13.0.163 (05/01/2009)
2. NEW: Added a "Programs" OSD menu item for television. Left/right arrows cycle through Favorite Channels (or all channels if you have no favorite channels) with Now/Next program info. MC automatically switches to the last channel you stop at.
First of all, thankyou! This is a fantastic feature.
The only slight issue I have with the current implementation is with the automatic channel change logic. You guys are really determined to have MC control everything aren't you!!
Seriously though, the problem is there's not enough time to read the channel info for a given channel before MC makes up it's mind to switch. Some of my tuners are not the fastest channel changers in the biz either so it's painstakenly frustrating to have to wait for MC to change to a channel you didn't even want to watch before you can continue.
Did you consider using the Enter key for the channel changing? It's used successfully in other areas of the OSD and would give this channel change control back to the user. I saw this feature as a really nice way of checking the guide easily and quickly. It should be more about this.
Once again, a really nice feature though so thanks!