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Author Topic: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here  (Read 7817 times)


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Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« on: February 26, 2009, 12:20:23 pm »

This is the latest version of MC 13.0.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

This latest build (usually safe) of MC13.0 is here:

13.0.129 (02/25/2009)

1. Changed: Removed the old "Select Filters" dialog window.  Removed DirectShow file type list from "DirectShow Playback Options" window, and renamed the window "DirectShow Video Playback Options."
2. Changed: When starting the program when another instance is already running, if the other instance can't be activated, because it's in another user account or is hung, an error message is shown.
3. Changed: MCE fast-forward / rewind buttons do 5x, 20x, 100x seeking.  Using left and right arrows do jumping.
4. Changed: Switched the default volume mode on Vista and later to "System Volume". (can be changed under Player > Volume)
5. Changed: The "Band" field is saved as TXXX(JR/Band) in an MP3 ID3v2 tag instead of TXXX(Band) to avoid conflicts with some software that considers TXXX(Band) the album artist.
6. Changed: The "Date" field is saved as TXXX(JR/Date) in an MP3 ID3v2 tag instead of TXXX(Date) to avoid conflicts with some software that considers TXXX(Date) the year.
8. Changed: ID3v2 tagging used TDRC for date storage and removes other date fields when writing ID3v2.4 tags.
9. Fixed: In rare cases, bicubic image rendering from a large size to a very small size could cause a crash.

13.0.128 (02/24/2009)

1. NEW: DirectShow filters selection on "File Types" dialog window.
2. Changed: The options for recorded television programs in Theater View will show "Watch" and "Delete" instead of the regular play menu.
3. Changed: The "My Recordings" view in Theater View puts the newest programs at the top of the view.
4. Changed: Improved the information panel display shown in Theater View for television programs.
5. Changed: Some naming tweaks to Television view in Theater View.
6. Fixed: Television recording options "Record Current Hour", "Record Current Two Hours", and "Record Current Three Hours" via context menu or OSD menu did not work.
7. NEW: Pressing the record button (media key / MCE remote) will toggle a program to be recorded or not while in Theater View's television view, will toggle recording of the current program while watching, and will otherwise show television view in Theater View.
8. Changed: Choosing to record a program from Theater View will silently schedule a simple recording for that program instead of showing the Standard View popup dialog.
9. Changed: Changed previous / next buttons on MCE remote to switch tracks when playing something other than television (still seeks when playing television).

13.0.127 (02/23/2009)

1. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks to Bytestar).
2. Changed: The Green button on an MCE remote rolls between the last view of Theater View, the home view of Theater View, and Display View (when playing). (also applies to Shift+F11 shortcut)
3. Changed: Theater View thumbnails cap at two lines of text instead of three.
4. Fixed: Theater View thumbnails didn't draw a ... at the end of the last line when all the text did not fit.
5. NEW: Pressing left / right will seek, and enter will toggle pause when in fullscreen Display View playback. (use up / down to show on screen display)
6. Changed: Special handling of image playback from #5 so left / right switch images, and enter returns to the last view.
7. Changed: On Windows 7, MCE remote handler stops (and restarts on close) ehrecvr.exe instead of ehtray.exe. (please report results if you're running Windows 7)
8. Fixed: Playing from a Showroom Theater View view could crash if the player was set to jump on play.
9. Changed: Arrowing up from a Theater View list will set the focus to the second (hidden) roller, then the top roller.
10. NEW: If the field "iTunes Compilation" exists, it will be read and written to ID3v2 MP3 tags using the TCMP frame.

13.0.126 (02/18/2009)

1. Fixed: If user changed analog TV device's tuner input type ("Antenna <-> "Cable") in build 125, it became inconsistent.
2. Fixed: Switching channel while watching another channel that was also being recorded was not handled correctly.
3. Fixed: When scanning for TV channels or ATSC OTA EPG data, MC reported the tuner as "Watching" instead of "Scanning".
4. Changed: Improved readability of system info report.
5. Fixed: Rip failure message text could sometimes be garbled.
6. NEW: Added new experimental Theater View view "Showroom". (to see, you must create a Theater View view under Audio, Images, or Video named "Showroom")

13.0.125 (02/18/2009)

