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Author Topic: JRiver Media Center 13.0.145 -- Available Here  (Read 5216 times)


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JRiver Media Center 13.0.145 -- Available Here
« on: April 01, 2009, 01:10:22 pm »

This is the latest version of MC 13.0.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

This latest build (usually safe) of MC13.0 is here:

13.0.145 (03/30/2009)

1. NEW: Movie entries in My Movies that are individual files are imported from My Movies xml data, in addition to ripped DVDs in VIDEO_TS folders.
2. Changed: Director field is changed to list type.
3. Changed: Improved handling of some WinTV PVR series analog TV tuners (such as PVR 150), so that it will work even if "WinTV Color Format Converter" fails to load.
4. NEW: System sleep is disabled during television recording.
5. NEW: Media Center will wake the computer from sleep for scheduled television recordings.
6. NEW: Shutting down the computer while Media Center is recording, burning, ripping, etc. will display a warning (and also a Vista / Windows 7 'shutdown blocking reason').
7. Fixed: Hauppauge HVR-1300 (Hauppauge WinTV 88x Video Capture) television tuner device did not work.
8. Changed: MC will reload television tuner lists every time the user goes to Options/Settings... to configure television, so that any usb tuner devices that are plugged in after MC has been started will be picked up.
9. Fixed: Hauppauge WinTV HVR-2250 (Hauppauge WinTV-7164 Analog Capture) television tuner devices did not work.
10. NEW: Resource.xml can create keyboard shortcuts (and global keyboard shortcuts) that run programs. ( )
11. Changed: Updated internal APE decoding to use Monkey's Audio 4.07 (prerelease) SDK which has a few fixes for handling of corrupt files.

13.0.144 (03/24/2009)

1. Changed: It's now possible to select "Watch" on a television program that's going to be on in the next 15 minutes. (watch formerly appeared only when the program was on)
2. Changed: Reworked the status messages shown when pressing the Pause / Break in Theater View (and other 3D views) to show the anti-aliasing and anisotropic levels and a few other details.
3. Changed: With high-quality drawing enabled, Theater View will use 16x FSAA when the video card supports it (instead of just 4x FSAA).
4. Changed: The file info panel in Theater View no longer crops all images to squares, but instead maintains the aspect ratio of the image.
5. Changed: Theater View "Base 2.xml" (base of most skins) adds small borders to the edge of the screen so that skins like Glass that have item backgrounds don't look as crowded.
6. Fixed: MC would crash if it tried to record, in the background, a digital TV channel with low/no signal.
7. Fixed: When using Media Server and then showing Theater View first, when returning to Standard View no view would get loaded until manually switching views.
8. Changed: Reworded the confirmation message displayed when TV recording manager starts recording a program on a TV tuner that is already being used for viewing another channel.  Also the confirmation message box now self-destructs in one minute and recording starts if the user does not click a button.
9. Fixed: If the user clicked Cancel on the confirmation message box for "switching channel and start recording", the message box popped up again and again.  Now "Cancel" really means cancel.
10. NEW: Option to use favorite TV channels for Prevous / Next buttons.  You can edit favorite channels list on "Edit Channel List..." window.
11. Fixed: Updated mc2xml support to be more compatible with the latest versions.
12. Fixed: When returning to Theater View and then returning to the root of Theater View, a different root could be selected than expected.
13. Fixed: Pasting tracks into a list (Ctrl+V) would not honor the selection position if the selection was not currently visible.
14. Fixed: If television recording cancelled a recording due to a user requesting to keep watching what is already on, it could delete an entire subscription instead of just the recording of that one program.
15. Changed: Improved audio handling on some analog television devices (possibly solving audio problem with Hauppauge WinTV-HVR 1300 MCE).
16. NEW: Television recordings can be assigned a priority that will be used if more programs are scheduled than the system has available tuners.

13.0.143 (03/20/2009)

1. NEW: Added WASAPI device option to flush the soundcard's buffer on pause (to fix cards that keep looping their buffers while paused).
2. Fixed: Old style Theater View skins could crash on navigation.
3. NEW: Updated the "Hairstyle" Theater View skin to use newer roller-based animation.
4. NEW: Added new video fields "Director", "Producer", "Screenwriter", "Original Title", "MPAA Rating", "MPAA Rating Description", "Country", "Tagline", "Video Standard", "Aspect Ratio", "Actors", and "Studios".
5. Changed: Importing of "My Movies" export files is done using "Import Playlist..." tool.
6. Fixed: When running "Import Playlist..." the Open File dialog did not show txt and xml files when user chose "All playlist types" filter.
7. Changed: Starting or stopping recording a TV program while watching the program will no longer reverse TV's paused state, nor will it jump to live position.

