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Author Topic: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here  (Read 8841 times)


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Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« on: August 14, 2009, 07:10:08 am »

This is a stable version of MC 14.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

14.0.50 (08/13/2009)

1. NEW: The MP3 plugin will respond to 'Gapless Header' and 'Gapless Footer' in Tag(...) expression requests to allow querying for gapless information. (remember that Tag(...) expressions query physical file tags and are 1000s of times slower than database access)
2. Fixed: Theater View selection wrapping was not working properly.
3. Fixed: Cancelling the remote control learning wizard could crash.
4. Fixed: When learning remote control commands on Options > Remote Control, a button press could learn two commands.
5. Changed: Improvements to IR blasting performance and repeat handling.
6. Fixed: The MP3 plugin will properly handle a "," in the replaygain_track_peak field.
7. Changed: Write flac and mp3 replaygain_track_gain to 2 digits of decimal precision and replaygain_track_peak to 6 digits of decimal precision. Add plus sign to replaygain_track_gain when the value is positive.
8. Fixed: The sv8 Musepack input plugin now properly reads tag values, displays proper bitrate during playback and fixes the hang on end of file problem while reading sv7 streams.
9. NEW: Learning from an IR remote control requires repeated presses until two matching codes are found, providing more reliable learning.

14.0.49 (08/12/2009)

1. Fixed: The new 'hold control to open in a new tab' for Locate On Disk (inside Media Center) was not working when invoked from the MRU menu.
2. Fixed: Theater View 'File Info' panel would overlap list items too much for Hairstyle and other skins with list item backgrounds.
3. Changed: The 'Stop After Current File' command will advance to the next track after stopping, so pressing play again will play the next file.
4. Fixed: It was not possible to Update from CDPlayer.ini for mixed-mode (audio and data files) discs.
5. Changed: Added additional manifesting and digital signatures to the installer flow to aid Windows 7.
6. Fixed: Auto-play was not properly disabled while the program was running on some operating systems.
7. Fixed: DVD bookmarks were not being properly saved.
8. Changed: Adopted the revised MP3 rating specification proposed by AlexB (write with WMP mapping / read v13, v14, WMP, etc.).
9. Changed: Sidecar tagging uses the MPL format instead of My Movies format.   Use update tags from library to convert.
10. Changed: Cleaned up which fields get included during sidecar tagging.
11. Changed: During sidecar tagging, old sidecar files (like before extension was part of the filename) will be deleted.
12. Fixed: Clearing the library would not clean the library folder up completely.
13. Changed: More IR blasting wizard changes.
14. Fixed: When building thumbnails from Options > Tree & View > Build missing thumbnails... finished, the program would think the process was still working when trying to shutdown or switch libraries until the 'Close' button was clicked.
15. Fixed: When using Tremote and using the Play button to 'Play visible files', it could play the files visible on the server instead of the client.
16. Changed: Clearing Playing Now from a Tremote works better (added new MCWS function Playback/ClearPlaylist).
17. Changed: Tremote no longer jumps the server to Display View automatically when starting playback.
18. Fixed: Fadeout on stop no longer does anything if the volume is muted.

14.0.48 (08/11/2009)

1. Fixed: Flac tags were not handling a comma in the replaygain fields properly
2. Changed: When reading a flac tagged file if the new style replaygain fields don't exist read the JRiver specific tags.
3. Fixed: Problems with IR blasting frequencies.
4. Changed: Several IR blast wizard changes and fixes.
5. NEW: Added new ASIO option 'Use large hardware buffers (recommended to prevent stutter)' that uses the maximum hardware buffer size instead of the default buffer size, which should help alleviate any stuttering issues. (smaller buffers are only desirable in latency sensitive applications like synthesizers)
6. Changed: Updated German language file (thanks to Bytestar).
7. Changed: Cleaned up roller layout in Theater View Playing Now views.
8. Changed: Internal changes to how Theater View manages arrow navigation and roller layout (should be internal change, but please report any issues).
9. Fixed: Hulu and YouTube Theater View display did not show information about videos. (requires reset of File Info templates in Options > Theater View > Customize file info panel... > Manage... > Reset All Templates To Default)
10. Changed: Musepack input plugin upgraded to version 8 (Beta).

