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Author Topic: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here  (Read 9467 times)


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Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« on: February 13, 2010, 07:57:17 am »

This is a beta version of MC 14.  Please post bugs here.  Please start a new thread for anything requiring discussion.  Non-bug posts will be deleted or moved.

14.0.144 (02/12/2010)

1. NEW: Added support for Windows 7 taskbar buttons. Hover over MC on the taskbar to see playback control buttons on the application thumbnail.
2. Fixed: WASAPI exclusive pause could be unreliable after synchronizing multiple zones.
3. Changed: WASAPI option "Present 24-bit data in a 32-bit package" works more intelligently so less cards should need to change the option.
  (option off by default but will use 32-bit packages if 24-bit packages fail to open; only force 32-bit packages if your hardware is failing to play 24-bit content)
4. Fixed: did not persist its running state properly when running under UAC.
5. Changed: Revised how DLNA renderer exposes metadata so that it works even with no DLNA server running.
6. Changed: When controlling DLNA devices, a shorter timeout is used for control functions to better handle spotty / disconnected devices.
7. Optimized: When using TRemote or DLNA control zones, the volume gets queried from the server less often.
8. Changed: Image tooltips will show the same information whether the large preview is in the tooltip or not. (things like camera, focal length, etc.)
9. Changed: Image tooltips wouldn't nicely format volume names in the filename, so a CD drive would show the hex volume ID.

14.0.143 (02/11/2010)

1. Changed: MC will attempt to use a known good decoder if automatic graph-building fails for DVD playback.
2. Fixed: Possible resource leak when stopping video playback.
3. Fixed: Drop panes would not properly filter the items in the list based on a view's search criteria.
4. Fixed: When using an Aero Glass enabled skin, views that did not support transparency (like Start) did not work properly with tabs.
5. Fixed: DSP Studio 'Output Format' subwoofer controls would be incorrectly enabled when 'No mixing' was selected for 5.1 and 7.1 output.
6. NEW: Added 12, 16, 24, and 32 channel output modes to DSP Studio > Output Format. (requires hardware capable of these modes; only 'no mixing' available for surround mixing)
7. NEW: DSP Studio 'Output Format' accepts any number of input and output channels when using 'No mixing' surround mixing.  This makes it possible to play 12, 16, 24, 32, etc. channel WAV files with lesser hardware.
8. NEW: More Netflix metadata (synopsis, actors, director, etc.). [requires Options > Theater View > Customize file info panel... > Manage... > Reset All Templates To Default)
9. NEW: Added WASAPI option: Flush device buffers on startup (use if you hear a tick or miss part of the start).
10. Fixed: Possible race condition on fast multiple core machines that could cause WASAPI pause to be unreliable.

14.0.142 (02/10/2010)

1. Changed: MC will quietly deal with Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder's AC3 decoding issue by trying to substitute a known working decoder.
2. Fixed: Mouse capture was not working correctly in the player window, so grabbing the volume slider and moving the mouse out of the window wouldn't allow movement of the slider.
3. Changed: Clicking 'Configure...' in Zone Manager will show the audio, image, and video configuration pages (instead of just audio).
4. Fixed: During DLNA Server / Library Server conversion, temporary files could be left on disk until the program was restarted.
5. Fixed: Sorting specified in DLNA Server views using "Customize Views.." would not be honored.
6. Fixed: Scheduled television recording would not work if recording folder was specified in UNC.
7. Fixed: DLNA could advertise a bye-bye on shutdown for found devices (instead of just renderers / servers we were running).
8. Optimized: DLNA discovery broadcasts are handled more efficiently.
9. NEW: More DLNA metadata is supported like album artist, composer, track number, etc. (also includes Twonky extensions like rating, number plays, etc.)
10. Fixed: When syncing a portable device with library server files which needed conversion, the filenames on the device got truncated (e.g. ".mp3", "(2).mp3", etc.)
11. Changed: When calling SetAVTransportURI(...) on the DLNA renderer, it will start playing the new file right away if it was playing the old file.

