The mantra Jim used, it works well, just like a nice hook to a song

. I would take it though as a mission, a thing to strive for, not a 100% certainty that would be delivered to everybody's door,
tomorrow. Plus that number with 4 zeroes that Jim mentioned falls in line with my guesses; given the Blu-Ray framework I wouldn't push for it either: too much money and energy for a very intricate return, with a questionable public outcome.
Actually for the fun of it I'll argue the opposite: I don't want Blu-Ray support! I would cry bloody murder if Blu-Ray support is implemented since that would imply too many resources were spent on it when they could've been use somewhere else! Eh, now I said it!

Expanding: I've watched the US Open at Flushing Meadow (yeah, that's tennis, a sport apparently on the rise again in US even if I can't find anybody to play with). The online near-HD broadcast beat the s&%* out of what any network ever did for a sport broadcast. With impossible simple design, everything was ready to be interactively overlayed on screen at any time: match stats, status on 5 arenas at once with sequenced 1 sec refreshed screenshots on each; picture in picture with what's going on on a second court beside the one on the main view; fan chat, etc. All within 1Mbit/s stream! THAT was an experience. That was 2009.
By comparison, aiming for a fixed disc, with content that can be barely accessed, let alone put to work in an environment that would allow one to make personal decisions, looks simplistic and passe. They had one chance with the BD-Live thingie and that still remains the thing people will sacrifice first when it comes to Blu-Ray.