "This program has already finished." when attempting to configure a recording or subscription earlier in the day, when there are times it's necessary to adjust the settings of earlier recordings (to handle extending past the end, recurring subscriptions, etc.)
10. Changed: Added several maintenance routines to the television recording database to ensure old programs, programs on deleted channels, duplicate subscriptions, etc. get cleaned up.
11. Fixed: When multiple television recordings were done during a single time-shifting session reference counting was not done correctly, so deleting the first recording would delete data for subsequent recordings.
12. Fixed: Some illegal characters (from EPG) ended up in jtv filenames for television recordings.
13. Fixed: Minimizing the program with DSP Studio showing could make it impossible to get DSP Studio to show again.
14. Fixed: "Toggle List Style" is no longer shown in Theater View search since searching automatically picks a list style based on results.
15. Fixed: Certain WAVE files would not play.
16. Fixed: The MCC_THEATER_VIEW command would show unexpected views when used with library items like SHOW_THEATER_VIEW_MODE_AUDIO.
17. NEW: Added support for WPL (Windows Media Player) playlists.

13.0.116 (02/03/2009)

1. Optimized: Many more optimizations to loading of library views. (example: loading complicated library view with 450,000 album library: v114 = 756 seconds; v115 = 19 seconds; v116 = 12 seconds)
2. Fixed: In an image list, grouping by keywords would show "[Group Name]" in the group header instead of the keyword.
3. Fixed: MCC_PLAY_TV MCC command did not work properly in the last couple of builds.
4. Fixed: Using a large font could cause buttons to overlap in list management toolboxes (now buttons are combined into a single "Commands..." button that shows a menu when there is no space)
5. Fixed: Background over-the-air EPG scanning was not silent.
6. Changed: Choosing a large font in options could cause the player area to draw incorrectly. (menu fonts are now sized down to fit instead of overlapping or pushing the skin out of place)
7. Changed: Changes to Theater View options to (hopefully) make configuration more intuitive.
8. Fixed: On a fresh install, the player could incorrectly report that it found a library from a previous version.


  • World Citizen
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Re: Media Center 13.0.123 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2009, 08:23:44 am »

Thank you JimH for the update ;)
Now testing!


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Re: Media Center 13.0.123 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2009, 08:40:22 am »

Thank you for the update. Not too much time to investigate but obsidian is a vast improvement navigation wise is smoother and more responsive. More playing later  :)

You sure do listen to you customers so congratulations, keep it up and thank you once more   :-*


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Re: Media Center 13.0.123 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2009, 12:56:42 pm »

1. Optimized: Many more optimizations to loading of library views. (example: loading complicated library view with 450,000 album library: v114 = 756 seconds; v115 = 19 seconds; v116 = 12 seconds)

Like a special turbo. Great!


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Re: Media Center 13.0.123 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2009, 01:38:49 pm »

WPL files: Everytime MC13 is opened under "File Types" WPL files are always reset back to "No". The setting is not being saved.

If I make a playlist from MP (wpl) MC Imports it BUT when I delete the playlist via WMP, MC does not update that the WPL file has been deleted. IE the playlist file is no longer there and has litterally been deleted from the playlist folder so logic dictates that it should no longer show up in MC13 "imported playlsts".

Can you please make a mod in MC13 that if a playlist file is no longer there then MC13 removes it from itself accordingly?


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Multi-value field pick list BROKEN
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2009, 06:13:08 pm »

It worked fine in .119 and in MC12, but build .123 broke the behavior of editing a multi-value field picklist.

In the Tag window, I used to tab to or click on, for instance, the Keywords field, then type a letter or two to jump to that spot in the list (a long list of values, in my library).

Now the custom-value field at the top of the list is always selected, rather than the list itself. So anything I type, rather than jumping, wipes out any values in the field.

The only way to make it work in my very long lists is to open the list, then click on a visible value in the list, just to give the list focus, then type a letter to jump to the value I want, then usually go back and unselect whatever value I had to click on to force focus to the list. (With a short list I could scroll the list, but for a long list, or even a short list, the jump-to-value feature is too wonderful to have vanish...)

UPDATE: I thought the lookup in single-value fields also got broken, or intermittent. In the Tag editing dialog, Genre used to jump to a value when I pressed the first letter, but now nothing happens. I have to type in the entire word, or click the drop-down arrow to open the list.

