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Author Topic: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.9.6 Alot Improvements  (Read 43704 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Hi people,

like many of you i am a MC lover. I dedicated weeks my free time to write a info acquiring program for my Movies and Series. The Program retrieve IMDB and TVDB data for Movies and Series.
What can i say! It is a very cool piece of Code. Befor i wrote the program i have use Meedio and even the new Pvdimport plugin. Meedio for years. It works, but i have to maintain 2 programs and it is now easy to use. What i don't like much!
But now i can update my Movie and Series library with just one Mouse click or a hot-Key. You can also use the extern Software function of MC. You can update one or even multiple Movie/Series at time. Just select movies/series that you want to have the infos and hold right mouse button and then click left mouse button without release the right. Or, you can join the software to the extern function of MC. (But than you muss select the Movies and with control c copy the files. than go to extern programms and trieger de Programm.

What can the Program.
- Retrieve data for one or more Files one time.
- Select the right Movie or Serie in the Windows that appears.
- Acquiring Movie Covers Direct from Google Image (don't need to install AlbumArtDownloader anymore)
- it will automatic rename the Movie/Serie name. You can make it off if you want.
- when you select more than one movie/serie , you can maybe skip one or other so they don't acquire infos.
- import all acquired Infos automatic into MC.
- Acquiring Season Covers Direct from TVDB
- Infos Auto-retrieve for new Files or already retrieved. (You can choose between Today, Yesterday, 3° Day, 4° Day, 5° Day, 6° Day, 1° Weak, 1° Month, 2° Month, 3° Month, 1° Year
To call the Auto retrieve function press WIN + A keys.

To take it to work you will have to unzip the file and put the Ordner anywhere in you pc, than run MoviesSeriesHotKey.exe, that piece of program is for the Mouse and Keyboard hotkey. You shoud put a Link to MoviesSeriesHotkey.exe under Start/All Programm/Startup, so the Program always start with Windows. Or put a shortcut under Desktop.
It works outside MC too, maybe you use it at explorer or total commander.

- Configfile: MoviesSeriesInfos.ini
At that file you have to make your personal choise:
- the Covers directory for storage from Movie and Series Season Covers
- the version from Media Center that you use
- retrieve from covers or not
- rename filename or not
- Autofunction Activeted or not

You will have to add some user fields in MC. To do so, go to Tools -> Options -> Library & Folders -> Manage Library Fields and add the follow Fields:

- [Genres], [Actors Roles], [AKAS], [Writers], [Subtitle], [Language] and [Similar] all with data type "semicolon delimited".

- [Long Description], [IMDB Code], [Trivia], [SeasonID], [SeriesID], [Series], [Episode] and [Season], [MetaData Import Date], [Collection]with data type "String"

- [IMDB Rating] -> data type "Decimal".

The software is smart, you can put files with any name (but maybe you should not have release data in the filename. Automatic can the software just erase dvdrip, ac3, divx, and some more. When it find a exact Movie at the IMDB databank or serie at TVDB the software will not boring you with a select right Movie/Serie window. But when it not find a exact match the a windows will pop-up, where you can them select the right movie/serie or skip.
At v.4.0 i have implemented a Mainmenu, where you can see if the Programm works and you can close it too. I have implementet a Scrollbar so you can see much more data.

After that you will have the IMDB and TVDB infos that you have selected, automatic imported into JRiver.

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A Video about the Script is here to Download.


Select our Movies than hold right and click left Mouse Button!
The Programm starts and search the movie Metadata. Wenn it not is a exact match, it will pronpt a pop-up menu like here. Lock, you can also make a new search or skip a movie.

After that, you can pick a cover for the movie.

After that it will retrieve the data for the next movie or import the metadata if it was just one movie.

Import Metadata and covers into MC. (Automatic)

The Program is now working. Remember that you should have the MoviesSeriesHotkey.exe started.

