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Author Topic: MC14 scanned for files without asking and crashed my computer.  (Read 1456 times)


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MC14 scanned for files without asking and crashed my computer.
« on: November 06, 2009, 02:29:59 am »

I've been a way for a while, I used to use J River MC and downloaded MC14 thinking I would still use it again. I'm running Win7 x86 on that computer. I installed it and ran it and it started scanning my computer without asking me first! Then its clearly scanning video, which I have never used MC for and never will, as coreavc and vobsub icons are popping up in my taskbar in droves. Desperate to kill it before something bad happens with all my directshow filters being called a dozen times at once, I am trying to get to my taskbar to bring up task manager but my mouse is moving in slow motion, I hit ctrl-alt-del and nothing happens, then my system is frozen and I got to do a emergency reboot.

Is this program now unusable? Why is it scanning for file on first use without even asking me?


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Re: MC14 scanned for files without asking and crashed my computer.
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2009, 05:10:34 am »

Blunt answer, you have serious system issues if a simple import is killing things.
It shouldn't be slowing down at all, let alone freezing.

If there are no files in the library, MC will automatically trigger auto-import, but this requires confirmation from you to start the process.
Further than that, I'm not at all convinced this is MC's fault.


Alex B

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Re: MC14 scanned for files without asking and crashed my computer.
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2009, 05:27:43 am »

As leezer3 said, there's a confirmation dialog before the initial import to an empty library starts.

In addition, since the version 12 MC has had an auto-import feature that can run in the background. It was much requested and JRiver implemented it so that it would be easy to use for newcomers. It is on by default. Advanced users can set its options in Tools > Options > Library & Folders > Auto-Import Folders > Options.
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Re: MC14 scanned for files without asking and crashed my computer.
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2009, 09:05:19 am »

Oh yeah, its coming back to me how defensive people are about this app. :( Look leener there is no need to be defensive. If you love it you love it, I am not saying you shouldn't. This is the only tech support for this app. If you don't like people coming here and posting tech support questions, you should talk to Jim about using email for tech support.

My computer is not the issue, and it shouldn't be the default response to a support question, especially when it also doesn't contain an answer to the question. This is a clean install as of 2 days ago. I've been testing HTPC apps and every time I am done testing one, I wipe it. In no way should the app be pulling multiple directshow filters just to scan files. This is poor coding. Many directshow filters are open sourced and not robust or developed to be hammered by an app calling it in 18 threads (yes I had 18 vobsub icons in my taskbar at the time of OS freeze).

This is besides the point. Why would this app be auto scanning my computer at its very first start? There is not going to be 1 brand new user of MC that wants every file on their computer put into MC. The default should clearly be "Do you want me to scan Yes or No?" It used to be like that, because I sure would've had a problem with it back then if it wasn't. This has absolutely nothing to do with auto import, a feature I myself wanted. Auto import is for after I have already setup the auto import directories and settings.

-> Not the first thing that happens when I just installed the app. ::)

This is just logic guys. So instead, I ended up with a poorly structured import, calling directshow filters (now that is a really poor decision to have as default), trying to go though the 12TBs of storage I have there and crashing my computer. That, fellas, is a bug.


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Re: MC14 scanned for files without asking and crashed my computer.
« Reply #4 on: November 06, 2009, 10:05:09 am »

To put it politely your post is total and utter crud. I'm not being defensive, simply stating facts- MC has it's flaws, and I'm sure most users would admit that.
There is no way MC is calling 18 Vobsub instances, something is plain and simple wrong with your setup.
Auto-import runs a max of I believe 4 (I stand to be corrected though) concurrent file analysis threads, this is certainly true for any manual audio/ video analysis, and these are used to pull off the duration, dimensions and a thumbnail- Basic information, nothing more.

Why is it auto-scanning? Because the main feature of MC is it's library and database.
Other players do different things better (I'm not getting into that argument), but MC's main attraction is the strength and flexibility of it's database. The development team have decided it makes sense to automatically trigger an import to populate the DB.
There is also a prompt which asks you for confirmations and details, which you convienently seem to have missed!

Actually give us some hard facts (System specs, OS, codecs installed, AV checkers, other background software), and we might be able to help, rather than simply slagging off MC-
My money is on a completely crapped up codec installation. Manually installing a combination of random codecs is simply asking for trouble. I've come across the odd unreliable DirectShow filter, but this bears absolutley no relationship to whether it's  open source or not  ::)



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Re: MC14 scanned for files without asking and crashed my computer.
« Reply #5 on: November 06, 2009, 10:24:27 am »

Sheathe your swords, please.
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