Hi people,
like many of you i am a MC lover. I dedicated weeks my free time to write a info acquiring program for my Movies and Series. The Program retrieve IMDB and TVDB data for Movies and Series.
What can i say! It is a very cool piece of Code. Befor i wrote the program i have use Meedio and even the new Pvdimport plugin. Meedio for years. It works, but i have to maintain 2 programs and it is now easy to use. What i don't like much!
But now i can update my Movie and Series library with just one Mouse click or a hot-Key. You can also use the extern Software function of MC. You can update one or even multiple Movie/Series at time. Just select movies/series that you want to have the infos and hold right mouse button and then click left mouse button without release the right. Or, you can join the software to the extern function of MC. (But than you muss select the Movies and with control c copy the files. than go to extern programms and trieger de Programm.
What can the Program.
- Retrieve data for one or more Files one time.
- Select the right Movie or Serie in the Windows that appears.
- Acquiring Movie Covers Direct from Google Image
(don't need to install AlbumArtDownloader anymore)- it will automatic rename the Movie/Serie name. You can make it off if you want.
- when you select more than one movie/serie , you can maybe skip one or other so they don't acquire infos.
- import all acquired Infos automatic into MC.
- Acquiring Season Covers Direct from TVDB
- Infos Auto-retrieve for new Files or already retrieved. (You can choose between Today, Yesterday, 3° Day, 4° Day, 5° Day, 6° Day, 1° Weak, 1° Month, 2° Month, 3° Month, 1° Year
To call the Auto retrieve function press WIN + A keys. To take it to work you will have to unzip the file and put the Ordner anywhere in you pc, than run MoviesSeriesHotKey.exe, that piece of program is for the Mouse and Keyboard hotkey. You shoud put a Link to MoviesSeriesHotkey.exe under Start/All Programm/Startup, so the Program always start with Windows. Or put a shortcut under Desktop.
It works outside MC too, maybe you use it at explorer or total commander.
- Configfile: MoviesSeriesInfos.ini
At that file you have to make your personal choise:
- the Covers directory for storage from Movie and Series Season Covers
- the version from Media Center that you use
- retrieve from covers or not
- rename filename or not
- Autofunction Activeted or not
You will have to add some user fields in MC. To do so, go to Tools -> Options -> Library & Folders -> Manage Library Fields and add the follow Fields:
- [Genres], [Actors Roles], [AKAS], [Writers], [Subtitle], [Language] and [Similar] all with data type "semicolon delimited".
- [Long Description], [IMDB Code], [Trivia], [SeasonID], [SeriesID], [Series], [Episode] and [Season], [MetaData Import Date],
[Collection]with data type "String"
- [IMDB Rating] -> data type "Decimal".
The software is smart, you can put files with any name (but maybe you should not have release data in the filename. Automatic can the software just erase dvdrip, ac3, divx, and some more. When it find a exact Movie at the IMDB databank or serie at TVDB the software will not boring you with a select right Movie/Serie window. But when it not find a exact match the a windows will pop-up, where you can them select the right movie/serie or skip.
At v.4.0 i have implemented a Mainmenu, where you can see if the Programm works and you can close it too. I have implementet a Scrollbar so you can see much more data.
After that you will have the IMDB and TVDB infos that you have selected, automatic imported into JRiver.
Donations are welcome: Paypal
Click here to DonateA Video about the Script is here to Download.
Select our Movies than hold right and click left Mouse Button!
The Programm starts and search the movie Metadata. Wenn it not is a exact match, it will pronpt a pop-up menu like here. Lock, you can also make a new search or skip a movie.

After that, you can pick a cover for the movie.
After that it will retrieve the data for the next movie or import the metadata if it was just one movie.

Import Metadata and covers into MC. (Automatic)

The Program is now working. Remember that you should have the MoviesSeriesHotkey.exe started.
If you don't need Autoupdate you don't need to put follow Fields in MC. But i would recommend, so you can have your Library always Updated.
Autoupdate start with the Hotkey Win + A. If you want this to work, you must add some more Fields and Expressions to MC.
- [Current Date Number] -> Expression -> formatdate(now(),yyyyMMdd)- [MetaData] -> Expression ->
if(isequal([current date number],[MetaData Import Date],8),Today,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00000001),[MetaData Import Date],4),Yesterday,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00000002),[MetaData Import Date],4),2 Day's,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00000003),[MetaData Import Date],4),3 Day's,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00000004),[MetaData Import Date],4),4 Day's,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00000005),[MetaData Import Date],4),5 Day's,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00000006),[MetaData Import Date],4), 6 Day's,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00000007),[MetaData Import Date],4), 1 Week,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00000100),[MetaData Import Date],4), 1 Month,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00000200),[MetaData Import Date],4), 2 Month,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00000300),[MetaData Import Date],4), 3 Month,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00010000),[MetaData Import Date],4), 1 Year,))))))))))))
You have to add a a Smartlist call MoviesSeriesInfos: It muss see exact like that one. The Fields (SeriesID, IMDB Code, Name, Image File, Collection, Filename) in that order also... very important. Please ADD a "Limit munber to" field, the value can difere for our machine. But i would begin at 50 or 100. I use 500
You can Adapt the File Type for our needs. And the MetaData Field for the Smartlist is the custon field that you create befor. At first time you will not see anything in there. but after you retrieve infos for some files it will stay Today, next day it will stay Yesterday and so on.Very Important also. You will have to get the Smartlist ID from MC to put into the config datei .ini: to do that you should create a new one (smartlist) at rules select Playlist, then select the smartlist call MoviesSeriesInfos. now go to Import/Export left/under eck. Now you can se the playlistid. copy just the number for the list and put it into the config datei.
Now when you press "WIN" + "A" keys at the keyboard. Its shows:

Select ours MetaData Time interval, at first time you muss select empty.
Now you muss select the Path to the MoviesSeriesInfos directory. Than select textfile delimited, only visble fields and press ok. Now it will retrieve information for all data im that smartlist. Are there new files or files with alredy downloaded infos.

Download the Program: V.9.6 (Abilit to Change Window Dimentions (Please change it by the ini file direct), Wen Movie are made im ASIA (China, Japan, Corea) it will display a second window after choise of movie with opition for Ocidentale Names)
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