I think I have the same experience, using a local library, MC14, Windows XP or Windows Vista.
Consider these three MC computers on my home LAN:
PC1 - Manage LOCAL drive music library. No remote server access, ever.
PC2 - Play LOCAL drive music library. No remote server access, ever.
PC3 - Manage LOCAL drive photo library, AND usually run MC server, in case I want to view photos on another PC.
On any of these PCs, if MC is open in a visible window, it seems the computer will not auto-sleep/suspend. I've tried every Windows setting, nothing matters.
On PC1 and PC2, MC is not doing anything explicitly -- no network access, no server connection, etc.
On any of the PCs I can manually suspend/sleep and it seems to stay asleep. But they won't go there when Windows counts down and tries to force sleep.
If MC is not the foreground window, *sometimes* the computer will sleep, but not reliably. If MC is not open, the PC goes to sleep on schedule.
Even with MC open, other Windows timer actions seem to happen as expected -- display off, drive off. Only sleep fails.
(In fact, the display will go off after a specified time even while MC is actively playing, an "opposite" annoyance. During the day I have to remember to jiggle the mouse of my playback PC now and then to remind Windows to keep the monitor on.
I wonder if MC's Auto Import is doing folder checking in a way that prevents sleep?
OR, since there IS an MC library server on my network, does every MC client keep communicating with it, even when MC is not using the remote library? Does MC server advertise itself, or does MC client send a query?
OR, something else to check?