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Author Topic: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!  (Read 7652 times)


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Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« on: February 16, 2009, 03:29:15 pm »


I really love MC13, keep up the good work!!!

I experienced that 2 features of MC12 don't work anymore.

These features were implemented with plugins:

1) Wavepack support:

I have many .wv files in my collection - I loved scthom's plugins and they worked in MC12. Please update the sourcecode/plugin, so that it will work with MC13. I'm not a programmer at all, but if it's only a "compatibility" - problem please update it. The sourcecode is open source, maybe it would be a great idea to implement the plugins in_wavepack, enc_wavepack in MC13 like the flac plugins.

2) The direct x host:

I'm a proud ownwer of Izotopes Ozone 3. Under WinXp (32) the plugin worked without any problems, but under Vista (64) with MC13 I can't use it anymore - the DSP-option menu crashes immediately. Please update the plugin - Vista 64bit (or W7 64bit) will become more important and I love this create plugin- it makes MC to an unique app - nearly no music player (except winamp, mm, etc.) allows to integrate Vst apps.

I really hope you think over my suggestion/demand a bit, but I know JRiver is a customer-friendly company and that you try everything to improve Mc13.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2009, 06:22:10 am »

Nobody else is interested in a (under Vista) working directx host plugin or in a wv - plugin? :'( :'( :'(

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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2009, 08:08:03 am »

Nobody else is interested in a (under Vista) working directx host plugin or in a wv - plugin? :'( :'( :'(

The directx host plugin works for me under Vista. I use it with convolver for drc. The only issue I have is that the directx host plugin does not remember my settings. So each time I start mc I have to select the convolver control again.



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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2009, 09:37:17 am »

I have the same problem. Lots of useless .wv files.

Waiting for a solution.



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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2009, 01:10:34 pm »

You could use the Wavpack Directshow filter inside Media Center.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2009, 01:32:09 pm »

Thanks for the tip, I already knew that but I can't tag the files or edit them. Native support of the format would be a better solution (for me) than using directshow filters.

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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2009, 03:56:16 pm »

Matt, regarding the decoder plugin interface, what has changed? Scot's Wavpack plugin installs correctly and works fine with MC12 and with early MC13 builds. Would it be possible to fix it easily or are there fundamental changes?
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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2009, 09:08:58 am »

It's probably not that difficult to get Scotts working. I'll take a look at it when I get a chance (though I'm still submerged in server work).


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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2009, 11:03:56 am »

Thanks Bob,
I appreciate JRiver's support!!!!

 ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2009, 12:36:40 am »

Any news with the native support for WavePack? I have over 100 albums in this format and I would like support for it:)



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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2009, 09:32:00 pm »

What versions are you having problems with?
I am listening to Wavpack files on Vista 32 MC 13.0.156

I also do not wish to have to resort to Directshow filters.


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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #11 on: April 29, 2009, 08:23:19 pm »

Just installed 13.0.161. WAVPACK doesnt play. If I select directshow filter it plays but when starting play of file it makes a horrible noise!!!!, and volume leveling doesnt work

I PAID for MC, please I want wavpack support back!!!!!!!!!!!

Alex B

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Re: WavPack decoding works with 13.0.161 (encoding only up to 13.0.152)
« Reply #12 on: April 30, 2009, 01:01:05 am »

I assume you read my comments about WavPack in the build's release thread, but have not installed the fixed decoder plugin. The fixed plugins are available here: (You must be logged in to the forum to access the attachment in the linked post.)

The decoder plugin (playback and tagging) works with recent MC13 builds including the latest build.

As I wrote, unfortunately the new encoder architecture in the build 13.0.161 is not compatible with the WavPack encoder plugin. Matt promised to fix the problem, but it may take some time. WavPack encoding works with the build 13.0.152 when the encoder plugin is installed. 13.0.152 is available here:

To install the plugins unzip the attachment that Bob provided in the linked post and copy or move the two plugin files to [MC program path]\Plugins\ folder. Use the Plug-in Manager inside MC to install the plugins (Tools > Plug-in Manager). Set MC to play WavPack files with "JRiver audio engine (using input plug-in)" in Options > File Types > Playback Method.
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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #13 on: April 30, 2009, 03:54:12 am »

Alex B: yes I read your comments. Yes I installed the fixed decoder. I'm using build 161.
NO, wavpack does not play.
I donīt know what the problem is, (I am all for testing anything), but I donīt think downgrading is an option. I bought MC because of itīs quality, support, flexibility and also (one of my first priorities) it's capability of decoding and encoding lossless formats, MAINLY wavpack. Iīm using flac lateley, but also, I donīt think converting ALL my wv files to flac is an option!!. If you guys are going to fix this, OK, Iīll wait, but I'd like to know if it will happen or not.