1. Fixed: Setting the shuffle mode using CMJCurPlaylistAutomation worked in reverse, so off turned it on and on turned it off.
2. Fixed (hopefully): Poor video and audio for "ZAP TV 1101" television tuner device.
3. NEW: Added system-wide broadcast mechanism so third-party applications can monitor and respond to program events.
      ( documented in C++ header file at the top of )
4. Changed: Radio feature (Player > Play Radio) uses an can be started with an MCC command (command number 10047).
      ( documented in C++ header file at the top of )
5. NEW: Pressing the "Radio" button on an MCE remote will start radio playback (i.e. Player > Play Radio...).
6. Changed: When viewing Playing Now in Theater View, then showing Big Screen and changing tracks, upon returning to Theater View it will select the playing file instead of the last selected file.
7. NEW: DVD playback is automatically stopped after sitting at a menu with no keypresses for 15 minutes.
8. Fixed: Checking or unchecking an unselected DSP in DSP Studio would not work properly.
9. Fixed: When audio playback needed to buffer in the middle of a track, the display would not always nicely switch to "Buffering...".
10. Optimized: Improved speed to start playing streaming audio.
11. Fixed: Improved tab and shift+tab support when editing list-type fields like Keywords, etc.
12. NEW: Added ability to see recorded programs and channels inside Television view of Theater View.
13. Changed: Internal changes to how layers and cameras are managed in Direct3D views like Theater View, etc. (should be internal change only, but please report any problems)
14. Fixed: Scheduling TV recording when no EPG guide was available did not work since build 123 (start time was empty).
15. Fixed: Recording two consecutive programs on the same channel did not quite work (the second recording started 1 minute late).
16. Changed: TV device-specific settings are saved in a registry key with a name that is unique to the device, instead of the user-friendly device name, so there can be no conflicts when multiple devices of identical model are used.  Sorry, users must redo settings.

13.0.124 (02/17/2009)

1. NEW: Many improvements to MCE remote support (catches Green button, disabled MCE handler while running, better key mappings, etc.).
2. NEW: A new OSD menu item for television recording.
3. Fixed: The "Customize View..." dialog would not always show the correct columns when customizing the "Bottom" portion of a library view.
4. Fixed: MC could crash when logging media type info that included invalid data.
5. Fixed: Artist Info (under Playing Now, etc.) link was not working properly.
6. Fixed: Playing Live TV (using the MCE Remote button, etc.) would not put channels in order, so channel up and down didn't work as expected.

13.0.123 (02/13/2009)

1. Fixed: After saving a custom equalizer profile, sliders could become unmovable.
2. Fixed: In rare cases (only one case witnessed to date), thumbnailing a large image could switch a large swatch of black to white.
3. NEW: MC will try to record a television program retrospectively from the beginning if the user schedules its recording after the program has already been running for a while and the user already has been watching it in time-shifting mode.
4. Fixed: When configuring a television subscription based on time, the default start time and duration could be shifted a little.
5. NEW: Norway DVT-T frequency table included.
6. Changed: When entering supported file types for a handheld, if comma or pipe are used for a delimiter, they will be automatically be changed to a semi-colon.
7. Fixed: The "Locate" menu shown when clicking on the information about the playing track would not always work correctly.
8. Fixed: Scheduled television subscriptions based on time could include days that were not selected by the user.
9. Fixed: In certain cases, a playing file would not show up in My Computer views.
10. Optimized: Loading the tree for My Computer views is faster. (for example, locating a file inside the program is about twice as fast)
11. Changed: It is possible to use expressions and edit multiple, varied files, when in-place editing list style fields.
12. Fixed: In-place edit of list-style fields could scroll the list in unexpected ways.
13. NEW: A new "TV Recording" context menu to start or stop recording on currently playing channel.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2009, 01:40:35 pm »

MC13 is not supporting WV Wave pack Files
MC12 is supporting plugins for that.

Previous first versions of MC13 accepted plugins for Wave Pack, now program says they arent correct.

WavePack plugin for MC:



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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2009, 03:14:39 pm »

MC13 is not supporting WV Wave pack Files
MC12 is supporting plugins for that.

Previous first versions of MC13 accepted plugins for Wave Pack, now program says they arent correct.