Cause, but question: I determined that there were a few near-duplicate genres due to some having trailing spaces or different capitalization. For instance, I found in my Genre list "jazz" and "jazz " and "jazzz" and "Jazz" and build .119 and MC12 didn't seem to care about these differences. It would reliably jump to the desired genre based on first letter, ignoring the variations (probably the desired genre was first in the list). The new build doesn't jump at all when I type "j" or "ja" or "jaz" or even "jazz", so I either have to type in the complete value or drop-down the list and select -- which I never used to do, but it was helpful this time to notice the near-duplicate values and fix them. So good outcome, but why the changed behavior?

For now I'll reinstall .119 so I can do tagging with reasonable efficiency. I use three standard and custom multi-value fields (Artists, Keywords, Composers) and aside from the several extra clicks now needed, it's too risky having the existing value wiped out.

Managing my media with JRiver since Media Jukebox 8 (maybe earlier), currently use Media Center for Audio/Music and Photos/Videos.
My career in media spans Radio, TV, Print, Photography, Music, Film, Online, Live, Advertising, as producer, director, writer, performer, editor, engineer, executive, owner. An exhausting but amazing ride.


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Cover art SAVE does nothing.
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2009, 06:42:22 pm »

>> Fixed: The cover art lookup dialog could fail to load images after the first page of results.

Now it seems to fail completely, or behavior has changed.

I selected 54 tracks. All but one lacked cover art, and for the track that had art, it was OK but not quite the right album. So I figured I'd see if MC could find anything better, as I often do.

I clicked Get From Internet. The lookup identified three album titles among the many selected tracks. For the second album title, it showed me a cover and said it is in my local library and online. Good so far.

This cover is is already assigned to one track, but not the others. I want it assigned to all the tracks, since it's basically just an artist picture. I selected the image, then clicked Save Cover Art.

Nothing happened, apparently. The track that already had the image kept it, but the other tracks didn't gain it.

Keep in mind, 54 tracks were selected. In 13.0.119 and earlier, in this situation, selecting a particular image would assign it to all the selected tracks. But in .123 this does not happen.

The implication is that an arbitrary image -- a "wrong" album cover -- can't be assigned to a track that doesn't have the same album title. Maybe a warning would be useful, but preventing this makes it impossible to assign a close match, such as a Greatest Hits cover or artist photo, to a track that otherwise doesn't have matching cover art.

I hope it's a bug, not an intentional change.

In my case, it's not a serious issue because I rarely find anything in Get From Internet, so I locate images in other ways.
Managing my media with JRiver since Media Jukebox 8 (maybe earlier), currently use Media Center for Audio/Music and Photos/Videos.
My career in media spans Radio, TV, Print, Photography, Music, Film, Online, Live, Advertising, as producer, director, writer, performer, editor, engineer, executive, owner. An exhausting but amazing ride.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.123 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2009, 01:25:06 am »

Converting .ape to .mp3 (CBR 320) is causing errors on .ape files that have been verified with MAC 4.05; the screenshot below is from about 4 seconds after beginning conversion to local folder.



Media Center 13.0.123 Registered -- C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 13\

Microsoft Windows XP  Workstation 5.1 Service Pack 3 (Build 2600)
Intel Core 2 2998 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 2097 MB, Free - 1342 MB

Internet Explorer: 7.0.5730.13 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.2900 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.2900 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.2900 / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping /   Drive Q: LITE-ON DVDRW SHW-1635S   Mode:ModeSecure  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Digital playback: Yes /  Get cover art: Yes /  Calc replay gain: Yes /  Copy volume: 32767
  Eject after ripping: No /  Play sound after ripping: No 

Burning /  Drive Q: LITE-ON  DVDRW SHW-1635S    Addr: 1:0:0  Speed:48  MaxSpeed:48  BurnProof:Yes
  Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: Yes /  Write CD-Text: Yes
  Use playback settings: No /

Portable Device Info
  Removed devices:

Device info dump for 'Cea':