14.0.47 (08/07/2009)

1. Fixed: When burning spanned multiple discs, confusing dialogs would pop-up between discs.
2: Fixed: Added "dB" to flac replaygain_track_gain. Handled "," in flac replaygain tagging. Handled empty strings when writing replaygain tags in flac files. Internal string changes in the flac input plugin.
3. Changed: Some enhancements and bug fixes in the IR blasting wizard.

14.0.46 (08/05/2009)

1. Fixed: Video could be displayed in wrong size when starting time-shifting on some analog television/video capture devices (such as WinTV HD PVR).
2. Changed: When WASAPI fails to get a soundcard lock, it will retry several times for a second to open the soundcard. (failure to get lock happens on P6T i7 machines running Vista x64, possibly others)
3. Fixed: The jump on play setting 'Playing Now (if multiple files)' jumped when Playing Now had more than one file instead of if the play command had more than one file.
4. Fixed: When switching between tabs, the search box did not update nicely.
5. Fixed: The right-click option 'Import Into Library' was showing for imported files instead of files that were not imported.
6. Fixed: Drilling into a thumbnail like 'Rock', searching for something with no results, then double-click the empty list to search the entire library did not work properly.
7. NEW: Option added for the external encoder for format conversion to present the file being converted as-is in whatever format it was originally instead of being converted to a temporary wave file first.
8. NEW: When doing 'Locate On Disk (internal)' with the control key pressed, the results will be opened in a new tab.
9. Fixed: Encoder plugins were not showing in Plug-in Manager.
10. Fixed: Starting time-shifting on some analog television/video capture devices could result in loss of audio, due to device resetting audio line from user's selection to default.
11. NEW: Wavpack (.wv) input plugin
12. Fixed: Write standard flac track replay gain and track peak flags. Remove JRiver specific tags when writing the new tags.
13. Changed: Updated Chinese translation (thanks 竹院蕉窗).
14. Fixed: MC could crash when importing TIFF files that have bad data in it.
15. Changed: Vorbis DATE flags in flac files take precedence on reading when the year is different from the higher precision JR_DATE. On writing if the date to be written falls on a year boundry, only the Vorbis DATE tag is written, otherwise both are written.
16. Fixed: Certain corrupt TIFF image files could cause MC to hang.
17. Fixed: Download list showed 'Cancel' option on completed downloads.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2009, 10:59:07 am »

3. Changed: The 'Stop After Current File' command will advance to the next track after stopping, so pressing play again will play the next file.
:D Yeah!


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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2009, 09:15:41 am »

F8 hotkey to create a playlist does not work in Win7 x64. F9 for smartlist works ok.

Edit: I had a conflict with another program. No problem here.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2009, 10:41:37 am »

F8 hotkey to create a playlist does not work in Win7 x64. F9 for smartlist works ok.
F8 hotkey works for me.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2009, 11:35:11 am »

Congratulations on Media Center 14.  I upgraded today.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2009, 04:51:08 pm »

3. Changed: The 'Stop After Current File' command will advance to the next track after stopping, so pressing play again will play the next file.

I upgraded to MC14 when the special was on because it was a good price, but until this point there had been no new features of much interest to me.
This has just made the upgrade worth the money :)


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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2009, 05:06:54 pm »

library sync not worked for me in latest builds.
I have lost all the changes that made from clients..


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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2009, 01:11:35 am »

Have downloaded MC14 - and based on tremote control alone have immediately upgraded.

A few comments tho:

  • It would be good to have a single place for info on how it tremote and the new library server sync all works - searching the forums was a bit of a nightmare!! Some time spent updating the Wiki would be good (I'd be happy to do the update or supply the text if that's do-able) - if you're gong to rely on the forum and wiki for all your support - you HAVE to make an effort to keep it up to date. (IMHO)
  • "Shuffle Remaining" doesn't seem to be working remotely
  • Zone Synch from 'there' to 'here' is WAY off - seems that 'here' starts at the beginning of the track. Not sure if this can be made to work - but would be an awesome feature

Now, my 2cents on all of the arguments on pricing... I think you've created a simply amazing product - nickle-and-diming over the difference between $20 and $25 is just being petty! I'm always happy to pay upgrade costs on MC. (especially given your relatively open licencing agreement)

Keep up the great work guys
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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2009, 07:53:52 am »

I've found two bugs:

