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Author Topic: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.9.6 Alot Improvements  (Read 43757 times)


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.1 Now Autoimport Infos!
« Reply #50 on: August 14, 2009, 07:47:02 am »

btw the same thing happens with these files, and they also work if renamed to ~.avi

Kôkaku kidôtai - Stand Alone Complex Solid State Society (2006).mkv
Gedo senki (2006).mkv
Rupan sansei - Kariosutoro no shiro (1979).mkv
Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines (2003).mkv


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.1 Now Autoimport Infos!
« Reply #51 on: August 20, 2009, 07:51:48 pm »


your Problems with MKV files are not name related. The Problem is that Mediainfo can't retrieve the infos for the files that you have mentioned and give a error to my program. But i can say a have 1473 mkv files myself and no one have such error.
Now i have add a option on config file to make the program not look for LANg or Subs on MKV or MP4 files. That should resolve yours Problems with those files.

Thanks for feedback,



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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.6 a lot improvements
« Reply #52 on: August 22, 2009, 04:39:24 pm »

Not sure what I am doing wrong, but I followed your directions, and it seems to be finding the movies, and saving the cover art... but no tag info is updated. Even if I reimport.


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.6 a lot improvements
« Reply #53 on: August 22, 2009, 04:56:59 pm »

Have you put your MC version at the config file? What are you talking about, manuel update or autoupdate?


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.6 a lot improvements
« Reply #54 on: August 22, 2009, 07:27:40 pm »

Yes I put the version (14)

I have my files already imported into MC.
Press windows-a
Start looking for movies... it prompts me to select one from the list it pulls... then I select the cover art... then the next movie... etc.

When I go back to my library, no tag information or cover art for any of the movies that I supposedly updated are present.

Did I maybe miss a step?

Here is my MoviesSeriesInfos.ini file:
pf = U:\Movie Cover Art\
ps = U:\Series Cover Art\
rename = 1
v = 14
lang = en
otherlang = pt
filemeta = 1
autoupload = 1
playlist = 656557976
aad = d:\Program Files\AlbumArtDownloader\AlbumArt.exe


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.6 a lot improvements
« Reply #55 on: August 22, 2009, 07:40:39 pm »


our Problem is maybe that you have to many files to update. On the first window that appear you should ADD at "Modify results" a field "Limit number to" than put 50 there.  You can put a bigger filenumber there but maybe the program will not retrieve infos for all files.
You can take a look at the file MoviesSeriesInfos.mpl in the Program directory. open it at a text editor and go to the end of it. At the end you should have a </MPL>. if it is not there than write it there and than you can go to MC Menu:File:Import Playlist and import that MoviesSeriesInfos.mpl file. Now you should have the Metadata at MC for the files that you have choosed.



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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.7 a lot improvements
« Reply #56 on: August 22, 2009, 09:05:14 pm »

Alaska - nice work developing this. The more ways we have to get info into the program the better ;)


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.7 a lot improvements
« Reply #57 on: August 22, 2009, 09:10:30 pm »

Thanks, i want to improve it until it is perfect. But that will cost my allot of Time and the user a little feedback.




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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.7 a lot improvements
« Reply #58 on: August 22, 2009, 09:37:55 pm »

am about to give this another whirl. i used it a few weeks ago and had some bumps here and there. interested to see if they have been worked out.

one complaint i did have was that it was pretty hard to find DVD cover scans in albumartdownloader; more times than not, it would just find me movie posters, but i'd prefer the box art. anyone else notice this? or have a way to get the actual dvd cover art into MC, and not just the poster?


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.7 a lot improvements
« Reply #59 on: August 22, 2009, 09:45:12 pm »

Hi, thanks for the feedback..
that what you describe with the cover-art is not a bug my program. it is a wish of you. I have not to do with the Albumartcover program. You should maybe ask at they WebSite for help.

but thanks anyway for the feedback and for give a try.



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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.7 a lot improvements
« Reply #60 on: August 25, 2009, 08:02:33 am »

thanks for the work alaska. had no possebility to test it the last few weeks. but im on track again.



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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.8 a lot improvements
« Reply #61 on: August 29, 2009, 05:56:19 pm »

i still am really confused.

i added all the fields i was supposed to.

i can't set the metadata field to <empty> on the smartlist creation; it won't let me

when i press the windows key with a, i get the export playlist window. i really don't understand this part. i'm not trying to export anything; i'm just trying to grab the data off of IMDB, right?

very confused...


