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Author Topic: Message Board Configuration Request to Support Release Notification Feeds  (Read 1498 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Posts: 298

Based on a thread back from the MC12 days about an RSS feed for releases and someone's Yahoo! Pipes workaround for there not being one, I've created my own Yahoo! Pipes feed for MC13 releases (I really like to have the latest version at all times).  The URL for my version of the MC13 release notification is for those interested in receiving them (you can subscribe in the feed type of your choice from there).

It works like a charm except for one thing- the default SMF board RSS feed settings truncate the post outputs to the first 255 characters, which means I don't get the full download links with the post.

This is the latest version of MC 13.0.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

This latest build (usually safe) of MC13.0 is here:

So close!  It would be really nice to be able to just click on the link in the feed to immediately go fetch the build.  This would work if the Maximum Post Length setting for SMF were made a little more generous.

From the SMF site:
Admin -> News and Newsletters -> Settings
Check the box next to "Enable XML/RSS News".
The "Maximum post length" value determines how many characters of a post are output in the feeds. The default value (255)...

Is there any chance this could be done to accommodate RSS feeds from the message board, or I guess moving the download link higher in the standard release posting message would also work?

Thanks and pretty-please


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Ok, doubled it.


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Thanks for the nice post.



  • Galactic Citizen
  • ****
  • Posts: 298

Awesome!  Thanks for that.  I can't wait to try it.  Now go and release something  ;D


  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Posts: 298

Just tested the feed and it works perfectly!  Thank you so much for being so accommodating.  I hope some other eager-beavers like myself get some use out of the feed too.
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