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Author Topic: Is it possible to have DVD playback using ASIO?  (Read 2454 times)


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Is it possible to have DVD playback using ASIO?
« on: May 20, 2009, 04:25:17 pm »

For 2ch listening I'm using a LynxTwo-B card with its ASIO driver. As I am bi-amping JCMC refers to a program called Jack which is a virtual sound card/router that lets the users send audio between applications. I use Thuneau's Allocator for crossovering. In this configuration MC works fine in my PC with XP SP3.

However, I am also trying to keep this configuration for movie viewing with MC.
I have installed PowerDVD but for audio render it seems that ASIO is not a choice, it's not selectable, only DirectSound is.
I wonder if there is a BR/DVD player which can work with ASIO and use MC as interface.
Any suggestion?!
Thanks in advance


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Re: Is it possible to have DVD playback using ASIO?
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2009, 12:06:04 am »

Anyone?! Please


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Re: Is it possible to have DVD playback using ASIO?
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2009, 08:06:42 am »

I'm not the person to answer this, but I'll try to give you a start.

A DVD contains MPEG2.  The audio is multiplexed with the video, so to process it (using ASIO) you first need to split it.

We have a DirectShow Guide in our wiki (link above).  You could start there and with a google search.

I believe that FFDSHOW and HAALI can do the splitting.

A google search should turn up discussion on this topic.


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Re: Is it possible to have DVD playback using ASIO?
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2009, 12:43:41 pm »

I had a close look to your wiki and FfdShow in general. Thanks
It seems to me that the problem is to have an audio render filter that supports ASIO. Eventually, even PortAudio could be ok if ASIO is included. VLC implements PortAudio but does not support Jack Audio Kit nor ASIO...
Does it actually exist such filter?  ?
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