DeviceUID: {526673A7-80B2-4041-BA63-8A2E2DED4745}
VendorName: ; VendorID:
ProductID: ; FirmwareVersion:
WMDMSerialNumber: NULL
DeviceType: 4; DeviceID: ; DeviceName: ; UnsupportedDevice: 0
IsDrive: 1; DriveLetter: ; DrivePath: X:\public\Pictures; MainDriveLetter:
IsJanusCapable: ; IsIpod: ;iTunesDBVersion:
SupportsAlbumArt: ; AlbumArtEnabled: 1; CoverArtTagRule: 0; SaveCoverArtToFolderJPG: 0
GetPlayStatsFromDevice: 0; SupportsFolders: -1; PlaylistFormat: 0; EjectMode: ; AlwaysPumpCOMMessages: 0
SupportedFileTypes: *
ApplicationName: Media Center
AudioBasePath: [Artist]\[Album]\
ImageBasePath: [Date (Year)]\[Month]\
VideoBasePath: Video\
DataBasePath: Data\
PlaylistBasePath: Playlists\
AudibleBasePath: Audible\
MatchKeyExpression: If(IsEqual([Media Type], Image), [Name][File Size, 0], [Name]Clean([Artist], 1)[Album][Genre]FormatNumber([track #, 0])[Media Type])
ChangeKeyExpression: [Rating]
ResyncIfDateModified: 1

Device info dump for 'iPhone (1)':

DeviceUID: {D059BAFA-F889-4AD1-8FBE-364030837F3D}
VendorName: ; VendorID:
ProductID: ; FirmwareVersion:
WMDMSerialNumber: NULL
DeviceType: 4; DeviceID: ; DeviceName: ; UnsupportedDevice: 0
IsDrive: 1; DriveLetter: ; DrivePath: D:\iPhone; MainDriveLetter:
IsJanusCapable: ; IsIpod: ;iTunesDBVersion:
SupportsAlbumArt: ; AlbumArtEnabled: 1; CoverArtTagRule: 1; SaveCoverArtToFolderJPG: 0
GetPlayStatsFromDevice: 0; SupportsFolders: -1; PlaylistFormat: 0; EjectMode: ; AlwaysPumpCOMMessages: 0
SupportedFileTypes: mp3
ApplicationName: Media Center
AudioBasePath: [File Type]\[Album Artist (auto)]\[Album]\
ImageBasePath: Images\[Month]\
VideoBasePath: Video\
DataBasePath: Data\
PlaylistBasePath: Playlists\
AudibleBasePath: Audible\
MatchKeyExpression: If(IsEqual([Media Type], Image), [Name][File Size, 0], [Name]Clean([Artist], 1)[Album][Genre]FormatNumber([track #, 0])[Media Type])
ChangeKeyExpression: [Rating]
ResyncIfDateModified: 0

Device info dump for 'mp3 library':

DeviceUID: {0BD28945-4C06-437E-916C-D00FC6CE0C80}
VendorName: ; VendorID:
ProductID: ; FirmwareVersion:
WMDMSerialNumber: NULL
DeviceType: 4; DeviceID: ; DeviceName: ; UnsupportedDevice: 0
IsDrive: 1; DriveLetter: ; DrivePath: J:\Mp3 Library; MainDriveLetter:
IsJanusCapable: ; IsIpod: ;iTunesDBVersion:
SupportsAlbumArt: ; AlbumArtEnabled: 1; CoverArtTagRule: 1; SaveCoverArtToFolderJPG: 0
GetPlayStatsFromDevice: 0; SupportsFolders: -1; PlaylistFormat: 0; EjectMode: ; AlwaysPumpCOMMessages: 0
SupportedFileTypes: mp3;m4a
ApplicationName: Media Center
AudioBasePath: [Album Artist (auto)]\[Album]\
ImageBasePath: Images\
VideoBasePath: Video\
DataBasePath: Data\
PlaylistBasePath: Playlists\
MatchKeyExpression: If(IsEqual([Media Type], Image), [Name][File Size, 0], [Name]Clean([Artist], 1)[Album][Genre]FormatNumber([track #, 0])[Media Type])
ChangeKeyExpression: [Rating]
ResyncIfDateModified: 0

Interface Plugins: (Active)
  Library Server (Active/Enabled)
  TiVo Server
  UPnP Server
  Playing Now


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Re: Media Center 13.0.123 -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2009, 01:37:27 pm »

Wavepack is not working in Media Center 13.