1) To display the Playing Now list in Theatre View using my remote I send the MC core command (22001,2) through a script. The bug can be reproduced in this way:
- I choose a song in Theatre View and show its tags pressing OK (enter key),
- now, instead of using some of the commands like "Play" etc, I try to display the Playing Now list
the Playing Now list is displayed under all the song's informations without hiding them

2) When you choose "Play" or "Add" etc from the "More Play Options..." menu in Theatre View, the whole album is sent to Playing Now instead of the selected song only.
For example I just tried this:
- I selected a song from an album. Chose "Play" (second item of the roller). The song started to play correctly.
- I selected a song from another album and chose "Add (as next to play)" from the "More..." menu. I checked the Playing Now list and discovered that the whole album was there.
- I selected a third song from another album and used again "Add (as next to play)". The command was displayed as the third item of the roller. I checked and this time only that song was sent into the list.
- I selected a fourth song and chose "Play" from the "More..." menu. The whole album started to play from the first song.



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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2009, 08:15:25 am »

Select a group of tracks from an album's folder and drag into Playing Now, the files are no longer in proper Track Number order.

If you click on Track Number to re-sort to proper track number order, Sequence Number does not update. (this is a problem when there are already other albums in the Playing Now queue as it mixes the albums, further sorting by Album name to consolidate back into albums upsets the original play order of the albums in relation to each other).

I can no longer find the "Update Sequence Number" command which used to be in the Right-Click menu.
Where was it moved to?

IMO the files should remain in the original sorted order (by Track Number) when Dragged & Dropped on Playing Now, if I wanted a different sort-order I would use Shuffle or manually rearrange them.
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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2009, 08:07:17 pm »

the Column known as Image (large thumbnail) does not work in the Playing Now view, no thumbnail appears, only a wide blank column.

Also I found another view scheme where it is not working either.
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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2009, 12:14:13 pm »

the Column known as Image (large thumbnail) does not work in the Playing Now view, no thumbnail appears, only a wide blank column.

Also I found another view scheme where it is not working either.

That column only works in grouped views.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2009, 01:06:40 pm »

I can no longer find the "Update Sequence Number" command which used to be in the Right-Click menu.
Where was it moved to?

Right-click on "Playing Now".  The "Update order" command is there (same as Update Sequence Number).
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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2009, 01:52:57 pm »

That column only works in grouped views.

OK I'd take it with Playing Now Grouped by Album, but the settings are not available.

Please have mercy on us who are chronic 'Album in it's entirety, in proper sequence' addicts.

I could actually like the ability to use Grouping (or similar locking format) to handle albums as a physical CD in how it gets played and handled. Only time I might need to handle tracks instead of albums would be when tagging or in some playlists.

Yes I am boring, I only play full albums and in proper track order to boot, but I'd love my favorite media player to accomodate this.

Or would single flac file + cue sheets work?
Can MC make the conversion?
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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #14 on: August 18, 2009, 05:25:26 pm »

Upon exiting MC 14.0.50 I get a dialog box saying something like "MC will stop running tools and disgard and progress, etc."  The tool it refers to is "get cover art".  I have "get cover art" unchecked under options.


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Scheduler issue
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2009, 10:40:44 pm »

Scheduler is having some troubles.

It seems that when you set up a schedule on a machine with multi zones which is also a tremote server, the zone information is lost on save - and the task never gets triggered.

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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2009, 03:03:54 am »

Within a few seconds I load MC it crashes.  I just added a library field, Media Subtype [Custom] and from then on it kept crashing, even after I deleted it.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2009, 08:24:49 am »

Is it just me or does "Library Sync" not work at all...

Seem to have even regressed so that not even "Last Played" is being updated via the library server.
You're not the only one. I've been trying for a couple weeks now to get it working with no luck.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #18 on: August 20, 2009, 09:29:56 am »

I split the betanews posts to a new thread.

Part of GrantDG's post got removed in the process.  He said:
Is it just me or does "Library Sync" not work at all...

Seem to have even regressed so that not even "Last Played" is being updated via the library server.

Is this the correct 'forum' for letting you know of these issues - there seems to be very little feedback on what's being reported...


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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2009, 04:40:25 am »

MC prevents PC going into standby when running.

