To delete the column(s)? (should only be one, no?) right click on the column header and it should be at the top of the list with a tick beside it... click on that entry to remove the column. To edit it's expression, choose the "Edit" option seen when right clicking on the column header.
As far as existing fields are concerned, you can only edit fields designated as "User" fields. In this scenario, I strongly advise creating a new field as its use is exclusively internal as far as you are concerned, and the fields provided by default have a broad general purpose. Sure there may be some you never intend using, but then, never, is a long time

Looking at the results you posted, it looks as though the library field you should have created in step one above has not worked. Just to recap:
1. Create a new "calculated data" library field using the following expression:
formatdate([date imported,0],filename)2. In a view, try adding (temporarily) the field you just created as a column. It should show the "Date Imported" in the following way: YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS
3. If step two shows as expected, remove that column, then add an expression column that references this new field, extracting the required information in the order you require it. If your data is formatted as shown above, then the following expression :
mid([test field 2],6,2)-mid([test field 2],4,2)-mid([test field 2],0,4) mid([test field 2],9,2):mid([test field 2],11,2):mid([test field 2],13,2)will create a column populated as shown in my screenshot above. Remember to substitute each instance of "[test field 2]" with the name of the field you created in step 1 inside square brackets.
If you're still having trouble getting it to work, post the steps you've taken and it'll be easier to see where I may have taken something for granted (I've got previous for that