13.0.142 (03/19/2009)

1. Fixed: Selecting secondary rollers in Theater View plugins was not possible when using the alternate navigation model.
2. Changed: Changed default Theater View frame rate to 60 fps instead of 30 fps.
3. NEW: Theater View file info panel image uses true 3D rendering and uses a background thread to perform image loading.
4. Changed: Making an SDK request for a thumbnail will always resave the thumbnail instead of returning the file already on disk if the thumbnail was previously requested.

13.0.141 (03/18/2009)

1. NEW: MC will import My Movies xml for ripped DVDs.  Expect rough edges.  Many fields are ignored at this stage.
2. NEW: Added advanced Theater View option "Use alternate navigation model".
3. Changed: Viewing Television "Recordings" in Standard View will sort with the most recent recordings at the top of the list instead of the bottom.
4. Changed: Viewing Television "Recordings" will also include programs that are currently recording.
5. Changed: Enlarged the size of the file info panel shown on the right of file lists in Theater View.
6. Changed: The duration of a television program is shown long-hand instead of as "30:00" in Theater View.
7. Changed: Simplified Theater View Television view.
8. Fixed: The Audible store could create an "Audible Titles" smartlist even if the store was never being used.
9. Fixed: Smartlist rules built on playlists that used "is all" did not work properly.
10. Fixed: Configuring TV device could cause MC to crash if the TV device failed to initialize for whatever reason.
11. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks to Bytestar).


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: JRiver Media Center 13.0.145 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2009, 03:04:50 pm »

Dead Ugly IMO:
When gridlines are set to off, they still appear in lots of places, such as the tag window, any custom sort boxes, the field list under manage library fields, etc.

Switch to Party Mode or another Library (or even try to find Library Servers and fail)
MC switches all views to Start
Press back to go back to where you were
MC crashes.

This even happens if you change view before pressing back so that you are not trying to go back to where you were before the library change.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 13.0.145 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2009, 03:08:38 am »

Minor redrawing bug:
When in Theater View full screen playing a movie - move the mouse to the top so that the control frame (Stop/Play/...) appears - the control frame is not drawn correctly - background and some borders/buttons are missing.
You have to move the mouse quick and stop moving it - a second mouse move will draw the missing parts of the control frame.
... hope that was understandable :-) ....


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Re: JRiver Media Center 13.0.145 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2009, 01:52:40 pm »

Viewing Images:

Top viewed as Thumbnails
Play images
Delete an image from Display View
Close Display View

Top shows details instead of thumbnails until refreshed.


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Re: JRiver Media Center 13.0.145 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2009, 10:25:49 pm »

I know that people who bought MC13 just after it was release, could use both MC12 and MC13 with the same license. Now I want to use MC12 but it is not on sale anymore so I wonder if I upgrade from MC11 to MC13, will I be able to use MC12 with MC13 license.


Alex B

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Re: JRiver Media Center 13.0.145 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2009, 07:39:41 am »

Now I want to use MC12 but it is not on sale anymore so I wonder if I upgrade from MC11 to MC13, will I be able to use MC12 with MC13 license.

Yes. The last builds of MC12 work either with an MC12 license or with an MC13 license. During the last months when MC12 was still under development a newly bought license was actually the MC13 version, but you can also use an older MC12 license. The transition time started in last August:

We're 101 builds into MC13 now and it feels like time to close the door on MC12.  If you bought a license for MC12 after August 8, 2008, you received an MC13 license that works with both MC12 and MC13.

So, if you haven't tried it yet, it's probably time to give it a spin.  You can find Media Center 13.0.101 (or later) in a post at the top of the MC13 board.  A partial list of new features is here.

Thanks for all your help on MC12 and for your support here on these forums.

Happy New Year.  I wish everyone the best in 2009.  We all need it.
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


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Re: JRiver Media Center 13.0.145 -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2009, 08:33:28 pm »

5. NEW: Media Center will wake the computer from sleep for scheduled television recordings.

Also for alarms in the scheduler? Sleep, that means S1? S3 wouldn't work I guess?
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Re: JRiver Media Center 13.0.145 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2009, 01:42:15 pm »

Also for alarms in the scheduler? Sleep, that means S1? S3 wouldn't work I guess?

It will wake from S1 or S3.

Currently only television recording will do a wake-up, but we'll expand this to other things like scheduled tasks later.

It may be a few builds before all of the standby stuff is sorted, so stay tuned.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center
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