I'm using Vista Home Premium 64 bit.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #20 on: August 22, 2009, 06:04:02 pm »

bug report

if i am renaming a field, say, "Name" in standard view and the entire name is selected, when I press home, it takes me to the top of the list, as opposed to what I would think the desired behavior would be... which is taking me to the first character of the field i am renaming. this is how i would expect it to act, and how it does act if the cursor is active renaming a field. it's only when the whole field is selected that the home button takes me to the top.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #21 on: August 22, 2009, 07:10:46 pm »

another related bug

if im renaming a field and rename, then use the down arrow to go to the next file which i am going to manually rename, when i start typing, it doesn't replace the text and instead jumps to a file in the list that starts with that letter.
for instance, i rename a file and then hit the down arrow where i am going to rename a field "When Love Takes Over" but when I hit the w, instead of renaming the field, it goes down my list of files until it finds one that starts with a W.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #22 on: August 22, 2009, 08:12:17 pm »

when listening to an internet radio station (eg display in the main window(top center) and in mini view displays song titles and band name properly as sent from radio site, along with the tags ive put in there vary nicely ;D... BUT in display view or in "now playing" display it does not ? .. the title doesnt change from the radio station name... it would be vary nice if it would change just like in the main window ;)


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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #23 on: August 22, 2009, 08:40:32 pm »

I have a problem. I am trying to use a specific view for a specific playlist. Everything seems to be working fine, except it seems that I cannot get the sorting to work on this. I've uploaded a screen capture of my settings. I've been through it 5 times and cannot figure out why it appears to be sorting by Track # before it is sorting by Album. Any ideas anyone?



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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #24 on: August 23, 2009, 09:21:44 pm »

I'm not sure when you sneaked it in there, but very nice job on the Headphone DSP.
But that should not be a surprise, all your DSP effects are well implemented.

BTW - I am not sure if it is intentional, but when you check or uncheck a DSP function, the window no longer jumps to that DSP function's pane for you to adjust it like it used to in older versions.
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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #25 on: August 24, 2009, 02:27:31 am »

Three times crashing during the same action: Renaming Artist and pressing the down-arrow button (instead of Enter):

0910531: 4780: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Start
0910562: 4780: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Artist]="Feat." [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 17,063
0910594: 4780: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Artist]=[Andyage Feat. Slis] [Artist]="Feat." [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 11,070
0910609: 4780: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Finish (78 ms)
0910641: 4780: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Media Type]=[Audio],[Image],[Video],[Data]; Elapsed ms: 13,002
0914719: 4780: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Start
0914750: 4780: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Artist]="Feat." [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 13,351
0914766: 4780: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Artist]=[Andyage Feat. Slis] [Artist]="Feat." [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 11,070
0914781: 4780: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Finish (62 ms)
0914781: 4780: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Unhandled exception -- program crashing
0914797: 4780: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Message: 275, wParam: 5000, lParam: 0, Window class: JRiver Report Control Class

0023797: 868: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: D:\My Music\Media Center\Libraries\MyLib14\links.xml
0023797: 868: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Media Type]=[Audio],[Video]; Elapsed ms: 0,241
0023797: 868: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 0,161
0023797: 868: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Media Type]=[Video]; Elapsed ms: 0,155
0023812: 868: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Start
0023828: 868: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Artist]="Feat." [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 13,623
0023781: 3132: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 14\Data\Default Resources\FileAssociations.xml
0023844: 868: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Artist]=[Andyage Feat. Slis] [Artist]="Feat." [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 11,145
0023875: 3132: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFileMJ: Start
0023875: 868: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Finish (63 ms)
0023891: 3132: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFileMJ: Finish (16 ms)
0023891: 3132: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Finish (110 ms)
0023891: 3132: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Finish (125 ms)
0023891: 868: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Unhandled exception -- program crashing
0023906: 3132: Import: JRAnalyzer::Open: Finish (172 ms)
0023906: 868: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Message: 275, wParam: 5000, lParam: 0, Window class: JRiver Report Control Class
0023922: 3132: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: M:\My Music\@.Sampler\FM4\FM4 Soundpark\550 Rondy\01 - Andyage Feat. Slis - Lives For Free.mp3
0023937: 3132: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: M:\My Music\@.Sampler\FM4\FM4 Soundpark\550 Rondy\01 - Andyage Feat. Slis - Lives For Free.mp3
0023937: 3132: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: M:\My Music\@.Sampler\FM4\FM4 Soundpark\550 Rondy\01 - Andyage Feat. Slis - Lives For Free.mp3
0023937: 3132: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: M:\My Music\@.Sampler\FM4\FM4 Soundpark\550 Rondy\01 - Andyage Feat. Slis - Lives For Free.mp3
0023953: 3132: Database: CTagSaveHelper::Thread: Done saving tag
0025953: 3132: Database: CTagSaveHelper::Thread: Finish (2219 ms)