If you don't need Autoupdate you don't need to put follow Fields in MC. But i would recommend, so you can have your Library always Updated.

Autoupdate start with the Hotkey Win + A. If you want this to work, you must add some more Fields and Expressions to MC.

- [Current Date Number] -> Expression -> formatdate(now(),yyyyMMdd)
- [MetaData] -> Expression ->

if(isequal([current date number],[MetaData Import Date],8),Today,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00000001),[MetaData Import Date],4),Yesterday,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00000002),[MetaData Import Date],4),2 Day's,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00000003),[MetaData Import Date],4),3 Day's,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00000004),[MetaData Import Date],4),4 Day's,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00000005),[MetaData Import Date],4),5 Day's,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00000006),[MetaData Import Date],4), 6 Day's,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00000007),[MetaData Import Date],4), 1 Week,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00000100),[MetaData Import Date],4), 1 Month,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00000200),[MetaData Import Date],4), 2 Month,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00000300),[MetaData Import Date],4), 3 Month,if(isequal(math([current date number]-00010000),[MetaData Import Date],4), 1 Year,))))))))))))

You have to add a a Smartlist call MoviesSeriesInfos: It muss see exact like that one. The Fields (SeriesID, IMDB Code, Name, Image File, Collection, Filename) in that order also... very important. Please ADD a "Limit munber to" field, the value can difere for our machine. But i would begin at 50 or 100. I use 500

You can Adapt the File Type for our needs. And the MetaData Field for the Smartlist is the custon field that you create befor. At first time you will not see anything in there. but after you retrieve infos for some files it will stay Today, next day it will stay Yesterday and so on.

Very Important also. You will have to get the Smartlist ID from MC to put into the config datei .ini: to do that you should create a new one (smartlist) at rules select Playlist, then select the smartlist call MoviesSeriesInfos. now go to Import/Export left/under eck. Now you can se the playlistid. copy just the number for the list and put it into the config datei.

Now when you press "WIN" + "A" keys at the keyboard. Its shows:

Select ours MetaData Time interval, at first time you muss select empty.

Now you muss select the Path to the MoviesSeriesInfos directory. Than select textfile delimited, only visble fields and press ok. Now it will retrieve information for all data im that smartlist. Are there new files or files with alredy downloaded infos.

Download the Program: V.9.6 (Abilit to Change Window Dimentions (Please change it by the ini file direct), Wen Movie are made im ASIA (China, Japan, Corea) it will display a second window after choise of movie with opition for Ocidentale Names)


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Re: Movie Metadata Automation for J.river!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2009, 11:12:29 pm »

Looks very interesting - I'm not an admin, but I'm sure no-one would object to you posting the code.

Many of us are using Personal Video Database or My Movies to maintain a database and then syncing with MC. I'd be keen to try out your coverart downloader.


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Re: Movie Metadata Automation for J.river!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2009, 06:15:34 am »

WOW!! This is exactly what i've been looking for to sort out my film library. HUGE Thanks! I'm new to MC and every day so far i have discovered some other little thing (like this) which makes me love it even more!

I'm having a problem though, in that after metadata has been retrieved from IMDB the file is renamed to "[Name] ([Year]).avi" but MC reports it cannot find the file: it is still looking for the old filename. If the filename is in this format (with the correct year) before metadata lookup it is fine so it seems the script is updating all tag data in MC except the filename it changes it too... Have i just just made some stupid mistake setting it up?


  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Movie Metadata Automation for J.river!!!
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2009, 07:45:21 am »

have you the Auto-import function activated in MC? If the filename have changed, than MC will have to re-import the file. Just click auto import or refresh. That should do it. You can look at the Metadata file. Open it in Notepad or Word and look too the filename. Filename and the filename im Metadata file should bee the same.
I hope it works for you. Here works very well.


