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Author Topic: Theater View: 13.0.143 doesn't recognize <ENTER>, no navigation possible  (Read 2960 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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Hello everyone,

I now switched from MC12 to MC13, did all the settings and the views again and I ran into a real problem...

On my touchscreens (driven by TheaterView) the <ENTER> doesn't get recognized anymore!

It might be a setting somewhere, simply I cannot find where the problem might be. With my touchscreen program I generate
an <ENTER> key command like with a remote control. In MC12 it works just fine, in MC13 it does nothing, so I cannot navigate
within my menus anymore... :(

Who can help me find where the problem might be?



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Where do you need Enter on a touchscreen?  Where in Theater View.

Try the Obsidian skin.


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every choice I make has to be clicked on - or in my case, as I have just a touchscreen without connection to a mouse input (generating keyboard commands !), I have to push something... <enter> worked in MC12 just fine... I could even change my program to generate another remote command... just tell me which one

and yes, I try 'Obsidian'... why not


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Obisidian is a nice skin, but it doesn't work either

How do you want me to choose an album? I move the cursor to the album and then? nothing to say HERE... THIS I want to play... I can just move the cursor left, right, up and down... nothing else

Why is <ENTER> gone?

Btw: I use a special Acajou skin with special additions for my different zones (and it looks nicer in reddish for our house...) and I would have to see which kind of special additions I made a long time ago


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and to clarify I need to point out some things:

I use an ELAN 2000 system with different zones, connected by touchscreens in every zone. Every zone can play different music, all that works perfectly. Just... the connection of the touchscreens is via NTSC video and the touchscreen has a invisible overlay where I can generate remote control commands. I can program that myself. I just use play/pause, volume up/down, cursor left/right/up/down and <ENTER> to choose the stuff I want to play

I know, it's a special setup, but I assume there are more people out there who don't use one of your standard remotes

Thanks for helping


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Use Obsidian for testing.  Other skins may not work as well.

If you tap on the album, it should open.  I don't have a touch screen, so I'm not certain, but with a mouse, it's a single click.

If you are using any special software, could you try without it?  A lot has changed in the last few months.

We'd like to be sure it works with Touch Screens, so let us know what you find.


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I simply cannot generate a mouse click, I have to use <ENTER>, it doesn't work in any skin, I tried all of them (and in MC12 it worked with a mouse click and simply by pressing <ENTER>...

I have no means to generate any mouse click

The normal touchscreens are connected like normal screens to a computer and they normally have a USB interface which generates mouse clicks if you tap onto the screen... this doesn't work with my setup as I use a specially designed invisible overlay structure with screen zones where I generate a remote control IR command. I use a iMON remote control program and generate the proper commands for that.

Just a question: how do you generate a mouse click on a keyboard?? for me it would be logical to just use the <ENTER> key


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I cannot work without my touchscreens and just the emulation of the ENTER key as a mouse click is missing... most other things seem ok to me

I found something else when testing with 'Obsidian': I get my 'playing now' screen and there I cannot do anything, just left, right, up and down get recognized and the rest is dead... I cannot get out of that screen without walking to another floor, where the computer and the keyboard is located and do a lot of <ESC> and <ENTER>, until I get the second screen with the choice if I would like to leave theater view... quite complicated

Interesting, within 'playing now' also the keyboard commands (emulated by IR commands) of 'next', 'previous', 'play/pause = mute' won't get recognized anymore!

And why do I get an empty screen under 'Television' - no channels, although it knows the channels already - just an empty screen?


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ok, I tested a lot:

Obsidian works totally different than before. It's a getting to get used to it. There I can also see the channels in the Television section. So far, so good. In the normal menu sections of theater view I can navigate around, there is just the <mouse click> or <enter> missing - just left, right, up and down get recognized

In Display mode and in Playing now mode only the left, right, up and down keys get recognized, everything else is dead... before, I could do <esc>, switch channels, mute, do previous or next, could do volume up and down... now I get a little overlay window where I can do these things but I have to search for the right one... many more choices, but much more complicated to navigate

Couldn't you just recognize the IR commands like keyboard commands, as in version 12? Would be far easier (or tell me what I should generate as IR commands to resolve my problem)

Thanks :)


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Try it on a PC, without the other hardware involved.  I think you'll see how it works.


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I spent thousands of dollars for my setup and it worked in MC12 like a charm... I bought MC13 to have a better working Theater View than in MC12 (especially when it comes to classical music!)... and I have right now 200'000 music tracks on my Media Center system, growing... now just be so kind and make the <ENTER> key work again like a mouse click please!

Until then I have to use MC12... I was convinced until now to have chosen the best Media Center program... do I have to doubt that now because of this?

If I can solve my problem, then tell me how and I'll do it myself



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On your touchscreen: what does tapping/touching it do?  Isn't that supposed to be a click?  You literally cannot click on the touchscreen?  That seems like a poor excuse for a touchscreen--they are supposed to emulate mouse abilities (move, left click at a minimum).

When you hover an item, it is sort of selected so pushing enter just "submits" it.  Do you have any other programs in the background that are taking exclusive control from MC theater view?


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sending the keyboard command <ENTER>  to thv does work here the same way as in mc 12. could it be that the programm that you use to send the enter key is still sending it to mc12?



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Try it on a PC, without the other hardware involved.  I think you'll see how it works.


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I found a solution...

I can switch my remote control to a undocumented function 'Mouse Action' and switch it back to 'Keyboard' after the click...

Like that I could make it work... works perfectly now...

Thanks for your kind help
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