Hi Gappie for downloaded u have just to be patient because i have submitted them Today.
I think Bob is not so far away

[Off Topic]
For the drum plug-in that i use (i think you speak about another skin that is on mypage?)
he's i think one o f the better i use (probably the best) it's simply Mdrummer
The factory sound bank are too "heavy" for me (and certainly for you're "jazz lover" ears)[EDIT theres good brush however] but are easy mixable and have very good punch but Anyway you can add you're own bank

and with my good own ludwig customised i am very happy of the sound.
I use it a lot for jamming but the devoper per eg use it for creating drumtracks (it can be generate million of beats with a few clicks)
You can use it at a librerarian side for you're midi files and sample banks.
Have total control on each part of the drumkit.
Really good built-in plugs too.
The soft is totally skinnable

Thx to the author vojtech for to have created a skin creator for this furious skin engine:)
You can simply try the demo they are 2 version to use a full fonctionnal demo and a free light version if i remember correctly.
I like to use it added with Jamstix2 or with the vintage rock kit from ezdrummer.
I have used battery from N.I before by the past good soft but Mdrummer is really better.