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.8 a lot improvements
« Reply #62 on: August 29, 2009, 06:32:02 pm »

we have two ways to retrieve Mediainfo:

1° Left mouse + right mouse. (Retrieve info for selected media)
2° WIN + a. (Retrieve info for media at the playlist that you have created)

With the 2° way you have the Possibility to retrieve info for Media that has not been retrieved yet, or media that has already been retrieved. When the IMDB Code or SerieID field info have, then the data will be updated. Movie files will be renamed when it has already have been retrieved.

Yes, you have to export the playlist in order to give my program the fields IMDBCODE and SERIEID.
Please just press ok when you have already configured the playlist like I told you.

Do you have any Mediadata showing in the Playlist ?


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Is no one using my Software anymore? It is now a while that no one have make a reply, suggestion.
I want to now what is your experience with it.


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Hi there alaskatu, I'm still on board, just been too busy, what with upgrading to Win 7, Christmas preparations, Wife's birthday plans, Daughter's graduation, work.... Real Life™ has to take precedence over digital...

I see you have potential competition in this area too ;)

My "Incoming Movies" directory is getting quite fat, so, some time in the very near future, your tool will be getting a serious workout, and I will let you know if there are any issues arising when running under Win Seven.

Don't lose faith, feedback in this forum is notoriously difficult to stimulate ;)


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Don't lose faith, feedback in this forum is notoriously difficult to stimulate ;)

so true, im still using it, and it could be that much more people use it. to many great apps disappeared from here because of the lack of feedback. later on when it is taken away out of frustration about the lack of feedback, people start to search and ask and complain.
that there will be other choices is a good thing, not a critique on what you, or raldo made, not everybody wants/needs to have everything in their database.
online now 30 guests, 12 users. the difference between those two is more or less constant i think. from the 'guests' a bigpart reads and learns and uses what is on this forum. but wont participate, guess thats true for the users also, and there is nothing wrong with that.  8)



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I've tagged up my ISO using the earlier version and it was great - I've also no idea how the others funtion as this just works when I need to add another one.
JRiver CEO Elect


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Thanks goes am Marko, Gappie and Jmone,

that have been so helpful for my om going Work with the Software here.

Thanks a lot! Wen everybody that have made a Download here had made a small Commentary about it usability. Than would my small Program bee a lot better by now. 



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   As the other guys have said...please do not get dishartened by the lack of feedback.  It's a sad fact that most people can not be bothered posting a simple thankyou. So, thankyou for making this app and shring it with us...amd importantly supporting it.

I downloaded this program on the weekend and followed all the steps (including making the custom fields in MC14 and updating the MoviesSeriesInfos.ini) however I can not get it to work.

I am at work now, so can not post full images/details, however I will when I get home.

The problem I have is that when I run the program using Right + left click in MC it starts and says it's retrieving information and then nothing it seems to start the lookup and then just stops without updating anything or showing any further messages/screens/images etc.

I have...
* restarted the PC,
* moved the folder where I unzipped you app. to the C: drive.
* tried different folder names for the movies and Series cover art - and updated these in MoviesSeriesInfos.ini
* closed and restarted the app,
* tried running it in MC14 and in MC12 (with the correct version in MoviesSeriesInfos.ini)
* I am connected to the internet (I have no proxy's or anything complex)
* It's the same behaviour/problem when I Right+left click a file in Windows Explorer.

I am running on XP SP2.

How do I debug this to see where it is failing?
What information do you need me to give you to help get this working?



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Hi Davros,

i am happy that you have tried my program. Please give a try with another File.
Try please name like
10 Things I Hate About You (1999).mkv
13 Going on 30 (2004).mkv
If it not work, than you should take a look at the MoviesSeriesInfos.mpl file at the same Dir. Take a look what infos the Program have retrieved before is going down.
Please write my back, with the files names that you have tried, so i can give a try here.
Thanks and good look!


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.5 (stability)
« Reply #70 on: November 24, 2009, 04:08:04 am »

Hi Alaskatu.

I have tried "The Matrix.avi" and some other movies (incl. .mkv etc and all have the same I do not think it's related to the movie name or file type.

Here are some images of the what I have done...
The installed folder...