Repeat: NO, wavpack does not play.

Please advise  ?

Alex B

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Re: WavPack decoding works with 13.0.161 (encoding only up to 13.0.152)
« Reply #14 on: April 30, 2009, 04:54:40 am »

The WavPack plugins are still classified as "third party" plugins and they are not officially supported by JRiver. This will probably change in the future, but I can't promise anything as I am not working for JRiver. My opinions and advice I provide are my own (perhaps I should add that to my signature...).

However, the fixed encoder and decoder plugins should work fine, exactly like the internal plugins up to the build 13.0.152.

I tested WavPack playback with the build 161 before posting my reply. It worked normally. Obviously it works for me, but not for you. What we don't know yet is what causes your problem.

Here's a quote from the 13.0.161 release thread: "This latest build (usually safe) of MC13.0 is here". The official build at is still 13.0.152. It would be useful to know if your problem exists only with the latest build or if the problem is caused by something else than the changes in the latest build.
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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2009, 05:10:13 am »

mmmm Alex B, what you are saying that I upgraded at my own risk?. 

What would you suggest? A downgrade to 152 for testing?

How to do that without losing ALL my personalizations, preferences & libraries ?

Alex B

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Re: WavPack decoding works with 13.0.161 (encoding only up to 13.0.152)
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2009, 06:03:44 am »

Did you "upgrade" or "update"? Were you using a previous MC13 build and did WavPack work with that build?

In general, you are not likely to lose anything.

If you installed MC13 for the first time your MC12 installation should remain unchanged unless you specifically uninstalled MC12.

MC13.0.161 and 13.0.152 should be compatible -- at least the change log does not list functional changes to the database, only some changes to the new video fields (which were introduced in 13.0.143).

As a precaution, you can create an additional library backup file and store it in a safe location (File > Library > Back Up Library...).


I just installed the build 152 on top of 161. My library seems to work fine and the previously installed WavPack encoder is available again. I converted a file to WavPack and played it without problems.
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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #17 on: April 30, 2009, 06:41:51 am »

I updated, ussually before doing any app install I always do a full system backup (acronis), but as MC has me so used to painless updates, this time I didn't do it ....
OK Alex B, will try later, maybe tomorrow, I'm starting my day here and it's going to be a long one.
Will be back after trying.

Now a question: will future builds have full wavpack support?, Or will I have to chose between another player or reconverting all my wv's ? 

Alex B

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Re: WavPack decoding works with 13.0.161 (encoding only up to 13.0.152)
« Reply #18 on: April 30, 2009, 06:57:57 am »

Were you using a previous MC13 build and did WavPack work with that build?
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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #19 on: April 30, 2009, 06:58:09 am »

mmmm Alex B, what you are saying that I upgraded @my own risk?.  >:(

What would you suggest? A downgrade to 152 for testing?
How to do that without losing ALL my personalizations, preferences & libraries ?
Just install MC13.0.152 from the download page.  Don't uninstall anything first.  Your library won't change.


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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #20 on: April 30, 2009, 09:13:55 am »

Alex B: yes I read your comments. Yes I installed the fixed decoder. I'm using build 161.
NO, wavpack does not play.
I donīt know what the problem is, (I am all for testing anything), but I donīt think downgrading is an option. I bought MC because of itīs quality, support, flexibility and also (one of my first priorities) it's capability of decoding and encoding lossless formats, MAINLY wavpack. Iīm using flac lateley, but also, I donīt think converting ALL my wv files to flac is an option!!. If you guys are going to fix this, OK, Iīll wait, but I'd like to know if it will happen or not.

Repeat: NO, wavpack does not play.

Please advise  ?

With the plug in, did you get any error messages when trying to play?

Make sure you have installed the input plug in correctly

and configured MC to play wv in JRiver audio engine (using plugin)

Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #21 on: April 30, 2009, 09:56:37 am »

To configure MC to play wavpack files in DirectShow

WavPack filters can be installed as part of CCCP.
Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #22 on: April 30, 2009, 11:24:43 am »

Yaobing: Nice answer!, thanks a lot!!!

OK: Got it working, BUT....