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Re: Movie Metadata Automation for J.river!!!
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2009, 08:03:42 am »

ive also been playing with the plugin. and it is very nice. simple to use.  8)
i do think the renaming is a bit of a down side for me. indeed autoimport pics up the new file fine, but with it i loose my play statistics for that movie.
one other thing i noticed is that it did not fill in genre.

and i have one question. is it possible to run the script without the album art downloader?

thanks a lot for sharing the script.



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Movie Metadata Automation for J.river!!!
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2009, 08:37:40 am »

for now you can not shut the albumartdownloader down. But i can make a little version of it that can. ok, that have i realy forgotten to tell you all at the description. For Genre you will have to add a user field call Genres that is List (semicolon delimited) otherwise it will not fill it up. Also for [Actors Roles], [AKAS], [Writers] and [Similar] all with data type "semicolon delimited". I have also a field [Long Description], [IMDB Code] and [Trivia] with data type "String"
[IMDB Rating] -> data type "Decimal".
The rename function can i also change.
Let my a little time.


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Re: Movie Metadata Automation for J.river!!!
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2009, 10:19:54 am »

 :) that is indeed worthfull info. i just added the fields in my test database and they get nicely imported.

it works great now for new imported movies. when it would add the info to my excisting tags it would be amazing.
i also noticed that it would not go further when i dont choose a cover . i preferr to use screenshots, and i think a lot of people have scanned there own. so if there would be a way to turn it of...  8)

nice work, also that it runs 'outside' mc.

take your time and thanks so far..



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: Movie Metadata Automation for J.river!!!
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2009, 10:28:32 am »

i am right now working on make it simple to turn the Albumart function off. But you could also just exit the window, them it will go further.


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Re: Movie Metadata Automation for J.river!!!
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2009, 11:25:50 am »

hey alaska, one other small thing i noticed is that behind the writer and director tags it writes a ;
so one time to many, giving an empty value behind it. you can see that in the tag window.




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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.4.2 Uploaded!!!
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2009, 12:58:59 pm »

I found a little time to play with this today, and ran into a few issues:

  • If the movie title is not matched, and the program provides a list to choose from, clicking an item in the list causes the program to fail. To get it to work, I must manually type the correct term in the box at the bottom, then click on the search button.
  • Some of my movies are across two files, and these are named "[name] #01" and "[name] #02". The program is convinced these are series, and I can't seem to tell it otherwise.
  • While the autohotkey thing is running, I cannot drag a selection in MC using the right mouse button.

Apart from these issues, everything else worked as advertised. Well done.

Some alternative skins are here | Import Stats on Steroids | Middle click the close button=One of the neatest things added to MC in a long time


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.4.3 Uploaded!!!
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2009, 07:12:58 pm »

Hi, thanks for the feedback.
- point 1: i have correct it. (it was a error with the new GUI)
- point 2: This option is not implemented (I just work with 1 part movies). MC can not distinguish that it is a movie with two parts, so it will have two movies at my view. I dont like it, so i make 2 part movies inside a mkv container. Now i have only one movie part. (but could rename the movie to [name] cd1 or [name] part1, than only retrieve data for the 1° part of the movie, not retrieve data for the 2 parts because the program will overwrite the part 1 with the part 2.). To join the movies to mkv, look please at:
- point 3: I am working with WIN 7 and i can't drag a selection in MC using the right mouse at all. But it works with the left mouse button.


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.4.3 Uploaded!!!
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2009, 07:37:51 pm »

quick turn around, but, d'load link leads to v4.1 ?

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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.4.3 Now Uploaded!!!
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2009, 07:38:38 pm »

Look again!!! Megaupload always make something like that! I have Uploaded the right file but it look in server, if there is any similar file. it report to that old file.
But now it works, i have at three server uploaded.


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.4.3 Now Uploaded!!!
« Reply #13 on: July 30, 2009, 02:00:11 am »

It works great. thanks for the additions in the inf file. it does everything i could wish.



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.4.3 Now Uploaded!!!
« Reply #14 on: July 30, 2009, 03:28:50 am »

I am very glad that you have enjoyed the implementations!!!