The .ini file

What happens when I right+left click...
Note the reason there is a cover image showing is because I loaded this using the PvdImport plugin...but I have exactly the same issue in MC12 which has not had any tag data loaded for the movies so I do not think it's the plugin or the fact that some tag data is already there for the movie).

This is the .mpl after run your's basically empty.

I have also tried it in MC12 and get the exact same problem.

Lastle, I just tried it on anotherPC with a fresh install of MC14 and it has the same problem, so clearly I am doing something wrong.

I would be happy to provide any more information you need.



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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.6 (stability) GUI_Config
« Reply #71 on: November 26, 2009, 05:14:13 pm »

Hi Davros,

you have a error im ours MoviesSeriesInfos.ini File. It muss always End with a "\".

Give another try.

With the new GUI editor you can not make such error.





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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.6 (stability) GUI_Config
« Reply #72 on: November 26, 2009, 11:11:31 pm »

Hi Alaskatu - I went to test V8.6 and I too have the problem (but V6.1 works fine) where nothing seems to happen.  As usual, I
1) highlight an ISO based movie,
2) Right+Left Click in Exlorer
3) MoviesSeriesInfos pop-up box says "Acquiring Data"
4) MoviesSeriesInfos pop-up box says "All Data Acquired" with an "Exit" button. 

Nothing else happens so I press Exit

The Contents of the MPL now is as follows (and the file I selected was NOT smallville):

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<MPL Version="2.0" Title="Film">
<Field Name="Media Type">Video</Field>
<Field Name="Media Sub Type">TV Show</Field>
<Field Name="Filename">G:\Series\Smallville\Smallville - S09E09 - Pandora.mkv</Field>
<Field Name="Image File">e:\Backup\Meedio\CoverArts\Series\Season\72218-9.jpg</Field>
<Field Name="Series">Smallville</Field>
<Field Name="Name">Pandora</Field>
<Field Name="Season">09</Field>
<Field Name="Episode">09</Field>
<Field Name="Genres">Drama;Science-Fiction</Field>
<Field Name="SeriesID">72218</Field>
<Field Name="SeasonID">80411</Field>
<Field Name="Description">Tess kidnaps Lois to find out where Lois went after she disappeared for weeks. Lois's memory of the future depicts a Metropolis under Zod's rule and Clark powerless under the red sun, while Chloe forms a resistance group with Oliver. After learning of these future events, Clark makes an important decision about Zod.</Field>
<Field Name="Studios">The CW</Field>
<Field Name="Status">Continuing</Field>
<Field Name="Runtime">60</Field>
<Field Name="Actors">Tom Welling;Erica Durance;Allison Mack;Kristin Kreuk;Sam Witwer;Justin Hartley;Cassidy Freeman;Laura Vandervoort;Aaron Ashmore;Eric Johnson;John Glover;Jensen Ackles;Michael Rosenbaum;John Schneider;Samuel L. Jones;Annette O'Toole</Field>
<Field Name="Rating">4.25</Field>
<Field Name="Director"></Field>
<Field Name="Writers">Julia Swift</Field>
<Field Name="IMDB Rating">8.5</Field>
<Field Name="Metadata Import Date">20091127</Field>

Contents of my INI is as follows
Code: [Select]
pf=C:\Users\Mum and Dad\Downloads\MoviesSeriesInfos v8.6\\
ps=C:\Users\Mum and Dad\Downloads\MoviesSeriesInfos v8.6\\
pserie=C:\Users\Mum and Dad\Downloads\MoviesSeriesInfos v8.6\\
pdokus=C:\Users\Mum and Dad\Downloads\MoviesSeriesInfos v8.6\\
panimes=C:\Users\Mum and Dad\Downloads\MoviesSeriesInfos v8.6\\

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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.6 (stability) GUI_Config
« Reply #73 on: November 27, 2009, 08:31:13 am »

Hi Nathan,
im v.8.6 is a error. I have corrected that now. Please try again.
Please, tell my the filename that you are trying to acquire?


