This is a beta version of MC 14. Please post bugs here. Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion. Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved. (02/05/2010)
1. Fixed: WASAPI playback could fail to resume from a paused state in some cases with build 139 only.
2. Fixed: DSP Studio for video could result in the wrong renderer being used if the decoder output a format the renderer didn't support (even though the DSP could have converted it).
3. Changed: When doing a manual 'Recheck Sync' on a device, errors with transfer rights will be displayed instead of silently handled.
4. Fixed: Netflix and Hulu playback were broken.
14.0.139 (02/04/2010)
1. NEW: In "Theater View/Connected" there is a
Netflix entry which will display and play the instant viewing queue for Netflix subscribers. More to come... (if Netflix doesn't appear for you, you can add it in Options > Theater View > Items To Show)
2. Fixed: ASIO playback with cards that used huge hardware buffers could pause periodically.
3. Changed: ASIO playback option 'Use large hardware buffers' caps the buffer size at a reasonable amount for better support of cards like the Asus Xonar that support huge hardware buffer sizes.
4. Changed: When using ASIO output, hardware latency is accounted for so that visualization data is more perfectly synchronized.
5. Fixed: When an output has a large hardware latency, visualizations could show data not yet heard during the buffering stage.
6. Fixed: DSP Studio during video playback didn't nicely handle a format switch from 32-bit integer to 32-bit floating point.
7. Fixed: DLNA function responses could use the wrong namespace (only applies to build 138).
8. Fixed:
DLNA was not working nicely with devices on the non-primary network interface in a configuration with
multiple network interfaces.
9. Changed: Revised the DLNA broadcasting of alive notifications to every 5 minutes instead of every minute. (please report if PS3 seems sluggish to find servers)
10. Fixed: Wasapi support was not showing up on XP systems.
11. Fixed: Saving television EPG programs to database took too long in the last few builds.
12. Fixed:
madVR video renderer was not used even though the user chose to use it.
13. Fixed:
Television playback was not using the correct video renderer selected by the user.
14. Fixed: With some audio hardware, in rare cases
WASAPI playback could become garbled.
15. Fixed: Transparency of skinned controls in the search wizard would not work properly.
16. Fixed: The button and background of a combobox were not always drawn in step with regards to mouse-over and mouse-down states.
17. Fixed: In rare cases the position slider could draw outside its bounds when seeking to the end of a track.
18. Fixed: Some wait messages like 'Analyzing devices...' could appear even if Media Center was minimized.
19. Changed: [DLNA] server provides a more explicit list of supported content, enabling
Sony Blu-ray player support and possibly others.
20. Changed: The mouse wheel on some horizontal sliders could move the handle in the opposite direction expected.
14.0.138 (02/02/2010)
1. Changed: Improved device description of X_MS_MediaReceiverRegistrar DLNA service for
better XBox360 compliance.
2. Changed: DLNA service function responses will always return information in the same order as specified by the service description, aiding compatibility with some controllers.
3. Changed: Revised internals of DLNA server content directory to aid with standards compliance.
4. Changed: Improved DLNA renderer eventing so that it events more variables, making it work better with controllers that depend on this.
5. Fixed: DSP Studio did not work if the audio format from the decoder was 32-bit integer PCM.
6. Changed: If initial graph-building failed to connect user selected audio renderer, the renderer is removed from the graph and reloaded before MC attempts to connect it with DSP Studio filter.
7. Changed: Streamlined graph-building for "AF9015 BDA Filter" television tuner.
8. Fixed: Resampling from very high sample rates to lower sample rates could cause the output to loop on itself. (Affected
Hrx content)
14.0.137 (02/01/2010)
1. Changed: DLNA 'Renderer' option no longer takes a program restart to take effect.
2. Changed: DLNA does a better job of sending bye-bye messages when shutting down servers.
3. Changed: MC will reattempt using the user-selected audio renderer during DSP Studio filter insertion if initial graph-building fails to connect the selected renderer.
4. Fixed: DSP Studio filter was not applied to analog televison that is not in time-shifting mode.
5. Changed: DLNA renderer supports the function SetNextAVTransportURI for controllers that can use it, enabling gapless, cross-fading, etc.
6. NEW: If installed,
madVR is made available in MC
7. Fixed: Clipboard could be overwritten with debugging data. (only applies to last couple builds)
8. Changed: Improved DLNA renderer volume and mute support to work with more DLNA controllers.
9. Fixed: Video renderer selection list was not available on the filter selections popup window.
10. Fixed: Adding a new library could show an incorrect error that a library already existed at the selected location.
14.0.136 (01/29/2010)
1. Fixed: Some tooltips would not appear in build 135.
2. Fixed: Library Field Manager dialog would not correctly enforce a minimum height, so controls could overflow.
3. Changed: When starting Media Center with a /Library command line, it no longer loads the previous library before switching to the new library.
4. Changed:
Video DSP can be enabled / disabled in Options > General > Advanced > Features > Video DSP. (disabled by default)
5. Fixed: AC3 output in DSP Studio was not accepted by some audio renderers/sound cards.
6. Fixed: DLNA renderer was not properly eventing changes to subscribed controllers, which could cause issues like tracks not advancing.
7. Changed: DLNA servers more nicely handle devices that make multiple event subscription requests with the same URL.
8. Changed: When running Media Center elevated, shell extensions and launcher commands from non-elevated applications can still control Media Center.