14.0.141 (02/09/2010)

1. Changed: VST visualizers will receive data in smaller, smoother increments improving visualization quality. (requires low-latency playback like ASIO or WASAPI with the "Output mode settings..." buffering slider set to a small value)
2. Changed: Made Television options its own page in Options.
3. Changed: Reworked television options dialog to better fit in the Options dialog.
4. Changed: Moved image playback settings to its own Options page instead of using a popup.
5. Changed: Moved video playback settings to its own Options page, and reworked considerably.
6. Fixed: Configuring Options > File Types for a zone that wasn't active would not work properly.
7. Changed: Slight increase in vertical spacing of options dialog items.
8. Changed: During video playback, an option 'Color Controls...' is now available in the right-click menu which shows a popup with color controls.
9. Changed: The right-click video playback option 'Select Filters...' shows the same options dialog as 'Video playback settings...' since the newer options dialog supports all settings.

14.0.140 (02/05/2010)

1. Fixed: WASAPI playback could fail to resume from a paused state in some cases with build 139 only.
2. Fixed: DSP Studio for video could result in the wrong renderer being used if the decoder output a format the renderer didn't support (even though the DSP could have converted it).
3. Changed: When doing a manual 'Recheck Sync' on a device, errors with transfer rights will be displayed instead of silently handled.
4. Fixed: Netflix and Hulu playback were broken.

14.0.139 (02/04/2010)

1. NEW: In "Theater View/Connected" there is a Netflix entry which will display and play the instant viewing queue for Netflix subscribers. More to come... (if Netflix doesn't appear for you, you can add it in Options > Theater View > Items To Show)
2. Fixed: ASIO playback with cards that used huge hardware buffers could pause periodically.
3. Changed: ASIO playback option 'Use large hardware buffers' caps the buffer size at a reasonable amount for better support of cards like the Asus Xonar that support huge hardware buffer sizes.
4. Changed: When using ASIO output, hardware latency is accounted for so that visualization data is more perfectly synchronized.
5. Fixed: When an output has a large hardware latency, visualizations could show data not yet heard during the buffering stage.
6. Fixed: DSP Studio during video playback didn't nicely handle a format switch from 32-bit integer to 32-bit floating point.
7. Fixed: DLNA function responses could use the wrong namespace (only applies to build 138).
8. Fixed: DLNA was not working nicely with devices on the non-primary network interface in a configuration with multiple network interfaces.
9. Changed: Revised the DLNA broadcasting of alive notifications to every 5 minutes instead of every minute. (please report if PS3 seems sluggish to find servers)
10. Fixed: Wasapi support was not showing up on XP systems.
11. Fixed: Saving television EPG programs to database took too long in the last few builds.
12. Fixed: madVR video renderer was not used even though the user chose to use it.
13. Fixed: Television playback was not using the correct video renderer selected by the user.
14. Fixed: With some audio hardware, in rare cases WASAPI playback could become garbled.
15. Fixed: Transparency of skinned controls in the search wizard would not work properly.
16. Fixed: The button and background of a combobox were not always drawn in step with regards to mouse-over and mouse-down states.
17. Fixed: In rare cases the position slider could draw outside its bounds when seeking to the end of a track.
18. Fixed: Some wait messages like 'Analyzing devices...' could appear even if Media Center was minimized.
19. Changed: [DLNA] server provides a more explicit list of supported content, enabling Sony Blu-ray player support and possibly others.
20. Changed: The mouse wheel on some horizontal sliders could move the handle in the opposite direction expected.

14.0.138 (02/02/2010)

1. Changed: Improved device description of X_MS_MediaReceiverRegistrar DLNA service for better XBox360 compliance.
2. Changed: DLNA service function responses will always return information in the same order as specified by the service description, aiding compatibility with some controllers.
3. Changed: Revised internals of DLNA server content directory to aid with standards compliance.
4. Changed: Improved DLNA renderer eventing so that it events more variables, making it work better with controllers that depend on this.
5. Fixed: DSP Studio did not work if the audio format from the decoder was 32-bit integer PCM.
6. Changed: If initial graph-building failed to connect user selected audio renderer, the renderer is removed from the graph and reloaded before MC attempts to connect it with DSP Studio filter.
7. Changed: Streamlined graph-building for "AF9015 BDA Filter" television tuner.
8. Fixed: Resampling from very high sample rates to lower sample rates could cause the output to loop on itself.  (Affected Hrx content)


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2010, 11:21:56 am »

bravo to updates 1 and 4. can't wait to check it out.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2010, 04:01:32 pm »

With this build I can no longer connect to Library Server from any PC our local network. I am also running two DLNA servers in addition to the Library Server. Is anyone else able to connect to Library Server locally with a similar configuration?

