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Author Topic: some folders on same drive on network not showing up in HTPC, But DO On Other Pc  (Read 12169 times)


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all pc's in house have imported files flawlessly. on network drive in the family guy folder i have family guy 7 season dvds i bought.
when going to htpc search for filesit shows 6 seasons but i cant find the seventh season. so i went to netork server name  drive name, folder family guy and it shows all seven.

I'm sharing the WHOLE DRIVE it's  amovie drive, and in jriver auto import\libraries it shows im importing the whole N (drive letter) drive so i tried a auto import again, and then researched for family guy season 7. and its not in jriver???
Also i chose video chose video copy\computername\it shows all the drives that are being imported for videos, then chose drive n scrolled down to family guy and it shows family guy season 2,3,4,5,6,7 but no family guy season 1. so i opened network locations in windows chose computername, drive letter, family guy folder and all seasons 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 are there.

i checked the drive its on in autoimport,and its on same drive as the other family guys, its an avi as the other family guys, and in auto import ignore files previously removed from library is UNchecked.  when i open network folder\drive folder-family guy, and drag in family guy season one into playing now, it analyses the files and puts them into playing now. and plays them. so i tried to drag the family guy season 1 folder into videos and then researched and it still IS NOT showing me the family guy season 1?

Whats going on please?

Also if family guy season 1 is missing.. how many more files are missing throught out my drives? how do i make sure it imports all the folders? What could be causing jriver not to import them all even though the whole drive is shared? and i've never chose ignore files(It's always been unticked) and why do all the other pc's show family guy season one in there libraries?

thank you for any tips in advance. I've spent 3 hours again tonight with with my gf sitting here patiently waiting for me to get this wokring...i'm lost and frustrated.


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Anyone else notice this before?  this is a big issue if files arent being added!?
thank you.


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If one machine imports, but another doesn't, it's likely that the file type settings are different.

Start the Auto-Import, then edit the path to check which file types it's importing.  For DVD, I think it's IFO or VOB.


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ty jim  for the reply.. thats the thing. all my drives on that pc in library import have all file types selected. thats whats confussing me. the drive N all folders in it are videos so in jriver i selected video check all. other check all, and playlists check all, and i unchecked ignore file previously removed from library. but once done importing i go back to video and do search for family guy and it brings up all files of family guy but none of the files from family guy season 1... on the other machines it imports them all fine? and on other machines in auto import the only thing i have checked for drive N is only all the video files.

since i originally posted this ive done prolly 7 auto import tests and it doesnt import the family guy season 1... which scares me like i said in previous post cause who knows what other files it isnt importing.. ya know what i mean?
Thank You.



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Can you browse and play the files from Windows Explorer on the computer where they are missing?


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yeah. its weird!

if i go to network on htpc, goto drive N then goto family guy folder. then drag and drop the family guy season 1 into jrivers playing now. it brings up the analyzing files dialog then disappears. all the covers are there for the first season. then i choose play and it plays instantly\flawlessly!

So then i thought hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... drag that same folder to top left side of jriver and place onto the video library
 So after that i went to search all videos type in family guy and all seasons 2-7 show up but family guy season one doesnt. its no where in the library?!

Very strange! hence why im wondering if there are other files that just havent imported, and im not about to go looking through all my audio, video, images libraries on other computers and count the total files and then go back to htpc and count all them given me a total. ...Then again, i guess i would know how many files are misssing eh? lmao



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Being i have times between replies, and for how bad it angers me when i cant figure something out i went to other pc (where i do all the tagging and work... And check This Out.. that one is missing files as well compared to the htpc? so basically both pc's are missing files. and there both missing diffrent files.. meaning on one pc some show and on the other those dont' and visa versa.

Also i should note. the main\work pc. is the pc that is holding all the drives! so that one should def. have all files, whereas the htpc is networked to the work pc, so i could understand if the htpc had less files due to maybe network issues? but being the main is short on some then thats not the issue either.

Work PC
Audio files = 171017
Images = 431683
Videos = 10811


Audio Files = 176948
Images = 431872
Video = 16524



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hello owners and admins, I've yet to figure this issue out. any info please?


