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Author Topic: Media Center 13.0.126 -- Available here  (Read 5640 times)


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Media Center 13.0.126 -- Available here
« on: February 21, 2009, 07:17:58 am »

This is the latest version of MC 13.0.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

This latest build (usually safe) of MC13.0 is here:

13.0.126 (02/18/2009)

1. Fixed: If user changed analog TV device's tuner input type ("Antenna <-> "Cable") in build 125, it became inconsistent.
2. Fixed: Switching channel while watching another channel that was also being recorded was not handled correctly.
3. Fixed: When scanning for TV channels or ATSC OTA EPG data, MC reported the tuner as "Watching" instead of "Scanning".
4. Changed: Improved readability of system info report.
5. Fixed: Rip failure message text could sometimes be garbled.
6. NEW: Added new experimental Theater View view "Showroom". (to see, you must create a Theater View view under Audio, Images, or Video named "Showroom")

13.0.125 (02/18/2009)

1. Fixed: Setting the shuffle mode using CMJCurPlaylistAutomation worked in reverse, so off turned it on and on turned it off.
2. Fixed (hopefully): Poor video and audio for "ZAP TV 1101" television tuner device.
3. NEW: Added system-wide broadcast mechanism so third-party applications can monitor and respond to program events.
      ( documented in C++ header file at the top of )
4. Changed: Radio feature (Player > Play Radio) uses an can be started with an MCC command (command number 10047).
      ( documented in C++ header file at the top of )
5. NEW: Pressing the "Radio" button on an MCE remote will start radio playback (i.e. Player > Play Radio...).
6. Changed: When viewing Playing Now in Theater View, then showing Big Screen and changing tracks, upon returning to Theater View it will select the playing file instead of the last selected file.
7. NEW: DVD playback is automatically stopped after sitting at a menu with no keypresses for 15 minutes.
8. Fixed: Checking or unchecking an unselected DSP in DSP Studio would not work properly.
9. Fixed: When audio playback needed to buffer in the middle of a track, the display would not always nicely switch to "Buffering...".
10. Optimized: Improved speed to start playing streaming audio.
11. Fixed: Improved tab and shift+tab support when editing list-type fields like Keywords, etc.
12. NEW: Added ability to see recorded programs and channels inside Television view of Theater View.
13. Changed: Internal changes to how layers and cameras are managed in Direct3D views like Theater View, etc. (should be internal change only, but please report any problems)
14. Fixed: Scheduling TV recording when no EPG guide was available did not work since build 123 (start time was empty).
15. Fixed: Recording two consecutive programs on the same channel did not quite work (the second recording started 1 minute late).
16. Changed: TV device-specific settings are saved in a registry key with a name that is unique to the device, instead of the user-friendly device name, so there can be no conflicts when multiple devices of identical model are used.  Sorry, users must redo settings.

13.0.124 (02/17/2009)

1. NEW: Many improvements to MCE remote support (catches Green button, disabled MCE handler while running, better key mappings, etc.).
2. NEW: A new OSD menu item for television recording.
3. Fixed: The "Customize View..." dialog would not always show the correct columns when customizing the "Bottom" portion of a library view.
4. Fixed: MC could crash when logging media type info that included invalid data.
5. Fixed: Artist Info (under Playing Now, etc.) link was not working properly.
6. Fixed: Playing Live TV (using the MCE Remote button, etc.) would not put channels in order, so channel up and down didn't work as expected.

13.0.123 (02/13/2009)

1. Fixed: After saving a custom equalizer profile, sliders could become unmovable.
2. Fixed: In rare cases (only one case witnessed to date), thumbnailing a large image could switch a large swatch of black to white.
3. NEW: MC will try to record a television program retrospectively from the beginning if the user schedules its recording after the program has already been running for a while and the user already has been watching it in time-shifting mode.
4. Fixed: When configuring a television subscription based on time, the default start time and duration could be shifted a little.
5. NEW: Norway DVT-T frequency table included.
6. Changed: When entering supported file types for a handheld, if comma or pipe are used for a delimiter, they will be automatically be changed to a semi-colon.
7. Fixed: The "Locate" menu shown when clicking on the information about the playing track would not always work correctly.
8. Fixed: Scheduled television subscriptions based on time could include days that were not selected by the user.
9. Fixed: In certain cases, a playing file would not show up in My Computer views.
10. Optimized: Loading the tree for My Computer views is faster. (for example, locating a file inside the program is about twice as fast)
11. Changed: It is possible to use expressions and edit multiple, varied files, when in-place editing list style fields.
12. Fixed: In-place edit of list-style fields could scroll the list in unexpected ways.
13. NEW: A new "TV Recording" context menu to start or stop recording on currently playing channel.