BTW, I can connect just fine from another PC on the internet outside our local network.

jack wallstreet

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search wizard display issues
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2010, 07:08:43 pm »

In 144 and 140 (and maybe before - didn't check), the search wizard works fine, but doesn't seem to display properly.  I use TWO panes (views).  When I use the wizard, the search criteria is blank even when the selection occurs.  The X to clear also doesn't work.  I have to activate the 2nd pane and then reactivate the pane where the search was for the search to show up and then the X clears it.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2010, 01:09:03 pm »

14.0.144 (02/12/2010)

1. NEW: Added support for Windows 7 taskbar buttons. Hover over MC on the taskbar to see playback control buttons on the application thumbnail.
Thank you for this! Is this the final configuration of jump list support? I was hoping we could get coverart display with the controls.

Vincent Kars

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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2010, 01:56:03 pm »

3. Changed: WASAPI option "Present 24-bit data in a 32-bit package" works more intelligently so less cards should need to change the option.
  (option off by default but will use 32-bit packages if 24-bit packages fail to open; only force 32-bit packages if your hardware is failing to play 24-bit content)
Checked this using the SPDIF out from the iMac to Benchmark DAC1
Now I can leave the "24" unchecked


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 --Bug
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2010, 06:00:27 pm »

I am using Windows 7 Ultimate x64. I only use MC for 2 channel audio. I am currently using version 14.0.144

If I get Cover Art for an album, either by right clicking > Cover Art > Get From Internet or my actually saving the jpg file in the same folder as the music, the album art is not displayed. My current view is Standard with Skin Noire and Library View > Albums.

Currently I find this to be the case no matter which skin I use. The really weird thing about this bug is that when I first get the album art work (my right clicking as show above), the artwork thumbnail appears, but then 3 to 5 seconds later it disappears.

As a side not I currently save all my music as AIFF


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 --Bug
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2010, 07:31:27 pm »

I am using Windows 7 Ultimate x64. I only use MC for 2 channel audio. I am currently using version 14.0.144

If I get Cover Art for an album, either by right clicking > Cover Art > Get From Internet or my actually saving the jpg file in the same folder as the music, the album art is not displayed. My current view is Standard with Skin Noire and Library View > Albums.

Currently I find this to be the case no matter which skin I use. The really weird thing about this bug is that when I first get the album art work (my right clicking as show above), the artwork thumbnail appears, but then 3 to 5 seconds later it disappears.

As a side not I currently save all my music as AIFF

I save my files as wav and I was having the same problem with the cover art disappearing. The way I found to fix it was to goto cover art under file location in options and uncheck 'Also store image in the files tag'


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2010, 04:02:21 am »

Media Center is really starting to piss me off...! I was a huge fan for a long time...! Now I am continually being told there is a new version and I cannot start without downloading it, only to be told, like clockwork now 40 times if once... that the download has failed and the program continues without it.

Secondly: The support is infuriating, as much as some would say it's hip and new and interactive and smart and whatever else, I think it's none of the above, it's confusing and non responsive, this is the second time I write on this  forum, it seems the only option I have, and I am not confident of any advice or response at all.

The first time I made use of this "forum" I was wanting a response on the issue I have with playlists, again, every time there is a program update the playlists disappear, when the machine I use has a drive-letter issue, the playlists disappear. Playlist to me are the only real way of sorting my music as I cannot get to thoroughly and diligently ensuring that 55000 files are all correctly and completely named in order to preferentially play them in J River. Please help me find solutions to the above! I am a paid up user, surely I deserve at least to be heard!


