one thing you could do:
in your mc installation you fin a folder called default resources, in this folder you find a file called FileAssociations.
now start with making a new folder beside the default recource folder called 'Custom Resources'

and copy the FileAssociations file into that folder. this is important because the custom resource folder is not overwritten with a new instal, and mc first looks if the custom recource folder excists.
now open the fileassociation file with notepad. at the top you find something that starts with <data> you find office docs there and you can add file types. or even categories.
after saving the changes, close mc for the types to show in the options, go to the options to make shure they are there and enabled.
now i have a question: i added a datatype called biab files. one thing i could not find is how to use a wildcard. biab files use mg1, mg2, mgu etc, so i tried mg* and mg?, both did not work.