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.7 (stability) GUI_Config
« Reply #74 on: November 27, 2009, 03:36:08 pm »

Hi- Just tired 8.7 and it is still the same issue trying to tag say "casablanca.iso" - the MPL created is as follows:

Code: [Select]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<MPL Version="2.0" Title="Film">
<Field Name="Filename">D:\Catalogieren\Endless Bummer (2009).mkv</Field>
<Field Name="Image File">E:\Backup\Meedio\CoverArts\Filmes\Endless Bummer (2009).jpg</Field>
<Field Name="Name">Endless Bummer</Field>
<Field Name="Media Type">Video</Field>
<Field Name="Media Sub Type">Movie</Field>
<Field Name="Year">2009</Field>
<Field Name="Tag line">NO Pants, NO Shoes, NO Problem!</Field>
<Field Name="Country">USA</Field>
<Field Name="AKAS"></Field>
<Field Name="Trivia"></Field>
<Field Name="IMDB Rating">4.6</Field>
<Field Name="Rating">2.3</Field>
<Field Name="IMDB Code">1047102</Field>
<Field Name="Language"></Field>
<Field Name="Subtitle">English</Field>
<Field Name="MPAA Rating">Rated R for pervasive language, drug and alcohol use by teens, and some nudity.</Field>
<Field Name="Similar"></Field>
<Field Name="Description">A group of teens and a veteran surfer take a road trip from Ventura, CA to the San Fernando Valley in order to track down a prized stolen surfboard. | add synopsis</Field>
<Field Name="Long Description"></Field>
<Field Name="Genres">Comedy</Field>
<Field Name="Director">Sam Pillsbury</Field>
<Field Name="Writers">Affion Crockett;John 'J.D.' Drury</Field>
<Field Name="Actors">Khan Chittenden;Colton James;Ray Santiago;Allison Scagliotti;Jane Leeves;Caitlin Wachs;Bobby Alt;Adam Alt;Ben Rojas;Nick Steinberg;Frank Zummo;Matthew Lillard;Jules Bruff;James Thomas;Joan Jett</Field>
<Field Name="Actors Roles">Khan Chittenden -> JD;Colton James -> Sparky;Ray Santiago -> Lardo;Allison Scagliotti -> Iris;Jane Leeves -> Liv;Caitlin Wachs -> Anne;Bobby Alt -> Shelburn House Party Band Singer;Adam Alt -> Shelburn House Party Band;Ben Rojas -> Shelburn House Party Band;Nick Steinberg -> Shelburn House Party Band;Frank Zummo -> Shelburn House Party Band;Matthew Lillard -> Mike Mooney;Jules Bruff -> Carol;James Thomas -> Richard (as James J. Thomas);Joan Jett -> Dell;</Field>
<Field Name="Web Media URL">;;</Field>
<Field Name="Metadata Import Date">20091127</Field>
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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.7 (stability) GUI_Config
« Reply #75 on: November 27, 2009, 04:15:21 pm »


you should delete the MPL file and try again. Do you have the Problem just with iso files or also with mp4, avi, mkv files?
You can try this. Copy the file that you want the infos with CTRL + C, than go to desktop and make a Right + Left mouse click anywhere am Desktop (Not am a icon). Maybe the Hotkey Program can not acquire the file to clipboard in our system. Give please a try.
What is our Operational System? If is Vista or WIN 7 you should try the compatibility Modus to XP sp2 or sp3.



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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.7 (stability) GUI_Config
« Reply #76 on: November 27, 2009, 04:37:44 pm »

Deleted with MPL, but the same behaviour with files as well (just tried on a renamed file "casablanca.wmv" and then "casablanca.avi").  The MPL that is created is blank excpet for "</MPL>"
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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.7 (stability) GUI_Config
« Reply #77 on: November 27, 2009, 04:51:30 pm »

Have you tried the CRTL + C am File? Than Right + Left Mouse Click on Desktop?


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.7 (stability) GUI_Config
« Reply #78 on: November 27, 2009, 05:07:21 pm »

Yes: Tested this by:
1) Copied test file the the Desktop
2) Highlighted the file
3) Cntl-C
4) Right-Left Click on Desktop

Same results....
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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.7 (stability) GUI_Config
« Reply #79 on: November 27, 2009, 05:25:09 pm »


i do no what is happening by you. I will implement a debug file to my programm. than could you try it and look what is happening.



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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.7 (stability) GUI_Config
« Reply #80 on: November 27, 2009, 05:37:47 pm »

Thanks - will test (note: 6.1 still going fine)
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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.7 (stability) GUI_Config
« Reply #81 on: November 30, 2009, 10:49:29 am »

Windows 7 x64 here and version 8.7.7 is also not working for me.

