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Author Topic: Remove "common searches/quick search suggestions"  (Read 1716 times)


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Remove "common searches/quick search suggestions"
« on: August 22, 2009, 06:19:34 am »

All my mp3's got the correct filename. Eks. "Artist - Album - Track - Title" or "Artist - Title" so i sort them in Media Center after "filename(name)" in the column menu. But my tags contain whatever they contained when i downloaded them. So therefor I want to remove all the suggestions that comes up when i search in Media Center. I don't need to see the comments to the file or anything else, because a lot of that are only links to different blogs and homepages.

So how do i remove "common searches", "quick search suggestions" or whatever you call it?


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Re: Remove "common searches/quick search suggestions"
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2009, 06:49:34 am »

I'm not sure this will help, but MC's Library Tools will let you remove tags or fill them from the properties stored in the MC library.

Try a few before you do very many.


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Re: Remove "common searches/quick search suggestions"
« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2009, 07:48:45 am »

Ok. I will try. If it dosen't work I have to go back to MC12. Because when I have friends on visit or vorspiels/parties, where people who are not used to use MC searches for a song, they always click on the top "tip" result wich is an album not containing the song they are looking for. The song they are looking for appers in the main window. But because of all the activity happening around the search box they don't see whats going on in the main window and click on stuff coming up right under the search box.
Very annoying.


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Re: Remove "common searches/quick search suggestions"
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2009, 05:46:36 am »

Still can't get rid off it. It pops up everytime I set my cursor in the search field. Read the post above this one to understand my problem.


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Re: Remove "common searches/quick search suggestions"
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2009, 06:00:52 am »

as far as i know you can not get rid of the common searches, and i agree it would be nice if you can, 'highly rated' is a bit out of place for a library where no song is rated.

but if i understand your problem well, you could get rid of most suggestions you see under album, or artist when you start to type someting in the search box. go to options>library & Folders>manage library fields. click on the field you dont want to show up there and disable 'default search field', enable for the ones you do want to use.



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Re: Remove "common searches/quick search suggestions"
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2009, 08:03:35 am »

To me, none of the "common searches" are common at all. In fact, I've never used them because they're so uncommon. This is one of those little features that doesn't make much sense in a non-customizable implementation. I would guess that 10%-25% of users find the "common searches" to be both common and useful, while the rest of the user base says "Hey, it's not that annoying..." and ignores it.

It also does makes sense to me that these common searches would reallyget in the way for the party situation, where all users want to do is find and play a song. In general this is one of the few areas where MC becomes a boon, in that it's just a bit too much for that person who wants to hear that song that they just know will get people's rumps bumpin'. Getting off the topic here, this is why I think the "Party Mode" feature could use a serious renovation to go beyond just the basic Party Mode that can now be found in any media player around. I'll stop with the aside now.

So anyway, I think the "common searches" should either be customizable or just removed entirely. My 2 cents.



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Re: Remove "common searches/quick search suggestions"
« Reply #6 on: August 25, 2009, 08:29:16 am »

I think it's good feature. It gives you good suggestions and pinpoints if it's a name, artist, album etc. This expands the search possibilities very much when people do not know exactly what to search for. The Common searches might not be that common, but I think many find them useful. I also understand people who don't like to have the suggestions. I'd manage well without the suggestions in most cases, and the searches would be a bit faster. I'd opt for a way to turn it off.

What IS a bit troublesome is the standard searches in description, bios and fields like that. THAT is what throws most people off imo. The first time I tested MC11 I thought it was a bug because it gave me a lot of rubbish in every search. Then I found the library field options...
- I may not always believe what I'm saying


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Re: Remove "common searches/quick search suggestions"
« Reply #7 on: August 25, 2009, 09:46:56 am »

I think it's good feature. It gives you good suggestions and pinpoints if it's a name, artist, album etc. This expands the search possibilities very much when people do not know exactly what to search for.
I agree whole-heartedly with you about the search suggestions, especially because I can configure what fields will pop up as suggestions. If we were forced to have Bio as a default search field, then there'd be reason for grumpiness.
The only thing missing to make this portion of the search box perfect in my mind is a way to keep a field as a default search field but not have it pop up as a suggestion. I have Artist/Album Artist/Band/Composer/etc as default search fields, but really the only search suggestion from that group that I'll ever choose will be Artist. Of course on the converse side, there is a limit to the number of practical check boxes under the options menu.

It's slow at work today, so check back later for more over analysis of small topics...




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Re: Remove "common searches/quick search suggestions"
« Reply #8 on: August 25, 2009, 09:52:57 am »

Matt just showed me something I didn't know existed with the search box.

Try typing "genre" (or just "ge" in this case) and hitting enter.  It works for other fields, too.  What you type may need to be more than just two characters.
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