Well, this is just plain wierd! (and the older I get, the more I dislike trouble shooting)
I went through add/remove proggies systematically removing anything that could possibly be interested in my optical drives... nothing. MC failed every time.
I installed the oldest MC13 I have here (13.0.084) which still didn't work.
I installed MC12, which didn't work either.
I used device mangler to uninstall all optical drives, all HDDs, all SATA/RAID controllers, rebooted, waited an age for windows to sort itself out, rebooted again... still didn't work.
I reinstalled the MoBo SATA/RAID drivers... still didn't work.
Getting hacked off, I imaged the drive and restored a disk image I took way back when XP was a fresh install and everything was working peachy, and yup, you guessed it, it
still didn't work.
Surely it can't be a hardware issue? though these drives are getting on a bit now....
I downloaded the 64bit RC of Windows Seven and, wait for it, WOOHOO!! Everything worked a treat. I got sidetracked here for quite some time as I then proceeded to mess around with this new OS. Rather nice, isn't it?

Then I had a word with myself to stop time wasting, and went for a clean install of XP, and so far, with every available windows update, MC, AV Directory Opus and not much else installed, it's still working.
I'm not happy though.
I still don't know what is wrong here, therefore, I don't no how to prevent it re-occurring.
I can't think of any other trouble shooting steps to follow...
I presume that MC can read the drive contents, as it lists and labels the tracks, and retrieves album art for said album, but it can't rip and won't play. A new development here was the appearance of an MC "Analyzing Devices" dialogue halfway through the first track failing to play.
WMP continues to function correctly in all it's interaction with my optical drives.
Many, many moons ago, I had a problem where, after uninstalling a CD burning app, all my optical drives vanished from "My Computer". The fix here, was to locate some registry entries to do with "filters" ?? and delete them. This simple act returned the drives to normality.
Could something similar be going on here? I'm not sure, it was a long (maybe 8 years ago or more) time ago, and I have not recently uninstalled any burning software. Also, I can't find mention of those elusive registry keys any more.
All that's left as far as my limited vision goes, is to reinstall my apps, testing as I go to see if any one of them breaks things.
This is something I'd rather not do unless I
really have to.
Why on earth would the old, supposedly good, XP disk image exhibit the same behaviour?
I know for a fact that I've ripped many a CD since taking that image, and there's never been a problem with those.
Those weird MC failure messages bug me too. Where are they coming from, and do the heiroglyphics mean anything to anyone?
This couldn't be a viral thing, could it?
Too strange for me.