0189750: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Start
0189750: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Filename: M:\My Music\@.Sampler\Hed Kandi\Hed Kandi - The Mix 2009\03 - Dizzee Rascal Feat. Calvin Harris & Chrome - Dance With Me.ogg
0189750: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFileMJ: Start
0189750: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFileMJ: Finish (0 ms)
0189766: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Finish (16 ms)
0189766: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Finish (32 ms)
0189766: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::Open: Finish (32 ms)
0192500: 4448: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Start
0192516: 4448: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Artist]="Feat." [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 15,704
0192547: 4448: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Artist]=[Andyage Feat. Slis] [Artist]="Feat." [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 12,146
0192562: 4448: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Finish (62 ms)
0192578: 4448: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Unhandled exception -- program crashing
0192578: 4448: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Message: 275, wParam: 5000, lParam: 0, Window class: JRiver Report Control Class
0194797: 5272: Database: CTagSaveHelper::Thread: Done saving tag
0194797: 5272: Database: CTagSaveHelper::Thread: Saving tag: M:\My Music\@.Sampler\Hed Kandi\Hed Kandi - The Mix 2009\43 - Ralph Myerz Feat. Christine Sandtorv & Pee Wee - Stormy Weathers.ogg
0194812: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::Open: Start
0194812: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Start
0194812: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Filename: M:\My Music\@.Sampler\Hed Kandi\Hed Kandi - The Mix 2009\43 - Ralph Myerz Feat. Christine Sandtorv & Pee Wee - Stormy Weathers.ogg
0194812: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Start
0194828: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Filename: M:\My Music\@.Sampler\Hed Kandi\Hed Kandi - The Mix 2009\43 - Ralph Myerz Feat. Christine Sandtorv & Pee Wee - Stormy Weathers.ogg
0194859: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFileMJ: Start
0194859: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFileMJ: Finish (0 ms)
0194859: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Finish (47 ms)
0194875: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Finish (63 ms)
0194891: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::Open: Finish (79 ms)


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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #26 on: August 24, 2009, 02:05:43 pm »

Three times crashing during the same action: Renaming Artist and pressing the down-arrow button (instead of Enter):

0910531: 4780: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Start
0910562: 4780: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Artist]="Feat." [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 17,063
0910594: 4780: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Artist]=[Andyage Feat. Slis] [Artist]="Feat." [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 11,070
0910609: 4780: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Finish (78 ms)
0910641: 4780: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Media Type]=[Audio],[Image],[Video],[Data]; Elapsed ms: 13,002
0914719: 4780: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Start
0914750: 4780: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Artist]="Feat." [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 13,351
0914766: 4780: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Artist]=[Andyage Feat. Slis] [Artist]="Feat." [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 11,070
0914781: 4780: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Finish (62 ms)
0914781: 4780: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Unhandled exception -- program crashing
0914797: 4780: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Message: 275, wParam: 5000, lParam: 0, Window class: JRiver Report Control Class

0023797: 868: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: D:\My Music\Media Center\Libraries\MyLib14\links.xml
0023797: 868: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Media Type]=[Audio],[Video]; Elapsed ms: 0,241
0023797: 868: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 0,161
0023797: 868: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Media Type]=[Video]; Elapsed ms: 0,155
0023812: 868: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Start
0023828: 868: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Artist]="Feat." [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 13,623
0023781: 3132: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 14\Data\Default Resources\FileAssociations.xml
0023844: 868: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Artist]=[Andyage Feat. Slis] [Artist]="Feat." [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 11,145
0023875: 3132: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFileMJ: Start
0023875: 868: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Finish (63 ms)
0023891: 3132: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFileMJ: Finish (16 ms)
0023891: 3132: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Finish (110 ms)
0023891: 3132: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Finish (125 ms)
0023891: 868: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Unhandled exception -- program crashing
0023906: 3132: Import: JRAnalyzer::Open: Finish (172 ms)
0023906: 868: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Message: 275, wParam: 5000, lParam: 0, Window class: JRiver Report Control Class
0023922: 3132: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: M:\My Music\@.Sampler\FM4\FM4 Soundpark\550 Rondy\01 - Andyage Feat. Slis - Lives For Free.mp3
0023937: 3132: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: M:\My Music\@.Sampler\FM4\FM4 Soundpark\550 Rondy\01 - Andyage Feat. Slis - Lives For Free.mp3
0023937: 3132: Reader: CLocalReader::OpenInternal: Opening: M:\My Music\@.Sampler\FM4\FM4 Soundpark\550 Rondy\01 - Andyage Feat. Slis - Lives For Free.mp3
0023937: 3132: Reader: CLocalReader::Close: Closing: M:\My Music\@.Sampler\FM4\FM4 Soundpark\550 Rondy\01 - Andyage Feat. Slis - Lives For Free.mp3
0023953: 3132: Database: CTagSaveHelper::Thread: Done saving tag
0025953: 3132: Database: CTagSaveHelper::Thread: Finish (2219 ms)

