I'm going to go through the process of upgrade everthing by Monday to V15 and I'll update the post on what steps I go through etc:
Main PC / MC Server: Should be straight forward as while this one is used to serving the rest and tagging, editing, adding etc it is used little for playback. The following took about 40 minutes to do (and I recon I knew most of where to go and what to do):
* Install MC15 (express settings, all media options)
* Cancel Auto Import
* Go to Restore Library + Settings. Find no recent Library. Close MC15. Run MC14 (press UAC lots). Backup Library. Close MC14. Close LS. Run MC15 (press UAC lots). Restore Library and Settings
* Cancel Auto Import again
This did not take long and the results look OK.
* Close MC15
* Go to Apps folder and copy Thumbs DB from the MC14 folder to the MC15 folder for the same reg key...woops I moved to copied, do again
* Create a share to the MC15 library folder so other PC's can see it
* Pin MC15 to task bar
* Start MC15 (more UAC again)
* Check Settings and make a few changes (a couple of changes in my preferences, some are bugs - posted in other thread)
* Go to check/load plugins and FFDSHOW tries to load and MC15 crashes
* Rerun MC15 and think best to test playback at this stage. All works fine (including TV and EPC) + filters are set as with MC14 (ffdshow loads fine)
* I only use two plugins (Last FM / EQDB), click on the link to the Web Page, find EQDB, download and install by clicking on the mjp file - says it installed correctly.
* Having problems working out if the plug in are working. Seems at some stage I've deleted some of my custom EQDB settings
Items still to do:
1) Check on my plug ins
2) Check DLNA / LS streaming and control is setup correctly once I've upgraded the other PC.
HTPC: I expect this one to take longer as I've got 3rd party scripts running on this one. [EDIT] OK - only about 5mins longer at around 45mins to update with much the same process as above, the differences were:
* MC14 Back up library from the Network Share Library
* Install MC15 - got a "Last FM is not the current version"
* In Library Mgr - rename the details of my Network Share Library to point at the new MC15 share from above. Find I'd not set the permissions correctly - go to server, fix, do again
* In Library Mgr - try to delete the library that was restored as part of the install. Can not do it. Close and restart MC15 and now it will let the "Default" be transferred to Library Server Library
* Custom Theater View buttons came across - nice! My "Library Sync Button" not working. Change target app to from MC14.exe to MC15.exe in the Windows folder
* Run MC14 to turn off "Run on Windows Start-up"
* Edit script that runs MC14 (to MC15) when pressing stop when playing a Blu-ray disk in TMT
Kids Laptops: Should be easiest of all [EDIT] - takes about 20min each. The only difference on these is if you want to copy the Tumbnails I had to first "show" hidden files / folders to see the appdata area, do the copy, then rehide.
Edit: MMMMM can almost taste that big serving of Humble Pie - The upgrade took about 2 hours so while it is much slower than an over the top install it was not as bad as I expected....would hate to be a newbie trying all of this but then again a newbie is unlikly to have such a setup.