Rolled it back to version 6.7 and everything worked as expected. Will test your debug version if I get the chance, I'm off visiting for a few days from tomorrow.


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.7 (stability) GUI_Config
« Reply #82 on: November 30, 2009, 02:19:18 pm »

Windows 7 x64 here and version 8.7.7 is also not working for me.

Forgot to post that I am also on Win7 x 64bit and running it Compatibility Mode / Admin makes no difference.
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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.7 (stability) GUI_Config
« Reply #83 on: November 30, 2009, 02:34:38 pm »

Hi Marko and Jmone,
i do not have tested it on a 64 bit system until now. I will post im 2 - 3 hours a debug version of my software, if you could than give a run on it, maybe i will have a workaround by tomorrow. But i can not promise anything. I have XP SP3 here and no other PC to give a try.
I hope i can make a workaround,


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.7 (stability) GUI_Config
« Reply #84 on: November 30, 2009, 02:42:00 pm »

Thanks (no rush - happily using the prior version) - will test and report back.
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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.8
« Reply #85 on: November 30, 2009, 09:35:20 pm »

I fixed the path names and still got the same result....nothing (ie. says acquiring data but doen not populate anything, incl. the just adds </MPL> to the end of the file ).

I installed the new version, set it up with the correct path names etc. and got the same result....nothing.

Same result from inside MC12 or MC14 as when I right+left click on a file in Explorer.  I tried a variety of common/popular movie names.

I tried v8.8.7 and same problem and no log....where is the log file?

I am really keen to get this working.



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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.8
« Reply #86 on: December 01, 2009, 01:44:56 pm »

hi Davros,

i am happy that you are really willing to have it working. Now, i had another look at yours Images and the Answer to you Problem is really ease. You should not use MoviesSeriesInfos v.8.2 as dir name. Change it please to MoviesSeriesInfos.

That should do! i hoppe! it is the only way that i can reproduce your kind of error.

Please tell my if it was that.




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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.8
« Reply #87 on: December 01, 2009, 09:45:39 pm »

Hmmm...interesting....I like tricky problems like that!

I'll give it a go tonight and post again to let you know how it goes.

Thanks again for helping me out.



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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.8
« Reply #88 on: December 02, 2009, 02:05:13 am »

Same issue.

Code: [Select]

Audio;lang%StreamKindID% = %Language_String%\n
Text;sub%StreamKindID% = %Language_String%\n

program is now in C:\MoviesSeriesInfos

Where is the debug info?


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.8
« Reply #89 on: December 02, 2009, 01:00:51 pm »


i have no Idea why it is not working by you. I file call log.txt should bee in our path.



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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.8
« Reply #90 on: December 04, 2009, 01:29:27 am »

Hi Alaskau,
    I am not going to give up on this!  I have created a fresh install of XP and installed MC14 (demo) and your plugin and I still can not get it to work.

I have made this video which shows the steps I took during the install and the config I used and how the program responds.

Please take a look and let me know what you need to help me debug this further.  I could even create a remote desktop login so you can login remotely and debug it for me?




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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.8
« Reply #91 on: December 04, 2009, 05:39:13 pm »

Hi Davros,

a am very impressed with our willing on have my Program a try. I will make a new installation of XP at my Computer to see if i am missing something at this point. You are making everything write that i can see. I can not understand way my Program exit if a MoviesSeriesInfos.mpl that only have </mpl> in there. I will look into it tonight.

thanks for the Vídeo,




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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.8
« Reply #92 on: December 04, 2009, 10:32:57 pm »

Hi Davros and everyone that was having Problems with my Program. look at the first post. i have add the links for the ImageMagick software that must be installed im order to make my program work properly.




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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.8
« Reply #93 on: December 07, 2009, 01:56:17 am »

Installed Imagemagik (all 112 MB of it!!), installed MSI v8.8.7, sorry to have to report that it's still not working.
I'm launching using the "right click + left click" method.

It goes from "retrieving data" to "All data acquired" almost instantly, and then just sits there, doing nothing.

The generated MPL file only contains a single "</MPL>" and each failed attempt adds another on a new line.

Just to be sure, I reinstalled imagemagik taking the non-default "install OLE support" but that did not help, it's still not working for me.
One thing I did notice, not sure if it means anything, but...