I will keep working at it, until it is perfect!
I could use more feedback from the people that read and tried the software.
Thanks to all that have did it until now!




  • Junior Woodchuck
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Hi everyone,
i have taked another look at the Bug (right Mouse Drag) Marko have described a few Post past. I am working now am repair this. Thanks Marko!



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It would seem there's a problem with movies that have numbers in their titles. I have 4 here, "21", "28 Weeks Later", "88 Minutes" and "1408". The program does not like any of these!!

If I change the filename to something random, such as "four.avi", this produces the list of possible matches. I can then type in 1408 and click the search button, and it comes back with correct info.

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  • Junior Woodchuck
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Hi Marko,
thanks for the feedback, i have now correct the code. Now it works fine with such filename. Have you had a look at the Serie Season Cover download, what you think from it? It is hard to make it perfect when so few people make reports. Just 0,01 % from the people that have looked into it have write  feedback at all.
Thanks for yours!


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.2 ++Mousewheel++BUGs++
« Reply #18 on: August 03, 2009, 12:20:32 pm »

Going to be away for some days, so no chance to play with this for a bit.

I'll get back to you when I return, by which time, someone else may have stepped into the breach.
I tried one TV series, Torchwood, and the program did not like it at all. I spawned an error dialogue from albumart d'loader regarding correct syntax, and failed to find the correct series.
I'm 99.99% certain that's going to be down to my totally non-standard file naming system, so don't read too much into that just yet :)

For movies, the program is working really well, though could probably do with an "I'm feeling lucky" mode, where instead of asking, it just auto-selects the top result and moves on. Thinking on from that, I thought that if you made that possible, it might also be a good idea to write the current filename above the progress bar, just so we know it's still working it's way through the list.

See you when I get back,

Some alternative skins are here | Import Stats on Steroids | Middle click the close button=One of the neatest things added to MC in a long time


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.2 ++Mousewheel++BUGs++
« Reply #19 on: August 04, 2009, 06:09:49 am »

hi alaskatu

the new versions great, i'm loving the changes, marko's definitely right about the filename going in the title bar, and it might be nice to have an option to search from IMDB Code rather than filename, as i tagged many movies before i knew about the extra fields & most still need picking from a list, and this would also simplify retagging if you add further fields in future.

When i try to tag the series House (as in House M.D.) it returns a really long list of options with no way to scroll down so i can only see the 1st twenty or so (house isnt in the part of the list i can see) and cant get down to the text box or skip/search buttons... when i hit the close button though it opens up albumartdownloader, and fills the tags with the correct info!



  • Junior Woodchuck
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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.5
« Reply #20 on: August 04, 2009, 10:10:59 am »

Hi Marko and Misery...
thanks for the feedback! I have put the filename at the Top like Marko said. About the TV series, Tourchwood and House. Here works without Problem. What is the full filename so a can trie it here. Yes you can scroll the Window to find the Serie Misery. What version have you used?
About the IMDB code or even TVDB code for data retrieve, you must keep Pacient. But i am considering to make such function reality.
Thanks again.


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.5
« Reply #21 on: August 05, 2009, 09:24:26 am »

I look forward to trying this out tonight for my movies and TV shows.


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.5
« Reply #22 on: August 05, 2009, 06:18:38 pm »

what folder do i extract this into?

and do i need to install albumartdownloader first or does it not matter?


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.5
« Reply #23 on: August 05, 2009, 06:33:42 pm »

not sure it's been mentioned before but the feature I would need the most to start using this plug-in is a theater skin that would allow to display some of the downloaded info on a big screen.


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.5
« Reply #24 on: August 08, 2009, 05:32:52 pm »

not sure it's been mentioned before but the feature I would need the most to start using this plug-in is a theater skin that would allow to display some of the downloaded info on a big screen.

it would be great to have a polished way to show off all the metadata!!


