I found a helpful post, be it a bit older on the topic.
[Album Artist (auto)] can be succesfully used in a renaming rule only if all album tracks already have an identical, single value in this field.
If the album files are spread over several folders it is possible to type a value in the [Album Artist] field. The [Album Artist (auto)] field will automatically show this value and can be used for congregating the album files in a single folder.
MC will automatically fill the (multiple artists) value in the [Album Artist (auto)] field and show a "various artists" album as complete when the following conditions are met:
- all album files are in a single folder (that preferably does not contain other audio files)
- the track numbers are consecutive, starting from 1
- the tracks have only one Album value
- if the album consists of several discs the disc number field should be filled correctly (don't include the disc number in the album name if you want to use the built-in album logic). Alternatively all album tracks can be renumbered so that the disc numbers don't exist in the library data.
The separate [Album Artist] field can be used for overriding the automatic value when preferrred. In other words, it is always possible to use a meaningful album artist name instead of the default, "multiple artists" value. Only one manually filled Album Artist value can be used with a single album without breaking the built-in album logic.
The problem is that when I, from the panes select Compilation and the album, all tracks are listed separately next to their own cover art (all the same I might add).
My album fulfills all these requirements quoted above and as far as I can tell all the tags are good.
I appreciate any help. I'm sure it's something simple that makes me go "doh" when we fix it