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Author Topic: Where we go next [old thread from May, 2009, now locked]  (Read 27540 times)


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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #100 on: November 13, 2009, 01:18:50 pm »

Bumping this thread, started 6 months ago.  We've made significant progress in several of the areas in my first post -- 1, 2, 3, & 7.

Please don't use this thread for feature requests.  It was intended to promote discussion of strategic direction.  I know that many would say "music only" or "better movie support", so please don't turn the discussion in that direction.  We're working on many of the requested improvements.


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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #101 on: November 13, 2009, 08:03:23 pm »

> 1.  Whole house media network

This is a natural direction for MC.  It is also a direction I'm interested in as a consumer.

Other people have asked for a general separation of server, control and playback functions over a network.  This would be a good long term goal for MC.

I think it is important for each zone to have a separate UI that the controller can use to select and play music.  This UI should allow users to use a different view for each zone. Another good long term goal.

Being able to use a different library in each zone is also a good goal.

I'd like to see JR move toward having a less geeky product in addition to MC.  Some integrated work on design, documentation and UI could make your product suitable to a wider audience.

I think that PC based audio playback is at an early stage like cars that you had to start with a hand crank.  In a few years, viable products will have the equivalent of self starters then automatic transmissions and then air conditioning.
A related idea is to put the functionality of MC in packaged hardware.  I don't see JR doing this by themselves.  I think that your UI and database functionality, your file format support and your support for different output interfaces would be attractive to a company that wants to offer a packaged H/W + S/W product.

You mentioned companies you might partner with.  Your examples were small geeky organizations.  I'd suggest that you focus on larger organizations that are less geeky than JR and have complimentary skills.  Google might be at the top of my list for their Android, Chrome OS and Chrome browser initiatives.




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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #102 on: November 14, 2009, 01:51:18 am »

I'd say that you are still only at the foundations of the "Whole House Network" thing. It's still quite painful to setup, and only just bordering on usable.

Re: setup:
I have to remote desktop in to my server to install new builds. I have to install it in the administrator account if I want it to auto start on whs boot. "Search for local servers" from the clients didnt work for me when i tried it. I had to find the ip address and manually make a new library. Manually setting up port forwarding to access the library from outside isn't for the faint hearted either.
Finally, changing the settings on each new client so that they are pointing to the correct places for covert art etc. is a pain.

Re: Use:
We can sync tag and playlist changes. That is reasonable enough for the "wife" usage of MC, but still inadequate for organizing media.
We need a "client" version of MC, where certain functions (Library tools) are disabled, as they are dangerous. We also need to be able to save changes to views, and apply cover art from clients.

To me the biggest selling point of MC14 is the library server syncing with clients. (with big image preview pane coming in as a close second totally cool feature). I am hoping that you won't call MC14 baked until that feature is more fully implemented.
I have brief moments of weakness where I look at other options that would mean I wouldnt need to start up vmware fusion just to listen to some music, but I have to say that to MC's credit, every other option out there feels psychologically like a bigger pain than booting into windows.


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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #103 on: November 14, 2009, 10:01:22 am »

The whole house media system really has to "manage" everything and all clients must stay in perfect sync and utilize their cross-communication well--all the ideas I've suggested over the years: continue watching this movie in the theater.


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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #104 on: November 15, 2009, 05:32:51 am »

I'll also have to say that better and smoother client/server operations should be a focus. I also like to point out that there is still much left to do in Theater View. Both of this things is increasingly important, and there is stuff in both places that is pretty "half done". In fact, this is not the only place you find things that are not really done yet. It's a bit disturbing. I hope this is not a trend.

I also have to say I like Listener's suggestions. If you aim partnership with bigger companies like google, there might be som real benefits on both sides. Android don't really have any great Media Players for their phones. Why not focus on a great little player for this products? Android is growing big.
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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #105 on: November 15, 2009, 06:09:46 am »

Client/server is a good idea I like.

But a big but! Most NAS servers for home use run Linux and not MS Win. MC enforces you to use MS Win for a server. Installing a server service on a Linux NAS requires a good understanding of how to do this, it is not straight forward.

So a server comes only for those that have a Win based server. How about this?