1. I hadn't reinstalled properly (oops) the wv plugin. Earlier builds of MC on  update didn't uninstall the plugs, 161 update did and I didn't realize that.  ::). Used Plugin manager and installed it again.
2. Now the wv files play both ways: with plugin and with direct show filters (I use Shark007's Vista codec pack, both x32 and x64)

BUT: On play (and this happens with both methods, plugin and directshow) the play starts with a really loud and harsh sound, sort of gunshot. Volume of the wv files is much higher (at least 50%) than other formats (flac, wav, wma, mp3). If I stop playing and start another wv, the "gunshot" starts again at each start of a wv file. When stopping the playing of a wv and selecting other format, the "gunshot" is also present and the other format WON'T play. I have to press STOP and then play again of the other format, then it plays normally.
It looks like that when the wv decoding kicks in it generates the noise and volume changes. On stopping playback it looks like it got "stuck" somehow.
This did NOT happen in build 152.
With other players using direct show this does not happen, all files (including wv) play OK, same sound level, no "gunshots".

Any ideas?

Alex B

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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #23 on: April 30, 2009, 11:40:56 am »

BUT: On play (and this happens with both methods, plugin and directshow) the play starts with a really loud and harsh sound, sort of gunshot. Volume of the wv files is much higher (at least 50%) than other formats (flac, wav, wma, mp3). If I stop playing and start another wv, the "gunshot" starts again at each start of a wv file. When stopping the playing of a wv and selecting other format, the "gunshot" is also present and the other format WON'T play. I have to press STOP and then play again of the other format, then it plays normally.
It looks like that when the wv decoding kicks in it generates the noise and volume changes. On stopping playback it looks like it got "stuck" somehow.
This did NOT happen in build 152.
With other players using direct show this does not happen, all files (including wv) play OK, same sound level, no "gunshots".

I had the same problem with a single Ogg Vorbis file that I imported for testing the Ogg Vorbis changes. Somehow its media type was detected as Data. It shouldn't have played at all, but it played exactly like you described. The file was fine and it imported and played normally on another PC using the build 13.0.161. I tested a few other Ogg Vorbis files, but couldn't reproduce the "media type not detected correctly" import problem.

EDIT: The playback problem can be reproduced by changing the Media type value to data. I just tested that with some APE & APL files.
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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #24 on: April 30, 2009, 12:13:26 pm »

I had the same problem with a single Ogg Vorbis file that I imported for testing the Ogg Vorbis changes. Somehow its media type was detected as Data. It shouldn't have played at all, but it played exactly like you described. The file was fine and it imported and played normally on another PC using the build 13.0.161. I tested a few other Ogg Vorbis files, but couldn't reproduce the "media type not detected correctly" import problem.

EDIT: The playback problem can be reproduced by changing the Media type value to data. I just tested that with some APE & APL files.

Interesting.  I was not able to reproduce it with vw files set to Data.

ElQuia, perhaps you can check Media Type of your wv files make sure they are "Audio".  If they have "Data" type, just change them back to "Audio".
Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center

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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2009, 12:31:25 pm »

I attached a couple of screenshots. You can see the volume level difference from the spectrum analyzers.

I don't know what playback method MC uses with these "data" files. Probably it isn't DS because the filter list is not available in the right-click menu, as you can see from the screenshot. If I stop playback after one of these files I can't open DSP Studio. It says: "DSP Studio is only accessible when playing audio files." even though nothing is playing.
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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #26 on: April 30, 2009, 12:41:50 pm »

You Guys Are Soooooooooooo Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yessssssssss I don't know why, but all my wv files were/are marked as data!!!!!!!, Changed 5 in different folders to audio and the play OK, no gunshots, same level as other formats, etc.

BTW: is there some easy way to change media type with out doing the search and replace after selecting files?

THANKS! Oh unbelievers, my faith is restore jajaja  ;D

Alex B

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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #27 on: April 30, 2009, 12:54:28 pm »

BTW: is there some easy way to change media type with out doing the search and replace after selecting files?

They should show up under the Documents category in the tree. In there you should be able to select them all and change the media type. If you have other, real documents you could type .wv in the search box to show only the WavPack files.
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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #28 on: April 30, 2009, 01:01:48 pm »

Again guys: THANKS  :)

Alex B

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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #29 on: April 30, 2009, 01:09:13 pm »

Yaobing, apparently the loud volume is caused by Volume Leveling. To reproduce the problem enable Volume Levelling and set its Adjustment option to "Automatic based on current playlist". You must do that before playing a "data" file because DSP Studio cannot be accessed when a data file is played.

Protect your speakers and ears by setting the master volume level very low.
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Re: Wavepack and DirectX Host - please make them work again!!!
« Reply #30 on: April 30, 2009, 04:41:25 pm »

Alex B, I can confirm. I had Volume Leveling settings like you describe when "gunshots" came out.
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