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Author Topic: Media Center 14.0.071 -- Available Here  (Read 3615 times)


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Media Center 14.0.071 -- Available Here
« on: September 22, 2009, 09:52:40 am »

This is a stable version of MC 14.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

14.0.71 (09/21/2009)

1. Fixed: Deleting television recording files from within MC did not work since build 62.
2. Changed: DSP Studio no longer refuses to show when playback is stopped, but Playing Now contains images or videos.
3. Changed: When enabling or disabling a DSP in DSP Studio, that DSP is shown.
4. Changed: Dolby Digital output of 5.1 sound works with DirectSound. (previously only worked with WASAPI)
5. Fixed: Entering Theater View at a view that showed a popup, like Hulu or YouTube searches, would show a black screen.

14.0.70 (09/16/2009)

1. NEW: Added ability to output music as a 5.1 Dolby Digital stream in DSP Studio > Output Format. (requires S/PDIF connection to surround sound receiver)
2. Changed: The file "<filename> - Saved Time-Shifting.jtv" will not be imported as part of a folder during auto or manual import.  They can still be imported manually by drag individual files to player, or by selecting the individual files and using shell extension.
3. NEW: Playback Range can now be applied to audio files that are played in "JRiver Audio engine (using DirectShow)".
4. Changed: Performer store does better error handling when a user logs in on two computers at the same time.

14.0.69 (09/15/2009)

1. Changed: ipod defines to work with itunes 9.0.0 database.
2. Fixed: gracefully ignore corrupt flac files with insane number of supposed comments in the metadata.
3. Changed: When a television recording ends, a sidecar file is automatically created.
4. Fixed: The grab on the tree/view splitter would be reset if the Action Window changed height from the size.
5. Changed: Performer Store is back. Previous builds had an installation error that prevented the store from working properly.
6. Changed: If the user has not selected any transform filter ("Other Filters") except for the "JRiver Bitrate Monitor" for MPEG video and JRiver television recording files, MC will try to use the Microsoft video decoder.
7. Changed: In custom IR blast dialog, import from Pronto hex code is now available on Vista/Win7 as well as XP.

14.0.68 (09/15/2009)

Internal testing build.

14.0.67 (09/11/2009)

1. Changed: Updated EPG in Standard View to allow viewing further into the future. (allows back 2 days, forward two weeks plus two days)
2. NEW: Added command 'Rebuild Thumbnail' to the cover art menu to force thumbnail building. (builds video thumbnails even if the option is disabled in Options > Tree & View)
3. Fixed: Television OSD for current and next programs displayed only the sub-titles without the series name.
4. Changed: Switched sliders on output plug-in configuration dialogs to JRiver sliders; fixed tab navigation issues.
5. Fixed: Vista's window presentation engine would not correctly handle displaying multiple subsequent 3D views. (problem fixed by Microsoft in Windows 7, workaround added for Vista)
6. Fixed: Syncing a portable device from Library Server did not work correctly.
7. Fixed: When canceling time-based subscriptions for a television channel, the subscription's recording start time was displayed as "4:00PM 12/31/1899" (109 years ago).  Now it will be shown as "4:00PM every Mon, Tue, Fri", for example.
8. Changed: Adding files to the library will run one-at-a-time during a background import, and only two-at-a-time during a manual import.
9. Optimized: Auto-import builds thumbnails two-at-a-time when run manually.
10. Changed: Auto-import will no longer respond to external file system changes while playing in Display View, but instead wait to reconcile changes until exiting Display View.
11. Fixed: Folder watching would not always kick-in right away after making changes with a fresh install.
12. NEW: Added 'Run Auto-Import Now' option to Import wizard.
13. NEW: Reworked the 'Auto-Import' page of the import wizard to be less intrusive with suggestions.
14. Changed: Improved support for shortcuts like right-click and double-click in the Auto-Import wizard.
15. Changed: Minor change to ipod detection that could possibly have resulted in an ipod model detection error.

14.0.66 (09/10/2009)

1. Changed: When a DirectShow graph error occurs in the playback graph during television time-shifting (or during watching while recording), MC no longer aborts the entire operation.  It simply attempts to restart playing graph so recording can continue.
2. Changed: 'Tempo & Pitch' DSP uses 0.01x steps (previously used much larger steps).
3. Changed: 'Tempo & Pitch' DSP allows typing to enter values. (typed values take effect after one second of no typing)
4. Changed: Sliders used in DSP plugins are custom controls instead of system sliders (better skinning, better mouse wheel support, etc.).
5. Changed: Improve tabbing support in many dialogs.
6. Fixed: Canceling television recording by right-click menu "Cancel Current Recording" did not work if the recording was a time-based subscription recording.
7. NEW: Ability to schedule recurring recordings (time-based subscriptions) for TV channels with no EPG data.