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.5
« Reply #25 on: August 08, 2009, 06:01:10 pm »

it would be great to have a polished way to show off all the metadata!!
MC14 has an Info Panel that you can configure.  Tools/Options/Theater View/Appearance/Customize ...


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.5
« Reply #26 on: August 08, 2009, 11:10:21 pm »

I have not been able to install this plugin. I extract it to the plugins directory, and I run each executable but nothing appears to be happening. I tried to import the dll as a plugin within MediaCenter and that did not work either. The .mp4 video that I downloaded did not show how to install.


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.5
« Reply #27 on: August 09, 2009, 01:59:03 am »

I really like you approach ;D and this shows great promise as a simple one click tool to get related Meta Data and Coverart for Movies!  Couple of comments:
1) I'm getting some instability where sometimes MC14 will crash or the "Acquiring Data" screen will appear and then disappear immediately without doing any update (note: I am on Win7 64-Bit with the files all on UNC paths)
2) My preference is to store Coverart next to the file not in a separate directly so I have had to turn off the Auto Running of “Album Art Downloader”.  As an Idea if you copied the selected Cover Art into the Clipboard then did a MC “Coverart” --> “Past from Clipboard” you would get the Coverart added as per the users preference.
3) you may want to update your first post instructions to "add some user fields in MC" list as many now exist (or similar) in the Defaut library already, eg Genre, Series, Episode, Season etc

Good work so far!

JRiver CEO Elect


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.5
« Reply #28 on: August 09, 2009, 02:19:51 am »

I have not been able to install this plugin. I extract it to the plugins directory, and I run each executable but nothing appears to be happening. I tried to import the dll as a plugin within MediaCenter and that did not work either. The .mp4 video that I downloaded did not show how to install.

Ahhh it's not a plug in.  Just run "MoviesSeriesHotKey.exe" which is an AutoHotKey compiled file that will then recognise when you do a "While Holding the Right Button Down, the Left Button is Clicked" that will then kick off the process.
JRiver CEO Elect


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.5
« Reply #29 on: August 09, 2009, 05:15:22 am »

hmmm, okay i see it start doing things in the bottom right corner of my screen... it says it is acquiring data. But the box appears for just a second or two and the bar goes maybe 15 or 20% of the way, then the window disappears. nothing seems to show up in media center. when i hold right click and then left click, this happens, regardless of whether or not i've got any files selected within MC. I think I'm just a little confused as to how to get this thing started.


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.5
« Reply #30 on: August 09, 2009, 05:31:14 am »

hmmm, okay i see it start doing things in the bottom right corner of my screen... it says it is acquiring data. But the box appears for just a second or two and the bar goes maybe 15 or 20% of the way, then the window disappears. nothing seems to show up in media center. when i hold right click and then left click, this happens, regardless of whether or not i've got any files selected within MC. I think I'm just a little confused as to how to get this thing started.

I also get that problem on some files (no idea why) - give another one a try.
JRiver CEO Elect


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.5
« Reply #31 on: August 09, 2009, 05:43:12 am »


it would help mee if you write the filenames from such files for me down. Them i could trie it hier and resold the problem with it.



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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.5
« Reply #32 on: August 09, 2009, 06:06:37 am »

Okay, I'm making baby steps progress.

Evidently, I don't know how to specify a file. The first one I tried was Rat Race. I right click it then left click it and it start acquiring data and it. It then went through some process and let me select from a list of movies, and I picked the first one, Rat Race (2001). It then opened up the AlbumArt Downloader and it spit me out a bunch of covers I could download (albeit, I can't find a way to save the file into the same folder as the actual movie file and just name the image [Movie.jpg] and have that be its thumbnail/coverart).

For what it's worth, no library fields were changed within my MC14 database, including ones I added like Actors. So I assume it didn't run all the way through, or I've got something wrong up to this point.