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2010, 07:08:15 am »

1 and 4 are just awesome  ;D

Alex B

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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2010, 07:13:31 am »


1) You may want to disable the Check Updates option in
Tools > Options > Startup > Startup Actions > Check updates...

You could then only periodically check what new is available, read a few release threads and consider if you want to update.

If automatic downloading doesn't work correctly for you for some reason, you can always download a new installer file manually and start the update process by running the installer from a local hard drive.

2) The playlists consist of library files (= items in the database). If your drive letters are changing outside MC the Auto-import feature may remove the missing files from the library and then they will also be removed from the playlists.

You can disable the "cleaning" option in
Tools > Options > Library & Folders > Auto-import Folders > Options > Fix broken links...

Set it to "No" to always keep the files even if the file links are broken. If only one or more drive letters have accidentally changed the "Yes (protect network files)" setting may be enough to preserve the broken links.

However, when the broken links are preserved the missing files will not play unless the links are fixed by using library tools inside MC or the media files are returned to their old location.

It would be better to make sure that the files don't "move" outside MC. For instance, when an external hard drive is used it normally always gets the same drive letter when it is reconnected. If that is not happening it might be possible to fix the issue.

3) In general, I'd recommend creating a new library backup file after each big change or addition that you make to your library (for instance, after you have created some very nice huge playlists).

When you have a recent backup file in a safe place you can always restore it and revert the changes in case something unexpected happens to your library.

MC creates automatic backup files periodically, but naturally your latest changes may not be included in those.

File > Library > Back Up Library...

EDIT   :(

Media Center is really starting to piss me off...! I was a huge fan for a long time...! ...

... Secondly: The support is infuriating, as much as some would say it's hip and new and interactive and smart and whatever else, I think it's none of the above, it's confusing and non responsive, this is the second time I write on this  forum, it seems the only option I have, and I am not confident of any advice or response at all. ...

... The first time I made use of this "forum" I was wanting a response on the issue I have with playlists ...

... Please help me find solutions to the above! I am a paid up user, surely I deserve at least to be heard!

I just checked your earlier post and realized that I wrote a comprehensive reply, but you didn't continue the discussion.
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:

Alex B

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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 --Bug
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2010, 10:20:47 am »

I am using Windows 7 Ultimate x64. I only use MC for 2 channel audio. I am currently using version 14.0.144

If I get Cover Art for an album, either by right clicking > Cover Art > Get From Internet or my actually saving the jpg file in the same folder as the music, the album art is not displayed. My current view is Standard with Skin Noire and Library View > Albums.

Currently I find this to be the case no matter which skin I use. The really weird thing about this bug is that when I first get the album art work (my right clicking as show above), the artwork thumbnail appears, but then 3 to 5 seconds later it disappears.

As a side not I currently save all my music as AIFF

I save my files as wav and I was having the same problem with the cover art disappearing. The way I found to fix it was to goto cover art under file location in options and uncheck 'Also store image in the files tag'

I did some tests and seems like you both are correct.

You may not be aware of this, but a couple of months ago Wave and AIFF tagging support was added. MC can now optionally add ID3 tags to .wav and .aif files. However, this feature is disabled by default because some users may want to keep the Wave and AIFF file types fully untouched and also because many other programs/devices don't support the feature. The feature can be enabled in Plug-In Manager (Input > Wave & AIFF Plugin > Configure > Write tags...).

Apparently MC now incorrectly thinks that it can embed cover art even when the "Write tags..." option is disabled. This is a slight mishap, but the problem should be fixed because users may want to embed cover art to other file types even when Wave & AIFF tagging is disabled and these file types can use only use external cover art.

If a new user imports Wave or AIFF files and adds cover art it should simply work without changing any cryptic settings. I.e. by default MC should create a link to the cover art file as it always did before the new tagging feature.
The Cosmic Bird - a triple merger of galaxies:

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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2010, 06:00:13 pm »

I just checked your earlier post and realized that I wrote a comprehensive reply, but you didn't continue the discussion.

So he now has received $99.90-worth of your advice—and probably still doesn't appreciate it. But the rest of us do. Even it I think I know how the program works, I read your posts—just to make sure. ;)


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2010, 07:54:38 pm »

I experience a weird persistent problem using this build:

When playing web media in live mode, the player freezes in 'Play' mode when the end of the video is reached or the stop button is hit, allowing no further files to be played until MC is restarted.

