I see Ok and Cancel buttons. I'm using the Ok button. I also took care to use Edit Search to match the right media type. But I have the same problem when I don't add any rules.
I'm not using a library server. Everything is local. My music is on a second internal hard drive, so it's a different disk from where the library resides, but it's not a network drive. I'm the only user of this laptop. I have never had problems saving schemes.
When I went to create my first link, I clicked the Reset All Links to Default button for no particular reason. It's been nagging at me that that might have caused the problem, but who knows?
For what it's worth, I can't paste links in either. Not sure if that's a clue. I've tried several links that people have posted in the forums. The error is always: "Clipboard does not contain a valid link".
Here's the link I am trying to create:
<Link version="1.1">
<Item Name="Name">MC</Item>
<Item Name="Filter">[Media Type]=[Audio],[Video]</Item>
<Item Name="Action">0</Item>
<Item Name="Base URL">
<Item Name="Search URL">http:////apps.metacritic.com//search//process?ty=2&tfs=album_title&x=25&y=7&sb=3&ts=Hexify([Search])</Item>