But in addition, when I go to select another movie (I tried Casino Royale, and then did the rightclick-leftclick thing and it started on Rat Race again and downloaded that cover art, etc. etc. Then I tried a group of about 10 movies, none of which were Rat Race, and the same thing happened. Went through Rat Race, asked me for cover art, but didn't appear to alter the database any.

What I did notice is that it renamed my movie "Rat Race.avi" from [Movie] to [Movie] ([Year]) so it was "Rat Race (2001).avi" which is no big deal. Once this thing runs its course, it will be really easily to modify and rename within MC if I so choose to do so.

Incidentally, the movie I had no success on was Team America World Police


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.5
« Reply #33 on: August 09, 2009, 06:18:39 am »


it would help mee if you write the filenames from such files for me down. Them i could trie it hier and resold the problem with it.


Here is an example of file names that were all ripped to ISO which kept the name from the physical disc:
- MI:2 (MISSION_IMPOSSIBLE_2_EUROPE.ISO -  :( did not work
- MI:3 (MI3_D1_EU.ISO) -  :( did not work

I'd suggest the you need to have a pop up box for names it can not resolve so we can Type a full name in such cases.
JRiver CEO Elect


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.5
« Reply #34 on: August 09, 2009, 06:26:35 am »

Hi, i have give it a try with the name Team America World Police and Rate Race and it was no problem to retrieve infos for that, it don't show the Choose window for Team america  because it find the right movie from alone. Because there is just one movie in imdb that could be the right. With the cover problem, have you make the right changes at the config ini file. The cover path must be set there. Cover name can not be changed, it will allways bee movie filename. Wenn it don't show the changes at MC, maybe take a look at the last imports at Playlists. Wenn it is there, than you have the problem at yours files display configs in MC. When it is not there, take a look at the file called MoviesSeriesInfos.mpl, open it in a text editor and have a look at the infos. At ende of file muss be a </MPL>, wenn it dont have than a problem have acours.


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.5
« Reply #35 on: August 09, 2009, 06:28:21 am »

What I did notice is that it renamed my movie "Rat Race.avi" from [Movie] to [Movie] ([Year]) so it was "Rat Race (2001).avi" which is no big deal.

Edit the MoviesSeriesInfos.Ini so that "rename = 0" and it will no longer rename the file.  I had a problem where it renamed a file from "movie.mpg" to just "movie." making it unplayable.
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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.5
« Reply #36 on: August 09, 2009, 06:51:11 am »

Program seems to be working for me now except that I can only do 1 movie. Any time i select another file it just tries to do the file I've already done.


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.5
« Reply #37 on: August 09, 2009, 07:19:42 am »

I really like this prog and a small donation as been sent  ;D

It is nice an simple, here is how I'm running it so far:
1) Download and install Album Art Downloader
2) Download and extract MoviesSeriesInfo (there is no "install") (note: I've personally not added any other Fields to MC at all as per the instructions in the first post)
3) Edit the MoviesSeriesInfos.ini to "rename = 0" and correct the path that Album Art Downloader is installed in
4) Run "MoviesSeriesHotKey.exe" (an Auto Hot Key exe) when you want to tag movie files (and close it when finished)
5) From Windows Explorer select your file(s), hold right click and then left click (you can do it from inside MC14's if you already have imported the files but it seems to be more stable doing it from Windows Explorer)
6) Select the title from the list then the preferred coverart (only required if there is a choice)

This will create a MPL file with all the details and import it into MC.  From here I:
1) Edit my own Meta Data fields (for sorting)
2) Right Click --> Coverart --> Save Coverart to External Location Specified in Optiosn Copy to Clipboard then Right Click --> Coverart --> Part from Clipboard to move my coverart into my prefered location (in my case in the same folder)

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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.5
« Reply #38 on: August 09, 2009, 11:54:40 am »

hi jmone,
thanks for the Donation...i am very happy that you have liked it. Thanks for your feedback also. I have now correct the Problem with .mpg files. now you don't need to mark the don't rename function anymore. I am making small adjustments to the Automatic Library Infos Retrieve function and i think i will Upload it in a hour or so. Stay connected....