I tried a complete reinstall, but the problem did not resolve until I downgraded to 14.0.140.

My specs are:
ACER Laptop
MS Vista Home Premium x86 SP2
Core 2 Duo (T5300 @ 2x 1.73 GHz)


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #14 on: February 15, 2010, 08:20:22 pm »

After I upgraded to 14.0.144 AC3Filter changed its behaviour a little. I have two zones. One where I output sound digitally through the HDMI interface of my ATI video card, and for the other zone analog sound through the onboard sound card. In AC3Filter (v1.63b) "Use S/PDIF" is ticked. Before, the sound would output correctly for both zones, and if I brought up the AC3Filter settings while playing a file, it would say (disabled) next to Use S/PDIF.

Now, after upgrading, playing a file in the analog zone just gives a bright noise in the speakers, and I have to manually go into the AC3Filter settings and deselect Use S/PDIF. Any idea why that is? Does it have something to do with the options dialogs being changed? Before I upgraded I had 141 briefly, and before that 131. I can't recall if the changed behaviour occured in 141 or only this last version but I think 141 also worked okay.

Hope you can look into it. I'm using Windows 7 32-bit and have an Asus P5W DH Deluxe motherboard with onboard Realtek sound.

My system:
ASUS  P8Z68 V-PRO/GEN3, 8GB RAM, Core i5-2500K
EVGA Nvidia GTX 970 SSC, 4GB RAM
Antec P180 case w/Seasonic X460 fanless PSU, water cooled by Zalman Reserator 1+ w/extra DDC pump
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
Sony VPL-HW30ES 3D projector
Yamaha RX-V3900 receiver and custom built 2Ch power amp for front/stereo speakers
Klipsch Reference/SVS 7.1 speaker system
Always running the latest available version of MC


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2010, 02:35:40 am »

Handheld conversion is set to "Convert unsupported" and supported formats ist set to "*.mp3" but that doesn't stop MC to convert files already being mp3 ...

solved - it must be "mp3" only - but you have to admit - thats not natural ....



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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2010, 02:55:51 am »

Handheld stack function: When MC thinks it has a stack, but there is none (I deleted it manually), MC tries to convert the file but "forgets" to put them on the stack location.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #17 on: February 16, 2010, 03:24:29 am »

Failure using library fields with handheld synchronization:

I'am using two user library fields:
@Artist=If(IsEmpty([Album Artist]),[Artist],[Album Artist])
@Album=If(IsEqual([@Artist],[Album Artist (auto)],1),[@Artist],[Album])

The result of this is randomly when using handheld sync, when looking at the tags it seems ok. Having a closer look it seems that in the second expression (from @Album) the [Album Artist (auto)] sometimes contains an artist and sometimes correctly contains the (Multiple Artists) value.

When the output folder of the handheld is set to d:/[@Artist]/[@Album] the result should look like:
Dreamtime/Dreamtime/01 - Kushti - Realidad.mp3
Dreamtime/Dreamtime/02 - Bud - Pyramid.mp3

... and so on

when in fact the output (random like) sometimes results in:
Kushti/Dreamtime/01 - Kushti - Realidad.mp3
Bud/Dreamtime/02 - Bud - Pyramid.mp3

... and so on

The [Album Artist] tag is empty in the above example.



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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2010, 04:03:09 am »

I've created a much simpler example:

@MyPath=If(IsEqual([Album Artist (auto)],/(Multiple Artists/),1),[Album],[Artist]//[Album])

it starts normally with:

Dreamtime (CD1)/01 - Drug Free America - Baby Doll.mp3
Dreamtime (CD1)/02 - Kushti - Realidad.mp3

... and so on ...

after the fourth CD it continuous with:

Grace Jones_Hotel Costes 1/13 - Grace Jones - Libertango.mp3
Flying Pop's_Hotel Costes 1/16 - Flying Pop's - Love The DJ.mp3

... and so on ...

