So it seems what you're suggesting isn't a replacement for an existing navigation scheme that lists all the items in each category. There's a big difference between selecting from a list and selecting from a control that displays only one item at a time—so I don't believe you're proposing that be replaced. So how would you deal with the "coexistence" issues I raised?
Yes, what I'm proposing is a whole new thing plugged somewhere in the interface. It is meant above all to prevent any movement beyond current page. Video - Movies, make your selection (by whatever aggregated, intricate criteria) on the same page, done.
I have to admit I don't quiet understand entirely your point of view, I probably have to reread some of your posts above. You do see some navigation and some places where this might take you that these things collide. I don't quiet see, but I'll try below hoping we're talking about the same things.
I'd really like to have the things I painted above somewhere in the rollers but I don't think that's gonna be the case. So let's say they are separate options somewhere on the page. If that page is a place where you got to by following the current, tree-like roller navigation - so you are not in \Movies, you are already in \Movies\[A certain genre]\[year]\etc, the in place filtering should obey that. One shouldn't be able to re-tweak Genre at that point. That choice was already made. Which will mean that the in-place filtering would have max impact when the least navigating took place (say in \Movies, when all the options are still wide open), and gradually less impact as you navigate down the thread. Should you want to navigate, since this whole thing would be in place to cut short the whole next, next, next style of narrowing down a selection.
I hope I got close to what you had in mind.
I agree it's usually "bad" for navigation, but if navigation is replaced with filtering, it's just a matter of personal preference. If selections "stick," categories are selected randomly rather than sequentially (either from the roller, or simply because you can skip through them without changing anything), and the results view can be selected at any time, then it doesn't really matter how many categories are included in the view.
Then the whole thing can be another type of using the interface, another option. I'd prefer a unified thing but... I can easily foresee we won't be able to satisfy everybody's tastes about this.
But aside from the topic at hand, the idea that too many navigation level is "bad" may be useful as a guideline for the configuration of a view, but it has no relevance to the program design. There is no good reason to limit the number of levels. Some situations are going to demand, and work very well, with many levels. And there may even be a valid choice in the same circumstance. For my videos, for example, I would agree it probably makes sense to define a number of different views (e.g., movies, series, documentaries, home video, etc), and then try to have no more than three categories in each. But if I'm lazy and just want it all in one view, why not just lump all the necessary categories into that view. You can't argue it's "wrong"—it depends on the nature and number of items in the database, and personal preference.
One definitely should have the option to pile everything together should that be his option. But otherwise - efficiency, economy in navigation. What JRiver allowed with their database - a mirriad of views, of groups, of expressions, or organizational choices, well, all that should - wait for it, it's coming -
NOT be allowed to transpire into Theater view. This is not a place to become a visual melee of options just because we have them.
Not in the current implementation on Theater view interface. Take my italic lines together.
Think about it. We are suggesting some changes, and in whatever shape or form they will take place - if they will - we see them as for the better. But this have to be for the better of everybody, including for Johnny Average, that visited the forum 3 times and is addicted only to press OK on his remote. That is why I'm saying simple, with economy of gestures.
Because currently I can't make a skin called "DaydreamSupreme" (super-inflated ego style
) and put whatever I deem necessary in it. And omit what I think it's not necessary. And if somebody likes it fine, use it, if they don't, go use something else, that brings different fields in, that allow some other kind of navigation.