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.5
« Reply #39 on: August 09, 2009, 01:58:18 pm »

Here was the list of files it struggled with for me (it seemed to try to look these up like they were Series, instead of just plain old movies)

10 Things I Hate About You
10,000 B.C.
Arachnophobia (1 of 2)
Arachnophobia (2 of 2)
Chicago (1 of 2)
Chicago (2 of 2)
Clerks 2
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1 of 2)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (2 of 2)
Gladiator (1 of 2)
Gladiator (2 of 2)
How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels
Marley And Me (1 of 2)
Marley And Me (2 of 2)
Mystic River (1 of 2)
Mystic River (2 of 2)
National Treasure 2, Book Of Secrets
Ocean's 11
Ocean's 12
Ocean's 13
P.S. I Love You
Pirates of the Caribbean 2, Dead Man's Chest
Pirates of the Caribbean 3, At World's End
Saving Private Ryan (1 of 2)
Saving Private Ryan (2 of 2)
Shrek 2
Snow White And The 7 Dwarfs
Terminator 2 Judgment Day
The Rock
The Rules Of Attraction

Most of these movies have numerical characters in them, so I suspect that may have something to do with it (Shrek processed fine, as did Shrek The Third, but Shrek 2 failed)

Getting cover art was mixed results throughout. I really just wanted to see high quality box art from the DVD releases in America. I actually found very few of those, and mainly got posters "In theaters on XXXX" and things of the like.

There is definitely room for improvement, but so far this solution has worked the best for me so far.


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.0 Now Autoimport Infos!
« Reply #40 on: August 09, 2009, 04:22:10 pm »

The Strikethrought files pass withought Problem here. the other you can put a year im that form (1995), then they will pass as movie to. the year muss not be correct. but muss begin with (19xx) or (20xx). Files with multiple movies will not be correctly import. i have spoke about it in another post. Maybee you can pack then together with MKVtoolnix. That would be the best.
Wen you click at a file it put the file in clipboard than the program try to understand what a kind of media it is. it already know that it can not be perfect. maybe a will implement it at the autoretrieve function. but then the files would have to be in the right place already. I mean, it muss have Media Sub Type already.

10 Things I Hate About You
10,000 B.C.
Arachnophobia (1 of 2)
Arachnophobia (2 of 2)
Chicago (1 of 2)
Chicago (2 of 2)
Clerks 2
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1 of 2)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (2 of 2)
Gladiator (1 of 2)
Gladiator (2 of 2)
How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days
Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels
Marley And Me (1 of 2)
Marley And Me (2 of 2)
Mystic River (1 of 2)
Mystic River (2 of 2)
National Treasure 2, Book Of Secrets
Ocean's 11
Ocean's 12
Ocean's 13
P.S. I Love You
Pirates of the Caribbean 2, Dead Man's Chest
Pirates of the Caribbean 3, At World's End
Saving Private Ryan (1 of 2)
Saving Private Ryan (2 of 2)
Shrek 2
Snow White And The 7 Dwarfs
Terminator 2 Judgment Day
The Rock
The Rules Of Attraction


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.5.5
« Reply #41 on: August 09, 2009, 04:55:20 pm »

MC14 has an Info Panel that you can configure.  Tools/Options/Appearance/Customize ...

that applies to standard view, not theater view, right?


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.0 Now Autoimport Infos!
« Reply #42 on: August 09, 2009, 05:06:19 pm »

no, that applies to Tools/Options/theater view/Appearance/Customize! Please, be software have nothing to do with the MC views. My software just retrieve the information...all the other things are from MC itself. You should ask the Profis at MC.