13.0.122 (02/12/2009)

1. Fixed: The view change roller in Theater View could cause a crash (only applies to build 121).
2. Changed: When loading an empty / invalid library using Library Manager, it no longer asks about using a library from a previous version (if it exists).
3. Fixed: Import of WPL (Windows Media Player playlist) files wasn't working properly.

13.0.121 (02/11/2009)

1. NEW: Top Theater View roller in audio and video library views has a Playing Now link.  Select or press right on the top roller to enter Playing Now, press left to return.
2. NEW: Top Theater View roller in Playing Now contains Big Screen link that works like the Playing Now link in library views.
3. Optimized: Theater View rollers draw faster and look smoother.
4. Changed: Revised the rules for if Playing Now's selection tracks with track changes so that if the list is hidden the selection will always track.
    (also tracks when played or next track is visible; but does not track when manually scrolled away from playback position)
5. Changed: MC uses the more sensible total data size for "File Size" of television recordings (jtv, jts files), instead of just the size of the stub files.
6. Fixed: The search suggestion system was not ignoring accents.
7. Changed: Search engine no longer ignores accents when doing an exact match type search like [Artist]=[Maná] (this makes panes, etc. work more logically in cases where you have, for example, both Mana and Maná).
8. Changed: Right-click the column header for an expression column shows a menu item to allow editing the expression and name.
9. NEW: Made audio engine prebuffering configurable in Options > Playback (possibly helpful with uneven network connections, etc.).
10. Changed: Slight organization change in Options > Playback.
11. Optimized: Parsing XMLTV files is over 10x faster.

13.0.120 (02/10/2009)

1. NEW: Improved Television view so that the buttons shown at the top are more logical. (i.e. "Cancel Recording" to stop a recording instead of "Record")
2. NEW: Added a "Delete" button to the television view for deleting recorded programs from disk.
3. Changed: The tooltip for a televion program appears when mousing over any column instead of just the status column.
4. Changed: The tooltip for a television program includes information about what a double-click will do.
5. Changed: Changing the television view filter resets the selected channel.
6. Fixed: The search suggestions in the television view didn't properly show televion program names.
7. NEW: Added option to reset mc2xml settings when loading television program guide.
8. Fixed: The cover art lookup dialog could fail to load images after the first page of results.
9. NEW: Removed the summary page from the television recording wizard.
10. Fixed: Playing streaming content from some sites could cause occasional pauses in the main user interface.
11. Fixed: Playback range sanity check added in build 118 could cause problems with CUE playback.
12. NEW: MC allows recording television shows without EPG.
13. Fixed: Visualization was not available when Playback Method "JRiver audio engine (using DirectShow)" was used.
14. Fixed: MC would crash when playing some audio streams from the internet (such as AAC+ streams from SHOUTcast) in "JRiver audio engine (using DirectShow)".


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Re: Media Center 13.0.126 -- Available here
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2009, 07:27:26 am »

hi Jim,

i really like "Showroom" !!!
Can you please add the functionality to nest menue entrys like "External Program" and Webpage ?

Best regards,


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Re: Media Center 13.0.126 -- Available here
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2009, 07:34:02 am »


Showroom, a.k.a. Darkroom, may cause a problem when playback jumps to Playing Now.  It's experimental at this point.


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Multi-value field editing is still BROKEN
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2009, 11:17:08 am »

The multi-value field editing problem reported in .123 still exists in .126.

When entering a multi-value field that opens a list of values, focus is inappropriately given to the editable value string that is the result of the list, not to the list itself.

This means that the next character pressed, rather than jumping to a value in the list, immediately CLEARS/REPLACES whatever values are in the field -- which could be a lot of data deleted. This is very dangerous because it is instant data loss without warning.

The only way to recover is to notice the problem immediately and press Esc to back out. But a touch typist doing lots of editing faces a scary situation.

I believe this happens in all attempts to edit a multi-value field, in the Tag dialog and in a view, whether tabbing into or clicking on the field.

This is not the behavior of MC12 or of MC13 pre-.123.

Again I have reverted to .119, the last public version that does not have this problem.