WavePack plugin for MC:

That plugin is built with interface version 1, which is not supported.  The current interface version is 2 (defined as MJ_INPUT_SOURCE_CURRENT_IVERSION in code) and has been for quite some time.  I don't see any changes in the code regarding this version or handling of it for a couple years. (I'm actually confused by the reports that the plugin worked with early versions of 13, although there could have been a bug)

Basically this means the plugins need to be recompiled (with possible minor updates) to work with the latest JRiver players.  You might contact the author of the plugin.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2009, 03:42:18 pm »

5. NEW: Pressing left / right will seek, and enter will toggle pause when in fullscreen Display View playback. (use up / down to show on screen display)

I have thumbnail albums and then the large cover art + track listing--on the album page, if I hold arrow down, the first time I open the album the cursor will move downward quickly without hesitation.  After I have started a song or waited a bit, moving up or down has a stutter delay.  It also will re-generate the shown thumbnail when it stutters and the new thumbnail will be slightly different--perhaps 5 pixels different by size (slightly smaller).  If I then move off and back to the song that caused the different cover art, it will be fixed.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2009, 07:24:46 pm »

MC13 is not supporting WV Wave pack Files
MC12 is supporting plugins for that.

Previous first versions of MC13 accepted plugins for Wave Pack, now program says they arent correct.

WavePack plugin for MC:

There is an alternative to using the wave pack plugin.

CCCP codec pack includes Wave Pack DirectShow filters.  You can play wv files in MC using "JRiver audio engine (using DirectShow)" - selected on Tools -> Options -> File Types.
Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2009, 07:29:05 pm »

Recent Commands does not include  Locate

Locate-advanced-name takes awhile to get to.. would be nice if you could add it to the recent command list.

also.  (I think this was brought up before, but I cannot find it)
in TAG
If I select several items and the NAME is different would be nice to show the list so a change all could be done like other fields. works for ARTIST
I don't need the full list of names.. only the ones that are highlighted.
There is a way to compare tags


thanks marko


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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2009, 09:05:54 pm »

Recent Commands does not include  Locate

I have seen this as well, after using "Locate on Disc External" it does not appear on the MRU menu. This had worked prior to present build.
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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2009, 02:18:01 pm »

Code: [Select]
There is an alternative to using the wave pack plugin.
but MC will not import those files to library...? Im right?


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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2009, 02:37:08 pm »

Code: [Select]
There is an alternative to using the wave pack plugin.
but MC will not import those files to library...? Im right?

MC will import them once you have set up the playback method.
Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2009, 04:27:27 pm »

1. Changed: Removed the old "Select Filters" dialog window.  Removed DirectShow file type list from "DirectShow Playback Options" window, and renamed the window "DirectShow Video Playback Options."

1. NEW: DirectShow filters selection on "File Types" dialog window.

When I go to the list with available directshow filters I could double click a filter to popup its settings sheet. This no longer works in their new location and makes it harder to setup the filters correctly.



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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2009, 07:57:42 pm »

MC does not scrobble tracks in a single file (neither .MP3 nor .FLAC) + .CUE


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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2009, 08:27:18 pm »

Have noticed when playing .mp4 file (don't know if it happens with other files) the OSD and controls in display view flicker...


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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: February 28, 2009, 07:30:14 am »

this is a Forum bug, not an MC13 bug. Sorry, didn't know where to put it.

when you are watching a thread and have it set to 'Notify', and Jim splits off a piece to a new thread, you get two notifications, one regarding the change to this thread, the other notifying that there was a split

however, both notifications lead here, none to the split-off topic leaving you no way to know what was split or where to find it.
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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: February 28, 2009, 09:10:12 am »

Have noticed when playing .mp4 file (don't know if it happens with other files) the OSD and controls in display view flicker...

Fullscreen or windowed?  Which video renderer do you use?
Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #14 on: February 28, 2009, 01:58:02 pm »

It worked fine in .119 and in MC12, but build .123 broke the behavior of editing a multi-value field picklist. The problem still exists in .129. The change was not documented, and since it makes tagging this type of field more difficult and dangerous (huge risk of data loss) I continue to report it as a bug.

I believe Matt replied earlier that this is not a bug.  If you want to discuss, please start a thread with simple concise details. 


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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2009, 04:08:54 pm »

Fullscreen or windowed?  Which video renderer do you use?

Full screen.
Don't believe I've changed the renderer for mp4 files but I'll check.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2009, 04:24:49 pm »

The web browser is still crashing when I push the back button...