Going back to v6.7 still works fine. When using the right click + left click method for launching the program, there is no MC context menu shown when releasing the right mouse button with 6.7, but when using 8.8, the MC right click menu is shown when the right mouse button is released. I tried using the autohotkey file from 6.7 with 8.8 but it still did not work.

I've now uninstalled imagemagik... out of curiosity, why would your program require imagemagick:
ImageMagick® is a software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. It can read, convert and write images in a variety of formats (over 100) including DPX, EXR, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PDF, PhotoCD, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF. Use ImageMagick to translate, flip, mirror, rotate, scale, shear and transform images, adjust image colors, apply various special effects, or draw text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves.


Some alternative skins are here | Import Stats on Steroids | Middle click the close button=One of the neatest things added to MC in a long time


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.8
« Reply #94 on: December 07, 2009, 07:52:54 am »

Hi Marko,

now i see that the Links to ImageMagicks are not working anymore. You should install the Binary version of Imagemagicks:
From this page:
The 32 Bit version is ImageMagick-6.5.8-4-Q16-windows-dll.exe and have only: 12,6 MB
The 64 Bit version is ImageMagick-6.5.8-4-Q16-windows-x64-static.exe and have only: 35 MB
Do not forget to select the "Install PerlMagick for Activstate Perl v.5" in Installations Menu.

I don't have tried the 64 Bit version. I don#t have a 64 bit OS. But should also work.
The 32 bit version i have installed in a new Windows XP instalation with the ImageMagick-6.5.8-4-Q16-windows-dll.exe and that work well.

I need Imagemagicks in order to Present the Image for Movies without have to use MovieArtDownloader.

Thanks for the reply.



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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.8
« Reply #95 on: December 07, 2009, 04:21:43 pm »

Alaskatu, thanks for the help. I installed the ...-ddl.exe (win32 version is only about 12MB- the link did not work but it was easy to find the right version) and it now works! YAY!

I did not get time to test it in detail, but will have a look in more detail tonight and post some thoughts/suggestions.

I'm using it with PVDImport. I imported the bulk of my movie library with PVDImport and now want to maintain the library in MC. ie. as I add new movies to MC, I want to use MovieSeriesInfos to get the cover art/etc. and I want to try and make sure that the two ways of importing data work well together.  I know they will import to different user defined fields in MC, but I at least want them to not clash.

A question...I notice that your program was renaming my movie files (for example "The Matrix.avi" -> "The Matrix (1999).avi". Can I turn this off by setting "autorename=0" in the .ini?


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.8
« Reply #96 on: December 07, 2009, 05:34:55 pm »

Hi Davros,

i am happy that it is working now for you. I had made a few changes at my code and the next version you will not need to install ImageMagick anymore. I will upload this tonight.
if you import are using left + right mouse click you have to deselect the rename function
if you import are using ctrl + A hotclick you have to deselect the auto-rename function



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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.9
« Reply #97 on: December 08, 2009, 04:11:53 am »

Hi Alaskatu, I can also confirm that V8.9 works under Win7-64 bit just fine!  As most of my video is Blu-ray or HD-DVD I used to add this search term behind the Coverart's Lookup to get the relevant graphic.  In V8.9 I can not change the search string as it is Automatic so I can no longer search for theBlu-ray or HD-DVD coverart just the "std" one.

Eg I now get only "Departed" -

Instead of "Departed HD-DVD" -

or "Departed Blu-ray"-

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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.8.9.5
« Reply #98 on: December 12, 2009, 03:12:00 pm »

Hi Alaskau, Do some ore testing on 8.9 and it crashed with a "Acquiring Infos from IMDB and TVDB for Movies and Series has stopped working"....when trying to tag U2_RATTLE_AND_HUM.ISO.  I think it is related to the series feature as the bigger pop up box appears (not just the movie one which is working fine), as when I rename it RATTLE_AND_HUM.ISO I get the smaller MoviesSeriesInfos selection popup and it works fine.

Also on the coverart selection, it would be great if you can have a flag that lets you modify the coverart search string if you want (and you can then add Blu-ray, etc manually behind the title as I do with V6).

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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.9.0 (Stability)
« Reply #99 on: February 19, 2010, 01:25:06 am »

i can't get this to work at all.

i install it and have all the fields added to media center. however, when i use the right click left click method, a box just appears in the bottom right of my screen that says MoviesSeriesInfos and an exit button (which is not responsive). No data seems to be being searched for or found or added to Media Center.
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