This is almost as cool and geeky as Benchmarking!

But it needs something to make it more functional in connection with the media database. Adding a tool for managing contacts in MC is silly. Adding a flexible tool for making and collecting notes about media—that can also be used for contacts or anything else—is a great idea. With this in mind, a few suggestions...
1. As for media, notes can be tagged using categories defined in the library. It seems the available categories are restricted to those for the data media type. Why not allow
any existing category to be used for organizing notes? To illustrate: I might want to record description of the
Styles I use to categorize my music. I can organize those notes by
Genre (because it's allowed for data), but not
Style (because it's for audio only).
2. Since categories are available for organizing notes, it would be nice if importing to them was supported. The import routine could still put all data in the note field, but also add data to categories where field headers in the CSV file match existing categories. Even better, add the option to exclude category data from the note itself.
3. Provide some means of synchronizing notes in a split view to records selected in a media view. Assuming it would be
Name that would be synchronized, there would need to be a setting for specifying which media file category to sync to. Then a split view could be used to display a style description, artist bio, year's top 100 (or whatever) for the file currently selected.
4. If synchronizing notes is not feasible, there should at least be a convenient way to search notes (again, in a split media/notes view). Maybe that can be done by adding "Search notes for [value]" to a context menu, although the context would have to be for a particular category in a file record, not the entire record.