I've been wanting an option to hide the tree permanently, and have the action window slide out independently since ages ago. I absolutely hate trees, so personally I'd like to see it put in a tree museum and replaced with a parking lot 
Here's my quote from the MC13 idle gossip thread...
I like the action window as a graphical ui. I wouldnt want to see it disappear into a menu. I think that the tree/ action window "pane" has a lot of uses, but it's stuck in the "windows explorer" era. Its' items need to glow, expand/contract, have related actions all grouped into the same place etc.
One example of what I mean:Click on a viewscheme. The view updates, but then the tree becomes almost instantly redundant, until you want to change view again.
Here's what could happen.
Hover over a viewscheme item and it gives you a popup thumbnail showing you what kind of view it is (Tiles view, panes, 3D) and how many albums are in it. Maybe even how it is sorted.
Click to select the view. The title expands with the previous info on it, plus the "View as" and "Sort by" links. The "View as" menu might not even need to be a menu. It could actually show a list of the categories as links so you start your browsing right there.
One more example:You click on the Performer store item, and it expands to show some links like "Recently played" "Favorites" "Recently searched" etc.
Finally...The library tools are one of MC's biggest selling points. They are just so old that we forget how central they are to new users who are doing a lot of organization to their library. They need to have their own entry in the action window. New users need to see graphically that there are ways to move things around on your hard drive without leaving MC, and those tools for getting cover art etc.