From the above example you see that the evalution of IsEqual([Album Artist (auto)],/(Multiple Artists/),1) is not longer true ...

Then I look at a specific file e.g. 16 - Flying Pop's - Love The DJ.mp3 which has as Album Artist (auto) the Flying Pop's? - you have to stay in the handheld details view.
Then go the file in the Library (Audio) and select the same file - it correctly shows (Multiple Artists) in the Album Artist (auto) field!

The conclusion for me: (Multiple Artists) gets messed up when doing handheld sync.


PS: Thats what I meant by "do polishing" and "no new features" ... It's really annoying if such basic things are not working!


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2010, 01:45:56 pm »

The "Advanced->Set rules for file display" bug still exists ... just to remind you what it is about:

Add a new library view, then select "Set rules for file display". For the modify results perform sorting for e.g. date imported. Click ok and exit the dialog - the settings are lost!
You have to add a second modifier in order not to loose your settings!



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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #20 on: February 16, 2010, 01:55:24 pm »

The "Advanced->Set rules for file display" bug still exists ... just to remind you what it is about:

Add a new library view, then select "Set rules for file display". For the modify results perform sorting for e.g. date imported. Click ok and exit the dialog - the settings are lost!
You have to add a second modifier in order not to loose your settings!


You must set sorting on the main "Sorting" section of the main Customize View dialog.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #21 on: February 16, 2010, 02:25:55 pm »

You must set sorting on the main "Sorting" section of the main Customize View dialog.

There is the "Sort By" field, when I do custom sorting and add two sorting fields - that way it works ... but then go to Advanced sorting, add another (third) sorting field - click ok - its lost.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #22 on: February 16, 2010, 02:30:20 pm »

I tried another expression:

MyPath=If(IsEqual([Mix Album],1,2),If(IsEmpty([Album Artist]),[Album],[@Artist]\[Album]),[@Artist]\[Album])

(=When it's a sampler (mixed album) then the path shall be the album name only, when it's from a single artist the path shall be artist/album)

produces the same wrong results ... when using it during handheld sync the [Mix Album] field is messed up. Checking it in the Tag display its still ok.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #23 on: February 17, 2010, 05:16:27 am »

This build crashes for me a few times a couple of days. Last time it happened was during tagging. I will try to generate some logs, but hard to catch.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #24 on: February 17, 2010, 05:19:22 am »

using the search window with the wizard and then clear search (with the x) does not actually clear or reset it


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #25 on: February 17, 2010, 06:19:37 am »

using the search window with the wizard and then clear search (with the x) does not actually clear or reset it

Same for me!


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #26 on: February 17, 2010, 12:12:53 pm »

When a file's audio analysis yields a Replay Gain value of -0.00,
MC reverts that value back to a blank space in the tags, which continues to show the file as needing to be analyzed.
. . . the game is rigged


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #27 on: February 18, 2010, 05:16:54 am »

Every time I switch to a fairly large library (ca. 80000 files) from the default library, it crashes... I need to close it in task manager and then it opens with it, but it switches back to the default with no problems.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #28 on: February 18, 2010, 06:43:38 am »

Every time I switch to a fairly large library (ca. 80000 files) from the default library, it crashes... I need to close it in task manager and then it opens with it, but it switches back to the default with no problems.
Is the library on a local drive or a network drive?


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #29 on: February 18, 2010, 10:45:38 am »

Is the library on a local drive or a network drive?

Both are on a local drive


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #30 on: February 18, 2010, 10:57:52 am »

Try importing a filetype at a time.  There may be a corrupt file.  A recent change fixed a similar problem for a corrupt jpg.

It could also be a bad DirectShow filter.


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #31 on: February 18, 2010, 12:50:16 pm »

144 Crashes with me also every now and then. Even if I'm just playing mp3's (in this case a playlist I use very often).
Mark Coutinho
Dutch Top 40 collector of lyrics, sleeves and bios


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Re: Media Center 14.0.144 -- Available Here
« Reply #32 on: February 18, 2010, 12:52:52 pm »

144 Crashes with me also every now and then. Even if I'm just playing mp3's (in this case a playlist I use very often).
Any third party plug-ins?  Visualizations?

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