And I fully agree that on the side of theatre view, there are still a lot of loose ends that need to be cleaned up to make it more stable, “Dummy proof” and more intuitive.

IMHO at the moment MC is a pretty good program but too much tailored towards programming geeks that are familiar to dig their way by “trial and error”. I have recommended it to many but most trashed it because it is to clumsy to get rid of and the lack of a good manual. IMHO MC can have much more (paid) users if there is a decent and updated manual in PDF form. It now has too much the flavour of a hobby of (pretty good) programmers. Despite the look and the powers that are actually hidden in MC.



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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #106 on: November 15, 2009, 06:47:14 am »

MC could import the files from a NAS server without having to be running on it.


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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #107 on: November 15, 2009, 06:53:40 am »

That is the way I am using it Jim. And it suits me quite well. From that point there is actually no need for a dedicated library server running on its own.

Regarding NAS servers, what about running MC as a UPnP/DLNA client?


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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #108 on: November 15, 2009, 09:00:11 am »

Cross platform support is a big reason why one of my ideas might work--build a totally new product for the server.  It could start out quite simple.  I'm not sure but it might take a brand new product to get it right from the ground up.

When a client connects, it should get sent the configuration settings.  Each config setting should be able to be locked on the server end (client can never change them) or set + allowed to be changed or not set at all, use client default.  EACH setting should get this option.

Then, send the db.

Next, as clients make changes, all updates need to be sent to the central server db, where the changes will get relayed back to all clients.  Everyone always in perfect sync.  INCLUDING library database (list of files).  If I tag a file, MAKE THE SERVER update the tags.  Offer a proxy through the server to get the file content: different criteria for this.  I could go on and on...


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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #109 on: November 16, 2009, 09:12:41 am »

I think you are on the right track.  The database is certain fast and it is the best one I have found.  I believe that if you were able to provide it on multiple platforms (Apple and Linux) it would be a major advantage over the competition.  Opening it up to other developers is a great idea.

The whole house media network is also a sound concept.

I like the idea of opening up compatibility with other plugins some of which could become income producers.

As for hardware that is another business unto itself.  There can be a lot of overhead associated with the hardware piece that you are suggesting.  The margins are pretty slim in the hardware business.

I believe the overall key is to become a multi-platform provider.  

I really appreciate the fact that you are addressing the DJ tools.

There appears to be a number of good suggestions throughout this thread.  It would be nice if you could put a list together, as you see them, based on feasibility and benefit to both JRiver and the user community as a whole.




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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #110 on: November 18, 2009, 07:05:04 am »

Just wanted to add my 2 cents, after working several years with different versions of MC:

- database access: it would be cool to access the MC database by standard DB manipulation programs, opening it for third party companies (like MP3tag, foobar) would be also good (all these we use these days in a prep stage before importing into MC)

- settings export/import: you should really provide such functions or keep all settings in the database itself in a special section, it's just always a darn problem to set up a new version or an additional computer

- broken functions: please be so kind and repair the broken functions (which ran fine in former versions)! progress is fine, but keep an eye on the already available stuff too!

- Linux version: this would be great and many people would buy MC... that has nothing to do with open source at all... I just use Windows because I have to

No insult intended, understand me right, ok


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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #111 on: January 23, 2010, 04:56:15 am »

I am bumping this thread. Hope it's ok. MC is moving in the right direction, and alot that has been mentioned in the thread have been improved/implmented. I know it has been mentioned before, but I think Theatre View needs to be a focus area, especially visually. THe available looks for Thatre View are pretty far behind for instance MeedOS (personally i run the evolution-skin), wich has a nice very smooth look, combined with dowloading of posters and fan-art. Eye-candy works :)

Improving theatre view is the main roadblock for using oonly MC.


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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #112 on: January 23, 2010, 06:42:49 am »

I wanted give my 5 cents to this post. I'm using MC since version 9 and still enjoy it.
The only wish I have is a better display with video ( I'm using Nero 9 show time for this, even i don't like Nero) and the possibility to detect duplicated music files. Stay up with u good work.


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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #113 on: January 23, 2010, 06:15:22 pm »

Since this got bumped, I'd like to point out that my references to housewide media management, which are supported by several other users, truly references this thread.  I think if the way I picture the server setup working was implemented, so many other advanced and groundbreaking features would be possible.


