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Author Topic: DLNA Questions and Answers  (Read 83073 times)


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Re: DLNA Questions and Answers
« Reply #150 on: April 06, 2010, 03:54:02 pm »

The LG is the renderer ie player , MC is just the server. Just like if you had hooked up any generic DLNA file server.

I see, so i could get a Buffalo Linkstation and the LG could play directly off of it...

So the advantage of using MC is really the interface, no?  Not dissing that, but it just isn't what i'm looking for.  For audio, there's no comparison--i NEED to have MC, but i've got that covered adequately.  I'm looking for an easy way to pipe video, and that might be just the ticket.

That is: 
DLNA is good if you have a few media files and want it all to play easily. The sort of thing that looks great in an ad blurb but becomes impractical over time as your media grows and the need to organise increases.

right--that's really what i'm looking to solve.  Not really looking for the functionality and organizational features (yet, of course).

Plus, the HTPC market just never took off, did it?  I mean the most inexpensive, off-the-shelf thing i've seen talked about in this forum is the Mac Mini.  Otherwise it's DIY, which i have the inclination towards, but not the time, unfortunately--nor the WAF.  ;)

thanks for the response...


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Re: DLNA Questions and Answers
« Reply #151 on: April 06, 2010, 03:55:35 pm »

Very good, the thread is here

There are two members on the board that have this unit & bennyd says  video (Xvid, Divx, VOB) works cept subtitles :)

Right--i'd seen that and bennyd's other queries on the status of that a fellow subtitle needer i was just bumping this question again.  ;)


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Re: DLNA Questions and Answers
« Reply #152 on: April 06, 2010, 06:47:36 pm »

I see, so i could get a Buffalo Linkstation and the LG could play directly off of it...
In theory yes, but you'd need to verify the LG with the Buffalo ppl. Everybody says they're compliant but there's little exceptions here & there till it gets standardised implementation wise.

So the advantage of using MC is really the interface, no?  Not dissing that, but it just isn't what i'm looking for.  For audio, there's no comparison--i NEED to have MC, but i've got that covered adequately.  I'm looking for an easy way to pipe video, and that might be just the ticket.
For a few tens of files with a few tens of folders, yes. Any more and it will get unwieldy with the LG interface.

MC could help here with getting the right files & folders with smartlists.

With the linkstation you'd need to do it manually in win explorer assuming you want to present a subset of your collection to the LG. Otherwise you need an organised folder structure as the LG would display literally how things were stored on the linkstation. Then again with the linkstation alone you don't need to run a PC just to use the LG, so there's a trade both ways.

DLNA means you have just a wire coming into the LG and one less box in the living room.  It depends on having a restricted list of media types, if you can stay within those bounds then DLNA will work otherwise you will be left with conversions, this is another feature MC could do over the linkstation.

This is the picture today, I've no clue what JRiver will cook up 6 months or a year from now to add to that list ;)

Plus, the HTPC market just never took off, did it?  I mean the most inexpensive, off-the-shelf thing i've seen talked about in this forum is the Mac Mini.  Otherwise it's DIY, which i have the inclination towards, but not the time, unfortunately--nor the WAF.  ;)
HTPC > WDTV, xbmc, pop corn hour etc > DLNA

Do you want to stream any web media off the net as well ? How demanding are you :)

This list grows with time, you could keep buying black boxes as you go or just upgrade the HTPC's software.


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Re: DLNA Questions and Answers
« Reply #153 on: April 06, 2010, 07:35:17 pm »

Do you want to stream any web media off the net as well ? How demanding are you :)

This list grows with time, you could keep buying black boxes as you go or just upgrade the HTPC's software.

Yeah--i would *like* to stream directly from the web, sure. 

I mean, you're right--an HTPC is the way to go, it just requires more of an investment in time and (arguably) money.   I already spend what i can afford on both fronts on my main PC that runs MC.  I love it--i just wish there was an easier way to pipe it's video (in addition to non-MC streaming) to my living room.  That's the thing--it's all about the display:  if there were such a thing as a full-on "wireless" (meaning networked) display, i'd be done.  DLNA *sounds* like the closest thing to that i've heard, but there are always caveats.

If there's a black box that does some of that with under some parameters it's worth investigating--esp if it has Netflix streaming native, since that's a lot of the streaming i would do, and Blu-ray to boot.  And for under $200?  Then i could still afford to upgrade the TV as well.

Fact is, i probably won't do anything.  ;)  Like you said, every six months or so i get an email from JRiver and i have to check out what they're up to and what's going on in the market, and then i decide not to do anything anyway.

Anyway, thanks for the dialog :)
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