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.0 Now Autoimport Infos!
« Reply #43 on: August 10, 2009, 01:05:33 am »

Some more feeback:
1) Instability may be caused to me exiting the prog by right click --> exit on the AutoHotkey tray icon yet the process is still running and the MPL becomes locked.  How do you ment to STOP MoviesSeriesInfos?
2) Still does not work with filenames with a # in them. 
3) I'd suggest that you let users enter a filename if it is not found instead of just closing.

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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.1 Now Autoimport Infos!
« Reply #44 on: August 10, 2009, 10:31:29 am »


i have corrected the issues 1° and 2° that you have posted. Point 3 it is on work.



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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.1 Now Autoimport Infos!
« Reply #45 on: August 10, 2009, 04:27:24 pm »

Thanks - Point 1 is fixed, but I still can not tag any files with a # in their file name (from the HDD).
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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.1 Now Autoimport Infos!
« Reply #46 on: August 10, 2009, 10:39:47 pm »

Couple of other issues:
1) Tried to use this to tag "Firefly Series (2002)" and Album Art Downloader crashed with "Unexpected faliure saving image to: "(2002).jpg /s GoogleImage /mn 300 /0 size- /ac" A generic error occurred in GDI+".  It would appear it tried to save it without the name infront of the (2002).  From your MPL:
Code: [Select]
<Field Name="Filename">\\RUMPUS\Media\Media\Video\Movies\"Firefly" (2002).lnk</Field>
<Field Name="Image File">c:\CoverArts\Filmes\"Firefly" (2002).jpg</Field>

2) Items with #'s - also could not tag "Air Force One", so it appears to be # or Numbers

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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.1 Now Autoimport Infos!
« Reply #47 on: August 13, 2009, 04:21:05 pm »

Sometimes when fetching metadata for a file the progress bar flashes up briefly (saying 'acquiring data') but then it disappears & the process stops running. it also sometimes gets stuck saying 'acquiring movies at clipboard' forever. both these issues occur not and then with different files but i can often try again and it works.

one file which does this every time is 'Innocence (2004).mkv' - when i try to get metadata for this file the box often flashes up and disappears again and if this doesn't happen it gets stuck saying 'acquiring movies at clipboard'

incidentally, i have retrieved data for this file with a previous version (before implementation of the [MetaData] field) and it worked fine



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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.1 Now Autoimport Infos!
« Reply #48 on: August 13, 2009, 04:41:26 pm »

Hi, i can not reproduce our error. Here works, i have tried 15 times... maybe it is a problem with our file. I try to acquire language and sub from mkv files...maybe our file have a error in it. Try naming other file like Innocence (2004).mkv or make the same file Innocence (2004).rmvb or Innocence (2004).avi and look if it hangs again. Please give me a feedback on that, thanks.


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Re: MoviesSeriesInfos Automation for J.river - v.6.1 Now Autoimport Infos!
« Reply #49 on: August 14, 2009, 05:42:47 am »

seems like a problem with the filename (not file) and with the container .mkv...

i renamed another file to Innoncence (2004).mkv and the same problem occurred, but if i rename the original file to ~.avi it works fine.

i am having identical problems with 'Last Order - Final Fantasy VII (2005).mkv' i tried this one about 23 times - most times the process stopped seconds after the progress bar showed, 8 times it got to 'acquiring movies at clipboard' and stayed there. renaming another file to 'Last Order - Final Fantasy VII (2005).mkv' it doesnt work either but again, renaming the original to ~.avi works fine.

dont know if its relevent but these are the only times i see 'acquiring movies at clipboard': for most files the box reads 'acuiring data' then changes to 'movie: <movie title>' but the problem files show 'acquiring data' and if the process continues then 'acquiring data at clipboard'

oh, and i AM using the current version this time lol

EDIT: just read my prev post & despite what i wrote there the 'clipboard' issue only occurs with a few certain files (and if i have the clipboard issue then getting metadata for that file never works). the process halting 1-2 seconds in happens frequently but i can retry a couple of times and it works...
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