Media Center cant now playing WV files

Rob L

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Re: Media Center 13.0.123 -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2009, 06:07:00 pm »

There's a bug related to transferring files onto a portable device.
This has been happening for me for a number of builds now. Certainly since 13.0.104, and still there in .123.

When I upload files, the percentage is all wrong - crazy, random numbers. For instance, as I write this, the total is listed as 14987% and the individual track is at 114688%!

It seems to take a very long time to change too.

Unsurprisingly, the progress bar just sits at full constantly (since it's always >100%)

This is transferring onto a Windows Mobile device, using WMDM. It's a 16GB card in the device, but I don't think that makes a difference. The files are lossless WMA, but again, I don't think that makes a difference, although they are large, obviously (e.g. this track is 13MB)

[edit] for the very brief period where the track percentage is at zero, the total transfer percentage looks like it's right (e.g. 20%, 21%, 22%) which suggests it's the track percentage calculation that's wrong. Actually, it looks like it might be starting at 100%


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Re: Media Center 13.0.123 -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2009, 12:11:11 am »

Library server causing crash on exit and crashing when attempting to connect to it.  I was also unable to stop the library server, I would get the same crash.

The crash went away after I delete the library_server.dll (and removed registry entries).

Code: [Select]
12085195: 4924: General: CInterfacePlugins::CleanUp: Start
12085195: 4924: General: CInterfacePlugins::CleanUp: Releasing plugin: TLB Remote
12085195: 4924: General: CInterfacePlugins::ReleasePlugin: Start
12085211: 4924: General: CInterfacePlugins::ReleasePlugin: Plugin: TLB Remote
12085211: 4924: General: CInterfacePlugins::ReleasePlugin: Calling terminate
12085211: 4924: General: CInterfacePlugins::ReleasePlugin: Releasing interface
12085211: 4924: General: CInterfacePlugins::ReleasePlugin: Deleting member data
12085226: 4924: SDK: CMJAutomation::~CMJAutomation: Global Count: 2
12085226: 4924: General: CInterfacePlugins::ReleasePlugin: Releasing unused libraries
12085226: 4924: General: CInterfacePlugins::ReleasePlugin: Finish (31 ms)
12085226: 4924: General: CInterfacePlugins::CleanUp: Releasing plugin: Library Server
12085226: 4924: General: CInterfacePlugins::ReleasePlugin: Start
12085226: 4924: General: CInterfacePlugins::ReleasePlugin: Plugin: Library Server
12085242: 4924: General: CInterfacePlugins::ReleasePlugin: Calling terminate

Code: [Select]
Media Center 13.0.123 Registered -- C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 13\

Microsoft Windows Vista 6.0 Service Pack 1 (Build 6001)
Intel Core 2 2391 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 2097 MB, Free - 1111 MB

Internet Explorer: 7.0.6001.18000 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82.6001 / Shlwapi.dll: 6.0.6001 / Shell32.dll: 6.0.6001 / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping /   Drive F:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive G:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive I:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Digital playback: Yes /  Get cover art: Yes /  Calc replay gain: Yes /  Copy volume: 32767
  Eject after ripping: Yes /  Play sound after ripping: No 

Burning /  Drive F: HL-DT-ST DVD+-RW GSA-H31N   Addr: 0:2:0  Speed:48  MaxSpeed:48  BurnProof:Yes
  Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: Yes /  Write CD-Text: Yes
  Use playback settings: No /

Portable Device Info
  Removed devices:

Interface Plugins: (Active)
  TiVo Server (Active)
  UPnP Server (Active)
  TLB Remote


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Re: Media Center 13.0.123 -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2009, 03:26:10 am »


Locate->On Disk (inside Media Center)

1) The option doesn't get added to the Right Click list.

2) Select a decimal field and attempt to edit using F2 doesn't work.  Other field types seem fine.




  • Guest
Re: Media Center 13.0.123 -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2009, 08:29:59 am »

Work machine left connected to home server via Library Server, and when home server instance of MC was shut down, the work instance becomes unresponsive and the task can not be "killed" via Task Manager.

I've also this behavior on my home machine where MC got stuck "Analyzing Devices" after doing a seemingly flawless conversion to a local folder; MC became unresponsive and I could not stop it via Task Manager....MC is one tough bird!

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