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Are the files being accessed the same way on all computers. For example on the main PC via the "C" drive and via  "N" network map on another computer etc?

Reason I ask is it sounds like you have seperate libraries on all the computers. That is a lot of work to maintian and problematic as you've seen. There are methods for maintaining one library and sharing it with the other computers. There is Library Server, DLNA (still somewhat experimental but very promising) and copying the library between computers periodically. Rather than figure out why your current situation doesn't work, perhaps another would work better for you? Definantly less work in the long run.


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Is the fix broken links setting enabled?
Enabled, it could explain the disappearing library entries, although they should be picked up again on auto-import if you have that option enabled.

Secondly, if you've done any manual library management on either PC which involves deleting or moving files, this setting can also cause potentially cause discrepancies with the auto-import-
If one PC picks them up with auto-import, and you then subsequently move them with the other, this can a duplicate set of files on the first PC. If fix broken links is enabled, these duplicates should be silently deleted/ fixed, but if on the other hand, if it's disabled one PC may end up with more files in it's library than the other.

Realistically though, you need to go through the library on one PC and do a quick manual flick through for missing/ duplicate stuff.
The size of your discrepancies should make this pretty obvious, and you can then work from there.



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ok sorry took so long to get back. ive got multiple things im figuring out here.

on main pc (work Pc) fix broken links: yes protect network files, update for external changes is ticked, and auto import is unchecked.
on HTPC fix broken links:  yes protect network files, update for external changes is ticked, and auto import is unchecked.

do these settings look correct to you?

if so.. on work pc where i do all tagging initial importing... do a search for duplicates, missing files? could you tell me how to go about doing this please? and after done how do i know all files are for surelly there?

after i'm doing that process what do suggest I do on htpc end please?

Thank you for your time. i noticed again tonight im missing alot of new recently imported movies\files that i imported on work pc. and after import on htpc there not there? or the tags that ive changed on work pc don't change after those files are ORIGINALLY IMPORTED(meaning just now imported) or after they've been there (several imports and those tags won't chnageunless i do a select all update library from tags). i Literally have to select all video\music\image files after a import on htpc then select all the files, then chose update library from tags, then it fill in all tags for me on library the way they are suppose to be.

it's hard remembering all these steps. ohh and then sometimes i fix the missing image on work pc, and on htpc it doesnt auto fix the image after imports so i have to goto audio, images, video select all, rebuild thumbnail\quickfind in cover art location. It takes alot of time to make sure everything is synched. or at least the htpc is perfect looking. But it looks and works awesome when it is :)


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also i should mention you guys are right... when i delete or move files on work pc. and then do import on htpc those files are still there its creating duplicate and not removing them?


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I case you missed it I wanted to repeat I think you might be doing things the hard way. Trying to maintain seperate duplicate Libraries on several computers is wasted effort and is error prone. You should be able to share the library via the methods mentioned in my previous post. You won't have files "out of sync" if using one library.


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sorry i missed that... thats just not possible. its to slow due to the size of my library. ive tried this many times.  the only way for me to have it run fast and smooth is by importing both ways :(
unless you know of some tricks?


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With regards to tagging, and having to do it on both pc's and updating library from tags etc. this is all do to having 2 libraries.  So in that case there isn't much you can do but 1) share a library 2) run media server.  If you don't want to do either you are effectively stuck.  Lesser of 2 evils scenario.

I haven't done either but if you are running N wireless or wired I can't believe it would be that slow on a continuous basis.  But again I haven't done it.  I will be doing it this weekend actually so I'll let you know how that goes.

On the importing issue there are very few reported problems ever and eventually it comes to human error so let's look at this pragmatically and I may need a recap of your system.  So you have all your files on 1 computer and those drives are shared with another computer.  You import files on both systems and both systems fail to import different files correct? And the computer that hosts the files is failing to import files as well. 

Do you have issues with any other files other than video?  Have you unchecked ignore previously deleted (shouldn't be an issue but have to ask)?  The security policies on the shares are fine?  You have full permission for everybody on each driver / folder?  Finally is it possible that they are not assigned meaning some of these files were picked up as data?  You will see if this is the case if you look at the left hand side in standard view and you will see the usual, audio, video, images etc you will also see documents.  If you see documents click that and it will show all files that were imported as data.  This can happen and has happened several times for me.  You will have to change the tag info.  Hopefully this is it.