Managing my media with JRiver since Media Jukebox 8 (maybe earlier), currently use Media Center for Audio/Music and Photos/Videos.
My career in media spans Radio, TV, Print, Photography, Music, Film, Online, Live, Advertising, as producer, director, writer, performer, editor, engineer, executive, owner. An exhausting but amazing ride.


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Re: Multi-value field editing is still BROKEN
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2009, 01:53:11 pm »

The multi-value field editing problem reported in .123 still exists in .126.

When entering a multi-value field that opens a list of values, focus is inappropriately given to the editable value string that is the result of the list, not to the list itself.

This is by design.  Hit tab to switch focus from the edit to the list.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 13.0.126 -- Available here
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2009, 04:46:23 pm »

6. NEW: Added new experimental Theater View view "Showroom". (to see, you must create a Theater View view under Audio, Images, or Video named "Showroom")

Looks really cool with a photo wall. A suggestion, when I show the selected photo fullscreen by hitting enter and then go back by hitting enter again I am back at the start of the wall instead of the selected item. It would be more intuitive and more useful for viewing related images to get back to the selected item.



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Re: Multi-value field editing is still BROKEN
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2009, 08:16:27 pm »

This is by design.  Hit tab to switch focus from the edit to the list.

I'd personally have it the other way around, so that the list is selected first. I agree that there is some potential for data loss, however limited.

Also, Tab drops back to the main tag list at the moment, as opposed to changing the focus, so something appears to be a little amiss.




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Re: Media Center 13.0.126 -- Available here
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2009, 09:55:10 pm »

I don't know about anyone else, but my Obsidian Theater View is now grinding to a halt.  The up down left right arrows are slow to respond and sometime the whole navigation freezes.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.126 -- Available here
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2009, 04:55:57 am »

I have no problem playing M4A files in Media Center, but when I burn a list of songs to a CD, the burned CD ends just before the first M4A song.

I can understand that Media Center might not be able to burn all files just because it can play them -- maybe playback uses different filters where you can't capture the output, or something.  This seems to be what is happening, since "convert files" also fails for M4A songs.

However, right now it fails silently, and I've burned several coasters since I thought there was some kind of intermittent problem in burning rather than a systematic failure.  It would be nice if MC detected this problem in advance, or if it at least notified me at burn time, so I'd know that the burn failed and why.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.126 -- Available here
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2009, 06:51:48 am »

I have no problem playing M4A files in Media Center, but when I burn a list of songs to a CD, the burned CD ends just before the first M4A song.

I can understand that Media Center might not be able to burn all files just because it can play them -- maybe playback uses different filters where you can't capture the output, or something.  This seems to be what is happening, since "convert files" also fails for M4A songs.

However, right now it fails silently, and I've burned several coasters since I thought there was some kind of intermittent problem in burning rather than a systematic failure.  It would be nice if MC detected this problem in advance, or if it at least notified me at burn time, so I'd know that the burn failed and why.

MC is probably using Quicktime to play the files, but you'll need to use a DirectShow filter in order to burn.  Please try our wiki (link above) for info on aac and on DirectShow.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.126 -- Available here
« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2009, 02:49:48 pm »

7. NEW: DVD playback is automatically stopped after sitting at a menu with no keypresses for 15 minutes.

I never would have thought to ask for this but like the idea.  Does this included when a DVD is paused?

I seem to inevitably get the "MC is running, wanna close it?" whenever I install.  Even if I wait a minute after closing it.  I see HDD activity for quite a while after closing MC.  Something to think about...not a big problem.

Showroom is great!  Could page up/ page down be allowed for scrolling please?  Do pane items added to Showroom do anything?  It doesn't appear that they do.  It does tax my slower, cheaper HTPCs, though.  So due to my situation it won't be as nice as those with faster machines.  My desktop runs it nicely, though...just I never use theater view on it.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.126 -- Available here
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2009, 09:40:33 am »

I don't know about anyone else, but my Obsidian Theater View is now grinding to a halt.  The up down left right arrows are slow to respond and sometime the whole navigation freezes.

Try disabling high-quality drawing in Options > Theater View.

Also, update your video driver.

If you tap the Pause/Break key while in Theater View, you can see the frame rate.  Anything lower than 20 fps will not look smooth.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 13.0.126 -- Available here
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2009, 02:33:48 pm »

still asking

Recent Commands does not include  Locate

Locate-advanced-name takes awhile to get to.. would be nice if you could add it to the recent command list.

also.  (I think this was brought up before, but I cannot find it)
in TAG
If I select several items and the NAME is different would be nice to show the list so a change all could be done like other fields. works for ARTIST
I don't need the full list of names.. only the ones that are highlighted.
There is a way to compare tags


thanks marko


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Re: Media Center 13.0.126 -- Available here
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2009, 08:22:04 am »

MC is probably using Quicktime to play the files, but you'll need to use a DirectShow filter in order to burn.  Please try our wiki (link above) for info on aac and on DirectShow.