14.0.65 (09/08/2009)

1. Optimized: Further improvements to user interface updating during playback (also fixes position slider problem with build 64).
2. Fixed: Using MCC Theater View commands while zoomed into the File Info panel could cause a crash.
3. Fixed: XMLTV parser trims non-printing characters from values for better support of some third-party XML.
4. Fixed: Nested Theater View root items wouldn't appear when first entering Theater View.
5. Fixed: Filling properties from filenames and using dates didn't always work properly.
6. Fixed: A tagless MP3 could show up with a genre of 'Blues'.
7. Changed: Improved FileVolume(...) expression support for (Install Drive):\ style filenames used in portable installs.
8. Fixed: In a portable install, settings that ended with escape characters (backslash, equals, etc.) could become corrupted. (may require delete and reinstall to fully fix)
9. Fixed: In some cases, like when resuming from S3 standby, Media Center could show an 'Analyzing devices...' wait message despite being minimized.
10. Fixed: Having a modeless popup tool like 'Convert Files' open would make Theater View disable itself for keyboard and mouse input.
11. Changed: Tweaked the 'Repeat Playlist' mode so that it will loop on a single audio file but won't loop on a single image or video.
12. Fixed: The Theater View option "Disable Windows Media Center" would always appear unchecked.
13. Fixed: Learned remote commands couldn't be tested until exiting the options dialog.

14.0.64 (09/04/2009)

1. Fixed: Turning off media types in Features in Options > General > Advanced > Features could cause a crash.
2. Changed: Showing of library views on the 'View' menu when in a library view is in a nested 'Library Views' submenu.
3. NEW: Theater View file info panel templates can use 'Small Image' or 'No Image' styles.
4. Changed: Theater View file info panel roller shows in place of secondary roller, allowing more space for content.
5. Changed: Revised text formatting of dates for recorded television in Theater View.
6. Fixed: Scrolling Recorded television in Theater View with the scrollbar would show internal text formatting tokens.
7. Changed: When playing a television recording that is currently being recorded, playback goes to television engine, instead of video file playback engine.  Note that this change also reverses change 11 in Build 63.
8. Optimized: Improved handling of view updates during playback to aid overall performance.
9. Optimized: Reworked how Theater View rollers are managed to improve Theater View performance.
10. Changed: Theater View rollers no longer show a slide-in-from-the-left animation when first picking a roller.
11. NEW: MC will import MyMovies data in the file [mediafilename].mymovies.xml or mymovies.xml residing in the same folder as video file, if the standard JRSidecar file does not exist, provided the data contained in the xml file pertain to the media file.


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Tag action window scrolling problem
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2009, 12:12:56 pm »

I don't know how MC tracks bugs, but want to make sure this problem reported for 14.0.69 isn't overlooked -- it still exists in .071.

There's a problem in the Tag action window that makes it difficult to use the keyboard to select from lists of values. It really slows down tagging so it's a big pain.

To recreate:

1. In the Tag action window, go to Keywords. A list of existing tags is displayed, many, in my case. It's important to test this with a long-ish list so the scroll bars are added to the Keywords list.

2. Tab once to jump from the edit field into the list.

3. Type some letters to jump to a value that is not already visible, lower in the alphabet.

4. On my screen, when I do this the Keyword selection bar disappears. If I press Spacebar a value gets selected, but not any value I'm seeing. It is a value LOWER in the list. Scrolling the Keywords list with the mouse, I discover the selection bar is a few items BELOW the visible screen, requiring mouse scrolling to see and position. This defeats the notion of using the keyboard.

The problem probably is that the auto-sizing of the Keywords list isn't synchronized to remain within the visible area of the Tag dialog. One solution (my wish) would be to allow the user to enlarge the Tag dialog but this isn't possible.