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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #114 on: January 24, 2010, 06:26:20 pm »

As a fairly new Windows Home Server user I want to add my support to ben600s concepts.

As part of this it would be very helpful if JRiver had a true WHS version as an 'Add-In'. Several other small companies such as SageTV and MyMovies have done this, so I wouldn't think it to be too costly. I believe I read in another thread that JRiver said they will not do it, and I must admit to having difficulty understanding this. WHS is getting very popular



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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #115 on: January 28, 2010, 01:25:03 am »

No new features - Polishing is my preference.
Individual customization, improving speed and handling, usability, possibilities to tune etc...


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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #116 on: January 28, 2010, 04:55:07 am »

No new features - Polishing is my preference.

Absolutely!  I agree.


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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #117 on: January 28, 2010, 05:14:07 pm »

+1 for Theater View improvements. I would like to see plug ins for it as well...


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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #118 on: January 28, 2010, 05:45:28 pm »

Polish the basics and a little love for ebooks (pdf thumbnails and summary display).


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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #119 on: January 29, 2010, 09:42:50 am »

Hi all,

To me client / remote editing (library syncing etc.) is pretty important. I have brought this up before as I think it should function now but does not. The ability to edit the server's playlists, create new ones and edit the server's meta data from a client would be fantastic. The option to auto, manual or restrict syncing would be great. Most of my Media Center music is played on a client. It is frustrating to have to make all my changes only on the server.

How about copying a smart list to a playlist so it can be edited? I find the smart list is a good starting point but would like the capability to edit the selections.

Add the ability for multiple hotkey or mouse button updates to play it now. ie, left click add to end, right click add as next to play.




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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #120 on: January 29, 2010, 10:17:50 am »

I admit I didn't read this entire thread, so if this has already been mentioned, forgive me... But, one smallish thing that I'd really like to see would be to have MC stop using the IE control when displaying web content.  I think there are other web rendering engines that would be much more capable, and would give us better options for font/image scaling and a better user experience.  I also prefer to keep my IE engine locked down on my computers (I set the security settings on IE to "high" since I never use it and that helps to protect Outlook and Word and other apps that use the built-in IE engine), but this makes MC's web content unusable.

Along the lines of the "fit and finish, and polish" comments above.  Plus, it would help further "OS-independify" MC.

There are two very good options available for web rendering engines (Gecko and WebKit).  I think the license and features available for WebKit makes it the ideal choice.  If Apple can use it to build Mobile Safari, and Google can use it for Chrome, then I think MC could probably do something very nice with it.
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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #121 on: January 29, 2010, 11:50:20 am »

I would like to see a new Playback option- NO SOUND DEVICE. Why? My server has no sound card- all it does is serve up the media to the rest of the house. Yet because of some of the threading issues with the UI, it will inadvertantly try to play files when I want to edit the tags. Then it stalls and comes back to me with an error dialog. The menu system should disable all the playback options if there is no audio output presently configured.



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Re: Where we go next
« Reply #122 on: March 29, 2010, 04:02:20 pm »

I wanted to dig up this old thread, started as we were beginning MC14 development.  Here was my first post.   My comments follow it.

We're thinking about major directions for MC 14, and we could use your help.

There are some obvious ones -- better movie metadata, polishing, DJ tools, etc.  These will happen.

What's more challenging is to find a big new direction.  Here are some of the ones we're thinking about.  Please add your own.

1.  Whole house media network

2.  One remote

3.  Synapse (a media PC)

4.  Open the MC database to a coalition of software companies -- RockBox, foobar, MP3 tagger, dbPowerAmp, Zoom Player, etc.

5.  Database as a hub for developers (similar to #4, but oriented more toward individual developers.

6.  MC Market -- a list of vendors who provide add-ons and a way for them to get paid with MC one click

7.  Contacts and other amorphous information organization -- may need to be done as a new program

I think we made a lot of progress on #1, 2, 3, and 7.  On #5, we made a WSDL interface called JRiver Web Services that has a lot of potential functionality available.  We didn't get anywhere on #4 and #6.

I'm going to lock this thread now because I'd like to focus on where MC15 goes, but if you have specific comments on it, please start a new thread.
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