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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2009, 04:32:06 pm »

The web browser is still crashing when I push the back button...
Please start a new thread with more details.  What are you doing?

Rob L

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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #18 on: March 01, 2009, 05:28:15 pm »

The bug I reported a few versions back whereby the percentage transferred is totally crazy when transferring files to a (Windows Mobile) handheld is still there in this version - e.g. 11302%

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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #19 on: March 01, 2009, 08:15:15 pm »

DVD/Video Import Name Default and Import Oddities

Running V13.0.129 when I import DVD/Videos, the name that appears in “Video View” has defaulted to “VIDEO_TS”.  To the best of my knowledge, this was not the case in the latest version of MC12.  Also, when I go to Tools-Import-Advanced, and uncheck the” ignore previously removed from library”, the import indicates that 0 files were imported, but when I go to the “Video” view, it appears. 

Update: By changing the last option under video in the "Options" section to: [Name]\Video_TS, I now have the correct DVD name. 

Import still seems strange for ignored imports.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2009, 06:40:32 am »

My MC won't stop recording  ?

So I was watching a program, selected record program (from OSD).
Then (from the guide page) selected to record the following program (same channel).
That finished at 10:50pm.
It's now 11:38pm and it's recorded the subsequent program (News) and is now recording Letterman!
Also, the recordings themselves aren't showing up in my saved directory or under the video section in Std View or in the Recordings section of Television in Theater View...

I Just had to close MC to stop it recording and none of the programs - neither the ones I wanted nor the ones I didn't - are present at all...

I'm now going to go to bed and break the news to my wife, whose shows I was (supposedly) recording. It's been nice knowing you all, I hope you remember me fondly...


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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2009, 06:49:37 am »

I'm now going to go to bed and break the news to my wife, whose shows I was (supposedly) recording. It's been nice knowing you all, I hope you remember me fondly...


I had to buy a box of chocolates on Saturday for a similar reason.  It worked pretty well.


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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2009, 10:41:44 am »

My MC won't stop recording  ?

So I was watching a program, selected record program (from OSD).
Then (from the guide page) selected to record the following program (same channel).
That finished at 10:50pm.
It's now 11:38pm and it's recorded the subsequent program (News) and is now recording Letterman!
Also, the recordings themselves aren't showing up in my saved directory or under the video section in Std View or in the Recordings section of Television in Theater View...

I Just had to close MC to stop it recording and none of the programs - neither the ones I wanted nor the ones I didn't - are present at all...

I'm now going to go to bed and break the news to my wife, whose shows I was (supposedly) recording. It's been nice knowing you all, I hope you remember me fondly...

I hope your wife has forgiven you.

The problem of losing recording upon shutting down MC is fixed in an up-coming build.

I can not reproduce the problem of recording not stopping.  I just tried the same procedure you described.  Using OSD menu I chose to record current program.  Then I went to EPG view  and schedule to record the next program on the same channel.  When the first program ends, a "jtv" file is produced on hard disk, and the second recording started.  The second record stopped at schedule time.

By any chance you chose to extend the recording by a large amount of time?  When you noticed that that the recording had not stopped, did you try right-click, TV Recording submenu?  Did the submenu contain a single item "Cancel current recording"?  Did you try choosing that?
Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #23 on: March 02, 2009, 10:52:05 am »

Full screen.
Don't believe I've changed the renderer for mp4 files but I'll check.

Have you checked?

The only thing that I can think of that causes flickering is "VMR9 Renderless Mode" for video renderer.  When using this mode in fullscreen, the renderer is in exclusive control of video resource.  Any other window would not display well.
Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center


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In-place editing of multi-value field -- list doesn't fit on screen.
« Reply #24 on: March 02, 2009, 12:57:57 pm »

Working in view Recently Ripped, using in-place editing of the Keywords field. When I get near the bottom of the view, last 3 tracks or so, the list of values opens below the field, which means it is almost entirely off the screen, therefore can't be used.

One solution near the bottom of a view would be to have the list open above the field, or to the side. Another solution would be to temporarily add "empty" rows to the view so the current roll scrolls up enough to allow the list to display.
Managing my media with JRiver since Media Jukebox 8 (maybe earlier), currently use Media Center for Audio/Music and Photos/Videos.
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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #25 on: March 02, 2009, 03:46:32 pm »

I hope your wife has forgiven you.