A related confusing factor is that there are TWO selection bars -- a colored bar that identifies the Keywords list item that will be selected by Spacebar, AND a gray bar that identifies the Keywords list item that will be selected by Mouse click. It would be terrific to have just ONE selection bar that moves/selects by either mouse or keyboard.
Managing my media with JRiver since Media Jukebox 8 (maybe earlier), currently use Media Center for Audio/Music and Photos/Videos.
My career in media spans Radio, TV, Print, Photography, Music, Film, Online, Live, Advertising, as producer, director, writer, performer, editor, engineer, executive, owner. An exhausting but amazing ride.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.071 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2009, 01:34:21 pm »

There's a problem in the Tag action window that makes it difficult to use the keyboard to select from lists of values. It really slows down tagging so it's a big pain.

I've been seeing this for the past few releases too. I've forgotten to post about it. I think I first noticed it around build 65 or so. Also, after the behavior described by MusicHawk occurs, when going back to the main tag UI the scroll bars are gone and scrolling is unavailable even via mouse wheel. It fixes itself when the tagging window is closed and reopened. It's rather clunky...


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Re: Media Center 14.0.071 -- Available Here
« Reply #3 on: September 22, 2009, 02:54:38 pm »

I don't think you're seeing any bugs.  Database changes sometimes make conversion of everything from an older version impossible.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.071 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2009, 02:16:13 am »

 I'm liking this release.  Very much.

Alex B

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Re: Two data-loss bugs
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2009, 05:53:10 am »

... I installed MC 14.0.46. It found and used the MC 13 database, but it "lost" my MC 13 Smartlists and custom Image Playback Settings. They still exist in MC 13, which I did not uninstall, so I could open it to see what I did and recreate them in MC 14. But shouldn't an "upgrade" do most or all of this?...

... Today I upgraded to MC 14.0.071. BAM -- The custom Smartlists vanished again.

Jim is correct in many things (options etc), but personally I have never seen my smartlists vanishing from the library. In general, the smartlists are part of library and they should be carried over. There have been some bugs, but they have been related to certain, very specific, changes in the expression language or in the smartlist wizard (for instance, marko has reported some problems).

Could you please report the smartlist problems in a separate thread so that they can be properly reproduced and inspected. Since you still have your MC13 library intact it would be easy to provide the rules that do not work anymore or change unexpectedly.

I assume you still have the smartlists listed and they just don't work as expected. If they have totally vanished and the names are not listed anymore then something else is going on. In my opinion, the correct way to troubleshoot that kind of problem would be to first reproduce it by restoring an MC13 library backup file to a new MC14 library and if it was reproducible then most likely Matt would like to have a copy of the database.
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:


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Re: Media Center 14.0.071 -- Available Here
« Reply #6 on: September 23, 2009, 10:31:43 am »

I appreciate the thoughts. I think I got the vanishing Smartlist problem apparently settled down by recreating then explicitly saving the library and by saving the smartlist locally as a view... though the vanishing custom Captions is still a mystery. But I have preserved my Captions code separately to restore easily, so I'll see what happens with the next MC upgrade. Sorry but it's not easy to experiment between MC13 and MC14 because I'm doing my photo library testing with a huge collection (more than 30 thousand images) on a spare laptop that has limited storage space and is a quite slow. It's actually easier and much faster to go into the Registry to find MC13 settings than to restart MC13. If I think it's going to work out to use MC14 to manage images I'll put it on a more suitable computer system.

My long-range concern is whether the work of tagging images in MC is a one-way street. Unlike music/video files which often are not be shareable due to copyright restrictions, photos tend to be personal property and sharing them is important. For instance, If I want to give copies of 10 thousand photos that I've carefully tagged to my family members, will ALL my tags be in the JPG (or whatever) files for them to see -- if they do NOT use MC 14? (I know, there's another thread about this...)

My big current problem in MC 14.0.71 is the scrolling BUG in when working with Keywords or similar tag lists. Until that is resolved it's not practical to do more work.
Managing my media with JRiver since Media Jukebox 8 (maybe earlier), currently use Media Center for Audio/Music and Photos/Videos.
My career in media spans Radio, TV, Print, Photography, Music, Film, Online, Live, Advertising, as producer, director, writer, performer, editor, engineer, executive, owner. An exhausting but amazing ride.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.071 -- Available Here
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2009, 05:27:43 pm »

MC doesn't appear to tag video files with xml file if they are on an external usb connected hard drive. It gives message about saving tag changes but nothing is written..then get tagging error when exit MC.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.071 -- Available Here
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2009, 03:20:33 am »

At least you fix "locate to external" on client please
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