0189750: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Start
0189750: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Filename: M:\My Music\@.Sampler\Hed Kandi\Hed Kandi - The Mix 2009\03 - Dizzee Rascal Feat. Calvin Harris & Chrome - Dance With Me.ogg
0189750: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFileMJ: Start
0189750: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFileMJ: Finish (0 ms)
0189766: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Finish (16 ms)
0189766: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Finish (32 ms)
0189766: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::Open: Finish (32 ms)
0192500: 4448: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Start
0192516: 4448: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Artist]="Feat." [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 15,704
0192547: 4448: Database: CMJSearchHelper::GetResults: Search: [Artist]=[Andyage Feat. Slis] [Artist]="Feat." [Media Type]=[Audio]; Elapsed ms: 12,146
0192562: 4448: General: CPanesWnd::UpdatePanes: Finish (62 ms)
0192578: 4448: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Unhandled exception -- program crashing
0192578: 4448: General: TopLevelExceptionFilter: Message: 275, wParam: 5000, lParam: 0, Window class: JRiver Report Control Class
0194797: 5272: Database: CTagSaveHelper::Thread: Done saving tag
0194797: 5272: Database: CTagSaveHelper::Thread: Saving tag: M:\My Music\@.Sampler\Hed Kandi\Hed Kandi - The Mix 2009\43 - Ralph Myerz Feat. Christine Sandtorv & Pee Wee - Stormy Weathers.ogg
0194812: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::Open: Start
0194812: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Start
0194812: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Filename: M:\My Music\@.Sampler\Hed Kandi\Hed Kandi - The Mix 2009\43 - Ralph Myerz Feat. Christine Sandtorv & Pee Wee - Stormy Weathers.ogg
0194812: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Start
0194828: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Filename: M:\My Music\@.Sampler\Hed Kandi\Hed Kandi - The Mix 2009\43 - Ralph Myerz Feat. Christine Sandtorv & Pee Wee - Stormy Weathers.ogg
0194859: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFileMJ: Start
0194859: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFileMJ: Finish (0 ms)
0194859: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Finish (47 ms)
0194875: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Finish (63 ms)
0194891: 5272: Import: JRAnalyzer::Open: Finish (79 ms)

Are you editing in the panes or in the file list?

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Posts: 335
Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #27 on: August 24, 2009, 03:03:50 pm »

Sorting (by date imported) does not work for "Panes and Album Thumbnails" view


  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Posts: 449
Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #28 on: August 25, 2009, 02:39:38 am »

Are you editing in the panes or in the file list?


in the panes


  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Posts: 449
Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #29 on: August 25, 2009, 02:41:54 am »

I deleted some stack files manually (from a Handheld sync) with the result that MC always re-converted the file and didn't create a new stack - till I re-imported the library.



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Re: Media Center 14.0.50 Stable -- Available Here
« Reply #30 on: August 28, 2009, 09:03:25 am »

Liking the change to the view for folders in the tree, where the drop-down bar was replaced for checkboxes for "Show Files In Subfolders", I must ask:

Can this also be done in the 'Rename Files From Properties' window so that instead of a drop-down to chose whether to Rename, Copy, or Copy and Update Database to New Location?
I find it too easy to accidentally select the wrong option and feel the checkboxes would more clearly show your selected operation and reduce the likelihood of errors.
. . . the game is rigged
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