If none of these help then I may be out of answers.  It's very tough in a case like this to fully problem shoot.  For me it would helps if you had a short recap of the system setup, network shares, file types etc.

Again the other issue is a library issue that won't be resolved unless you do 1 of the 2 solutions provided earlier.



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for how much i type in this forum i'm honestly debating buying dragon naturally speaking pro! ok Here We Go...

Main PC ive had for 6-8 years. ive been with jriver for about 6. ive used the same library for 6 years with just updating\over writting it. the main pc specs...

Windows 7 Home Premium
AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+ AuthenticAMD 2048 KB 200 MHz 64 %
4 gig ram
C: Local Fixed Disk 69 GB 28 GB NTFS AC57E7A6
D: Local Fixed Disk 279 GB 52 GB NTFS 283BF07B
E: Local Fixed Disk 931 GB 5 GB NTFS 3C80F9E9
F: Local Fixed Disk 931 GB 242 GB NTFS 4A77CC0A
G: Local Fixed Disk 465 GB 68 GB NTFS F0BDEBB9
H: Local Fixed Disk 279 GB 203 GB NTFS 302D0D93
I: Local Fixed Disk 931 GB 13 GB NTFS 8C77ED18
J: Local Fixed Disk 931 GB 4 GB NTFS 26980A6B
K: Local Fixed Disk 931 GB 9 GB NTFS 1806437C
L: Local Fixed Disk 931 GB 462 GB NTFS 220ECAC5
M: Local Fixed Disk 931 GB 4 GB NTFS E2247D4B
N: Local Fixed Disk 931 GB 5 GB NTFS B861E058
O: Local Fixed Disk 931 GB 1 GB NTFS 185D99E3
Q: Local Fixed Disk 931 GB 0 GB NTFS FA95615D
R: Local Fixed Disk 931 GB 838 GB NTFS E4CC1B3A
S: Local Fixed Disk 931 GB 1 GB NTFS F47D1C81
T: Local Fixed Disk 931 GB 296 GB NTFS F6D47D06
Y: CD-ROM Disc - - - -
Z: CD-ROM Disc - - - -
(The reason there is no drive letter P is because that is my docking station backup drive letter name and thats not turned on at the moment)
the main Pc runs basically everything due to not having a server. so there are 4 other pc's in the house that are accesing the drives, and a large roland printer plotter, personal printer, periphials galore(cameras, cellphones 7 port usb hub, card readers, Dockign stations for hdd's, blue tooth headsets, webcams, wireless keyboard and mouse... i think thats it)

now as you can from the drives there is alot of info in jriver. i have a 1000\100 connection and from day one with jriver search for libraries si just slow. but when ive made 2 libraries(by adding network paths updating etc.. the searching loading of thumbs etc is instant. BELIEVE ME if i could just update one comp and the rest just connect. it would bea  godsend but the speed diffrences are huge. so i chose to the manual work. many here have commented on this as if not to believe me. and if you all wish and jriver allows for uploading video. i'd have no problem using camtasia and recording the speed diffrences to show you all the comparisons

the htpc. is 2 months old and only thing running on it is jriver stuff. i7 processor, 4Gig ram. and tera drive.
if you do run your tests i'd appreciate it. hopefully your libray is considerable? to make it a fair test. unless its just my main pc.. and there is to much info on the main pc? this i could believe due to how much stuff is accessing and all the thing it is doing.

So you have all your files on 1 computer and those drives are shared with another computer.  You import files on both systems and both systems fail to import different files correct? And the computer that hosts the files is failing to import files as well.  
yes... 2 things. main pc's library has been around for around 6 years being over written files deleted, renamed moved etc... HTPC I COPIED the main's library and when i installed jriver on HTPC i chose restore. whiich then loaded all files for the main pc and there locations. then i went to library and folders and went to network and put in the right hardrive locations and then did a auto import which then added the right location. (Why?  because i NEEDED all my playlists, smartlists and view schemes)  Last night after a few weeks of getting no where i decided to jump on htpc and CLEAR LIBRARY. which by doing so it removed all files, BUT ALSO removed all my smartlists and playlists and views. then i reentered the network locations, and auto imported. this morning i double checked the files in HTPC AND THEY ARE ALL THERE!(well 400,00 of them, it takes me about 2 days to do a full import with updating of thumbnails, but i know all the videos are there because its went through them and the total of videos is the same as a windows explorer search for avi, search for mpeg, search for vts) so the family guy season and others that were missing are there now! ok some progress! I'm not sure why? but they are... what confusses me is if i used main pc's library and that one had certain files then the HTPC should have same files. but that wasnt the case. which leads me to believe that my main library may be corrupt as well?