The problem of losing recording upon shutting down MC is fixed in an up-coming build.

I can not reproduce the problem of recording not stopping.  I just tried the same procedure you described.  Using OSD menu I chose to record current program.  Then I went to EPG view  and schedule to record the next program on the same channel.  When the first program ends, a "jtv" file is produced on hard disk, and the second recording started.  The second record stopped at schedule time.

By any chance you chose to extend the recording by a large amount of time?  When you noticed that that the recording had not stopped, did you try right-click, TV Recording submenu?  Did the submenu contain a single item "Cancel current recording"?  Did you try choosing that?

That's what I thought I may have done, but a couple of things seemed strange...

A. The JTV file wasn't created. Anywhere. Not in my recordings directory, not in the default MC location - nowehere.

Question: If I DID set it to record for x period of time (and in this case it was 3 hours+ (is that possible through the OSD???)) how many JTV files are created and when? Is it one JTV, created at the end of the recording session, or are the JTV files split as per program guide and created as each program finishes?

B. I couldn't cancel it from within Television in Std View.
C. In display view, if I brought up the Recordings OSD (Recording On, use left or right to cancel), the left and right buttons wouldn't work.
D. If I started watching the channel I was recording, it would go to the beginning of that program - as normal.

I'll try again tonight and see if it happens again...


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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #26 on: March 02, 2009, 04:09:48 pm »

That's what I thought I may have done, but a couple of things seemed strange...

A. The JTV file wasn't created. Anywhere. Not in my recordings directory, not in the default MC location - nowehere.

Question: If I DID set it to record for x period of time (and in this case it was 3 hours+ (is that possible through the OSD???)) how many JTV files are created and when? Is it one JTV, created at the end of the recording session, or are the JTV files split as per program guide and created as each program finishes?

OSD menu only gives you four recording options:

Record current program
Record current hour
Record current two hours
Record current three hours

So you can get upto three hours, but not more than three hours, unless a program is longer than three hours and you choose the first option.

If your second scheduled recording is to start near the end of first recording (no overlap, or only a small overlap), then both are recorded on the same tuner, one after the other.  Two jtv files are created, at the end of each scheduled recording time.  If the overlap between the two schedules is large, then we would try using a second tuner if available, otherwise the second recording will not happen until the tuner is freed up.  So in any case, there should be two jtv files.


B. I couldn't cancel it from within Television in Std View.
C. In display view, if I brought up the Recordings OSD (Recording On, use left or right to cancel), the left and right buttons wouldn't work.

"Cancel current recording" command may have a few seconds of delay.  Other than that, I can not think of any reason why it would not cancel.  Strange.

D. If I started watching the channel I was recording, it would go to the beginning of that program - as normal.

If you have never watched it while it is recording, then watching it would start at the beginning.  If you watched, and stopped watching, and then try watching it again, it should go to the place you last watched.
Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #27 on: March 02, 2009, 05:16:47 pm »

Thanks Yaobing.

Appreciate your comments. Like I say, I'll try it at home again tonight and let you know how I go.



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Re: Media Center 13.0.129 -- Available Here
« Reply #28 on: March 03, 2009, 02:45:13 pm »

I'm getting odd behaviour with a Playlist Group Scheme when I try to set the rules for file display (Customize View>Advanced>Set Rules for File Display). Seems there might be an issue with the use of "or".

The only way to get these rules to work is to use the wizard with 'or's between the filename (path) rules. If you get out of it and then come back in, any modification to either the wizard or the import/export makes all results disappear.  I recreated the rules again as follows, and immediately copy/pasted the results via import/export into a text file. I got out and came back in, pasted the rule (no change had been made) and I got no results.

Filetype is mpg,wmv
Filename (path)   starts with  \\Lizzy\tv (T)\TV
Filename (path)   Starts with  \\Lizzy\Media (m)\TVmepgs\
Filename (path)   Starts with  \\LIZZY\workshop (W)\Workshop Shows

The resulting export is:

[File Type]=[mpg],[wmv] [Filename (path)]=[\\LIZZY\tv /(T/)\TV" [Filename (path)]=[\\LIZZY\Media /(M/)\TVMpegs" [Filename (path)]=[\\LIZZY\workshop /(W/)\Workshop Shows" ~sort=[Filename],[Date]

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