The cover art size is really great now. In fact it's all so good: the info panel, the new PIP implementation, playing now etc all very, VERY slick.
A few comments/observations:
- I think the cover art reflections are too big (if that makes sense). From memory (sorry, don't have an old build in front of me) they never used to be the same size or length as the actual art. They were shorter. Also, when you're viewing tag info in the info panel, i find it a bit distracting the way it appears behind so much of the text.
- Like others have said, it would be nice to be able to define what tags are shown in the info panel for each media type.
- Time elapsed/remaining too in playing now would be good. (Is the green play icon supposed to be missing? It is.).
- The "Show scrollbars" option should be honored for the info panel just like everywhere else.
- When you clear content from Playing Now, the cover art remains on screen.
- When you hold down the right arrow, the cursor stops at the last item on the file info panel roller. This is perfect! When you hold down the left arrow though, I think it should pause at the fist info panel roller item. Likewise when you arrow UP from the tag data area. You can end up in some unexpected screens if you navigate too quickly :-)
- Oh, and thanks so much for putting "delete..." on the info panel roller and playing now. It makes managing recorded tv shows etc so much easier now.
Nice work indeed!