I'm not about to CLEAR LIBRARY on Main pc.  Because I'm Deathly afraid of loosing my smartlists\views\and playlists. and i have no idea on how to save them so that i can just copy and paste them into main file location.(If Thats Possible?)
So here i Sit Waiting and thinking and debating with myself for a solution... if i do this will this remove this, if i do that will that remove that? i'm not sure what the right steps are. short of starting completelly over on main pc as well.

this issue is not narrowed down to certain file type either. ive checked that. there were files missing from images\music and video.

all shares are setup for everyone. no errors or issues there.

both library imports on both machines are identical. all file types all locations the same. meaning are ticked

ive checked data and that doesnt seem to be an issue. and that has been confirmed this morning after CLEARING Library and reimporting.. all files seem to be there now.

as far as file types.. umm i've got every file type imaginable to man i'm assuming. we are really big into music, pics, vids and we do imprinting graphics work. so we have tons of file types.

in conclusion. im wondering if it's just a corrupt library? if you guys feel the same, i believe ya and am willing to do anything to get these setup right so that i can move forward onto other things(As Long as i can preserves my smartlists,playlists, and views). any suggestions on starting over? anyway for me to preserve my smartlists, playlists, and views for both machines?  i never give up early, and last night i spent (NO JOKE) 5 hours looking through jriver's program,, app data files trying to find where these smartlists\playlists,views would be at, i tried copying and pasting what i thought would be a smartlists\playlists,views. and then would reopen jriver and the smartlists\playlists\views did not change they were still at default. i also tried dragging and dropping playlists from main pc into htpc and all that did was say analysing files. but in my tree there was no new playlists or smartlists even after a reboot or restart of jriver.

thanks again for you time on this matter

where i stand now..

on htpc the library is till importing updating thumbnails on a CLEAN Library with default views,playlists and smartlists, all files that were missing are there now and it's looking good!

On Main machine i'm using the old 6yr library still with MY views,smartlists, and playlist. Due to the fact i dont want to loose my smartlists,playlists and views.

I will not Mess around anymore until i get a reply from one of you boys on the best route to take. so that i dont incur more damage.

thanks again for taking the time to read this and for your lengthy replies on this matter. It's much appreciated.

P.S the Caps are for Emphasizing . not yelling.



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Okay I want to stress I'm not a total expert but I've done my fair share over the past few years on jriver and seem to have a pretty good handle on it so keep that in mind.  I can't speak to the views and sorting because I too had a post relating to that and didn't get anywhere on it and suggested a global backup which received positive feedback from other users which tells me there isn't one.  At minimum to get back to where you are you can copy the existing folders (which it sounds like you  now where they are in app data etc) and save them somewhere and then you can always get back to where you are at now right?  Unless I'm missing something.

It sounds to me like a corrupt library and in fact when you broke down your workflow it doesn't surprise me at all there were issues off the bat.  In theory it should work but then again we're working with computers and different hardware setups so anything can happen.

I know you don't want to hear this but the easiest way to share views and playlists is to share the library between the 2 machines but I'm battling my own demons with this one so I'll leave that to you.

Again unless I'm missing something I would think if you copy all prudent folders and clear library you can always at least get back to where you are and for me I would do that, save them, then clear library, uninstall jriver (provided you have enough licenses left) including registry and do the whole thing all over again.  Easy for me to say because I don't have as many files but I had to do this recently.  I went through all my views both standard and theatre and also went into theatre view sorting optinos and took notes or screen shots as to my current set up.  Long process but worked.

Good luck and keep us posted.
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