Now that the search bug is fixed, YouTube is getting a serious workout in my household. YouTube from the couch... awesome!

Based on the extensive usage this feature has received already, I have a couple of usability suggestions that would make the whole experience a lot better IMO:
1. Buffer the stream like YouTube does in a normal browser! Playback stutters especially on slower Internet speeds and there's no way to pause and force buffering like you can when using YouTube in a browser.
2. Move "Search" to the top roller or make it more easily available. Searching is the _only_ real way to use YouTube. I don't know anyone that uses the "Top Favorites", "Top Rated" etc items and I would actually prefer to hide them if possible. Search should always be available.
3. If you cancel out of the OSK (ie search dialog) there's no way to bring it back up without exiting and re-entering YouTube. Again, Search needs to be accessible at all times.
4. After searching, your results are shown in the list as thumbs. However, these are lost after you've selected and played a single item. In other words, pick a video from your "result set", when playback stops, a) the OSK re-appears instead of showing your previous screen of results and b) when you cancel out of the OSK you loose all your videos from the previous search and have to do it all over again each time!
5) When you pick a video, PLAY is the only playback option available on the second roller of the display panel. I'd like to see all the normal playback options as with other media types. At a minimum, please include
ADD. Reason being, this would provide a way of building a playlist of YouTube videos so that they can be saved for future
speedy access ("Save as Playlist" in Playing Now). Now this would be fantiastic!!!!!
6) We should be able to ff/rew (skip) pause and resume like in youtube xl.
I guess some of this stuff might apply to HULU as well but I can't comment on this as I'm outside the U.S.