I tried that a couple of days ago, but I may have done something wrong (by the way, searching for M4A in the wiki brings up absolutely no hits, while searching for quicktime gives me a link to the page "MP4 and M4A File Support" -- not quite intuitive).

The instructions I found were for MC 12 and involve checkboxes in the DirectShow playback options.  I can't find any checkboxes in MC 13.  Instead I selected M4A and MP4 in the list and selected filters for them.  I've tried setting input filters that seemed reasonable, but to no visible effect.  MC still can't convert the files, and consequently can't burn them.  Do you have more detailed instructions for MC 13?

I have FFDshow installed and it is configured to play M4A files, so there should be working input filters.

In any case, the main reason I reported this was to let you know that MC may silently destroy CDs in a situation where one could reasonably assume that burning would work.  A dialog notifying me about the error after the first CD, or before I even started burning, would be nice.  Not necessarily for my own sake, since I now know about the problem, but for other users that might also end up burning a number of blanks before they discover something is wrong.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.126 -- Available here
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2009, 12:09:39 pm »

I tried that a couple of days ago, but I may have done something wrong (by the way, searching for M4A in the wiki brings up absolutely no hits, while searching for quicktime gives me a link to the page "MP4 and M4A File Support" -- not quite intuitive).

The instructions I found were for MC 12 and involve checkboxes in the DirectShow playback options.  I can't find any checkboxes in MC 13.  Instead I selected M4A and MP4 in the list and selected filters for them.  I've tried setting input filters that seemed reasonable, but to no visible effect.  MC still can't convert the files, and consequently can't burn them.  Do you have more detailed instructions for MC 13?

I have FFDshow installed and it is configured to play M4A files, so there should be working input filters.

In any case, the main reason I reported this was to let you know that MC may silently destroy CDs in a situation where one could reasonably assume that burning would work.  A dialog notifying me about the error after the first CD, or before I even started burning, would be nice.  Not necessarily for my own sake, since I now know about the problem, but for other users that might also end up burning a number of blanks before they discover something is wrong.

Sorry, the wiki instructions apply to MC12.  There has been some changes in MC13 that is not reflected in the wiki.

To instruct MC to play a file type in DirectShow, go to Tools -> Options -> File Types

From the list of media types, select the type (m4a in Audio section for example), and then choose "JRiver audio engine (using DirectShow)" from "Playback Method".
Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 13.0.126 -- Available here
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2009, 08:07:16 pm »

I have a bug where if i am connecting to my remote media library and sync to a handheld data location on my computer it will download the file but drop the extension...

when i do the same as above without connection to a libary server the extension remain.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.126 -- Available here
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2009, 04:36:52 pm »

I think this is a bug....but maybe just a design change request?

When browsing TV programs out in the future.... (TV shows) on the "To be Recorded" list will disappear if they are set for a date/time that is earlier than the date/time you are browsing.  In other words, the "To be Recorded" list seems to be tied to the date/time I've set to search for other programs to record.  So if I go back and check my "to be recorded" list, the programs are gone......unless I change the search date/time back to "now".  I hope my explanation is understandable.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.126 -- Available here
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2009, 02:12:10 am »

Bug: It is still allowed to press nest at Library Items which are below Playing Now, causing to copy the entire Library Item.

Btw, do you keep track of all bug reported so that I do not actually need to check every version?
Note to myself: Read, think, write - Read, think, write - think, read, write - think, write, read - think, write, read... Aahhw, i always mess that up...


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Re: Media Center 13.0.126 -- Available here
« Reply #18 on: February 26, 2009, 11:48:21 am »

Try disabling high-quality drawing in Options > Theater View.

Also, update your video driver.

If you tap the Pause/Break key while in Theater View, you can see the frame rate.  Anything lower than 20 fps will not look smooth.

I experienced the same issue but only on my 32 bit vista machine (64 bit machine was fine). Have now installed 64 bit vista on both and all is well once more. By the way, for anyone who doesn't know you can use a legit 32 bit key to install 64 bit. I have a copy of both versions so just used my 64 bit oem install disc and the 32 bit key.
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